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Fantasy King's Orders

XxLuluxX said:

Brynjolf Carter

"Why thankyou indeed. Charming is a compliment" He grinned, closing the door behind them both after they'd entered the tavern. "Living up in the northern passes, grants you an affinity against the cold. You get used to it. Become resilient. I personally never got ill much, neither did many of my family or village. I would say its... Amazing. Homely. The air is bitter and clear. The cold wakes you up like a ton of bricks. The most alive you'll feel. Whilst here in the south, its a slow day. Sleepy. But the north? Its vibrant, awake. Nothing like it is down here. Perhaps someday you will go yourself, and see what Im talking about."

"Really, huh?" Helena commented, "I wouldn't imagine it to be, I don't really like the cold... Though, maybe that's because I'm used to the hot sweltering summers, and the feeling of being able to wear light and loose clothing without the need of protection from the elements." She shrugged simply, before walking over to the bar, occasionally glancing over at Brynjolf expectantly with every step, knowing he would be the one to pay for the drinks, because Helena couldn't because she didn't have any cash which she could have gotten by pick-pocketing at the market. Strange how things worked out, such different ways things could happen to get the same result; Helena being able to drink.
Callum grinned as waved his hand as if putting the thought or problem of wolves and bandits aside. "My magic has to do with fighting and hers is with animals. We'd be able to handle it easy."

ClickyVikki said:
Callum grinned as waved his hand as if putting the thought or problem of wolves and bandits aside. "My magic has to do with fighting and hers is with animals. We'd be able to handle it easy."
''cool. i guess i dont have to do too much work''

(sorry bout the late asf reply
xD you spelled my name wrong and my alerts didnt notify me of this. its better to quote by just hitting that 'reply' button thats next to the 'roll dice')
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HimeragiSeiker said:
''cool. i guess i dont have to do too much work''
(sorry bout the late asf reply
xD you spelled my name wrong and my alerts didnt notify me of this. its better to quote by just hitting that 'reply' button thats next to the 'roll dice')
(Oops xD )

Callum nodded in agreement. "Only kind of problem we would ever have is the Royal Guard, I mean they're probably all looking everywhere for us right now- especially me since I escaped."
ClickyVikki said:
(Oops xD )
Callum nodded in agreement. "Only kind of problem we would ever have is the Royal Guard, I mean they're probably all looking everywhere for us right now- especially me since I escaped."
''well...dont worry about them. i honestly...will just lull them asleep but you have nothing to worry about''

...⊹She said as she went into her room and got out 2 cloaks⊹...

''though i think its best if you wear these. it will at least hide ya''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''well...dont worry about them. i honestly...will just lull them asleep but you have nothing to worry about''
...⊹She said as she went into her room and got out 2 cloaks⊹...

''though i think its best if you wear these. it will at least hide ya''
Callie giggled as she pointed at the giant heavy gray hooded cloak she was wearing. "I already got one." Callum took one of the cloaks and admired how well his little sister had taken care of herself when he couldn't.
ClickyVikki said:
Callie giggled as she pointed at the giant heavy gray hooded cloak she was wearing. "I already got one." Callum took one of the cloaks and admired how well his little sister had taken care of herself when he couldn't.
''cool. i guess i could sell this cloak. get more money..''

...⊹She said before tossing the cloak into the pile of boxes⊹...

''thats all just pretty much i sell. medicine, clothing...pretty much it''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''cool. i guess i could sell this cloak. get more money..''
...⊹She said before tossing the cloak into the pile of boxes⊹...

''thats all just pretty much i sell. medicine, clothing...pretty much it''
Callum felt inside his pocket and smiled as he brought out a large bag full of gold. He tossed it to the girl. "Here, have it. I'm pretty sure it'll help quite a bit with whatever money problems you might be having."
ClickyVikki said:
Callum felt inside his pocket and smiled as he brought out a large bag full of gold. He tossed it to the girl. "Here, have it. I'm pretty sure it'll help quite a bit with whatever money problems you might be having."
...⊹Himeragi soon caught the bag in surprise before shaking her head and holding it up to Callum with a smile⊹...

''n-no its fine...i dont really have any money problems at all really''
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HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹Himeragi soon caught the bag in surprise before shaking her head and holding it up to Callum with a smile⊹...
''n-no its fine...i dont really have any money problems at all really''
Callum smiled again. "Keep it. We're set, I mean, we are royalty." He patted his little sister's shoulders.
ClickyVikki said:
Callum smiled again. "Keep it. We're set, I mean, we are royalty." He patted his little sister's shoulders.
''well even so...you guys did just escape your own castle...and royalty is only a privilege......i was once royalty too. though i was cast out because of the fact i fought back against bandits using...my powers, which killed them. i went from being in Royalty to being a criminal. thats why i dont live in kingdoms anymore, its easy to find a girl with different eye colors...''

...⊹She soon sighed before pushing the money bag against Callum's chest⊹...

''keep it. you may think your royalty, but it will soon run out. so just in case, keep the money''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''well even so...you guys did just escape your own castle...and royalty is only a privilege......i was once royalty too. though i was cast out because of the fact i fought back against bandits using...my powers, which killed them. i went from being in Royalty to being a criminal. thats why i dont live in kingdoms anymore, its easy to find a girl with different eye colors...''
...⊹She soon sighed before pushing the money bag against Callum's chest⊹...

''keep it. you may think your royalty, but it will soon run out. so just in case, keep the money''
Callum looked at her. "I think you misunderstood what I said. What I meant is just before I grabbed Callie and ran I also grabbed quite a nice load of gold. I wasn't talking about the privilege. I know we're both forsaken as soon as Father found out about our powers. Thanks but no thanks." He took the bag and open up his biggest pocket, revealing at least ten big bags of gold that most likely held well over a worth of $1000. "Trust me, you can have it."
ClickyVikki said:
Callum looked at her. "I think you misunderstood what I said. What I meant is just before I grabbed Callie and ran I also grabbed quite a nice load of gold. I wasn't talking about the privilege. I know we're both forsaken as soon as Father found out about our powers. Thanks but no thanks." He took the bag and open up his biggest pocket, revealing at least ten big bags of gold that most likely held well over a worth of $1000. "Trust me, you can have it."
...⊹She soon just took the bag and put it in her...well cleavage⊹...

''alright...and the only reason i put it there is cuz the fact i dont have pockets right now...so dont mind it. so...huh......what to do now..''

...⊹She said as she looked at the boxes she was gonna sell thinking she had to do...something⊹...
HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹She soon just took the bag and put it in her...well cleavage⊹...
''alright...and the only reason i put it there is cuz the fact i dont have pockets right now...so dont mind it. so...huh......what to do now..''

...⊹She said as she looked at the boxes she was gonna sell thinking she had to do...something⊹...
HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹She soon just took the bag and put it in her...well cleavage⊹...
''alright...and the only reason i put it there is cuz the fact i dont have pockets right now...so dont mind it. so...huh......what to do now..''

...⊹She said as she looked at the boxes she was gonna sell thinking she had to do...something⊹...
Callum yawned and stretched, Callie yawning shortly after as well. "I don't know about you, but I'm tired. Anywhere specific you'd have us sleep?" Callum asked the girl.
AndroidEighteen said:
Callum yawned and stretched, Callie yawning shortly after as well. "I don't know about you, but I'm tired. Anywhere specific you'd have us sleep?" Callum asked the girl.
''oh...well....um i only have one bed...we can all probably just share the bed. sound go to you?''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''oh...well....um i only have one bed...we can all probably just share the bed. sound go to you?''
Callum waved the idea aside. "I can just sleep on the floor, otherwise it'll be a bit too crowded. Give me a blanket and I'll be fine." He smiled slightly. He'd always preferred sleeping on the floor, even though it got him in a bit of trouble with his parents whenever they'd caught him doing that. They always told him that it wasn't proper for a future king.
AndroidEighteen said:
Callum waved the idea aside. "I can just sleep on the floor, otherwise it'll be a bit too crowded. Give me a blanket and I'll be fine." He smiled slightly. He'd always preferred sleeping on the floor, even though it got him in a bit of trouble with his parents whenever they'd caught him doing that. They always told him that it wasn't proper for a future king.
''you...sure? the bed is a...pretty big for the 3 of us......and that the floor isnt very clean..''

...?Himeragi said as she opened the door to the bed room and the floor had leaves and branches and some vines coming out through the flooring?...

''well...yeah. the floor is really dirty actually. just sleep on the bed. cuz im forcing you to''

HimeragiSeiker said:
''you...sure? the bed is a...pretty big for the 3 of us......and that the floor isnt very clean..''
...?Himeragi said as she opened the door to the bed room and the floor had leaves and branches and some vines coming out through the flooring?...

''well...yeah. the floor is really dirty actually. just sleep on the bed. cuz im forcing you to''

Callum saw the plant life on the floor. "I can make them turn into a nice little bed...yeah, I'll take the floor." He muttered, smiling all the wider.
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AndroidEighteen said:
Callum saw the plant life on the floor. "I can make them turn into a nice little bed...yeah, I'll take the floor." He muttered, smiling all the wider.
''sleep in the bed or im kicking your butt''

...⊹Himeragi said in a nice way but really she was about to kick his butt⊹...

HimeragiSeiker said:
''sleep in the bed or im kicking your butt''
...⊹Himeragi said in a nice way but really she was about to kick his butt⊹...
Callum smile faded a bit. "Fine fine." He flopped onto the bed and stuck close to the edge, secretly hoping that he'd fall onto the floor at some point in time. Callie climbed onto the bed and stuck close to him, both of the siblings falling asleep almost instantly.
AndroidEighteen said:
Callum smile faded a bit. "Fine fine." He flopped onto the bed and stuck close to the edge, secretly hoping that he'd fall onto the floor at some point in time. Callie climbed onto the bed and stuck close to him, both of the siblings falling asleep almost instantly.
...⊹Himeragi soon giggled a bit before she made Callum float using spiritual energy and putting him more inside. Just close to the middle before the blanket tucked itself under Callum. Himeragi soon joined them, Callie being between them and and her body facing inward. She soon smiled remembering what it was like to sleep with someone. In her past, she used to sleep with the princess since they were very close friends⊹...

(time skip?)
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HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹Himeragi soon giggled a bit before she made Callum float using spiritual energy and putting him more inside. Just close to the middle before the blanket tucked itself under Callum. Himeragi soon joined them, Callie being between them and and her body facing inward. She soon smiled remembering what it was like to sleep with someone. In her past, she used to sleep with the princess since they were very close friends⊹...
(time skip?)
Daylight streamed through the windows and birds began chirping. Callum woke up and smiled at the sight of the other two still sleeping. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, waking himself up by getting out of the bed. He made a few swift motions with his hands and water appeared out of nowhere, splashing his face to further awaken him. He rubbed his face dry and then went just outside of the cottage, relaxing in the sunlight.

(Yep, time skip)
AndroidEighteen said:
Daylight streamed through the windows and birds began chirping. Callum woke up and smiled at the sight of the other two still sleeping. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, waking himself up by getting out of the bed. He made a few swift motions with his hands and water appeared out of nowhere, splashing his face to further awaken him. He rubbed his face dry and then went just outside of the cottage, relaxing in the sunlight.
(Yep, time skip)
...⊹Himeragi was still sleeping but with her arm draped over Callie⊹...
HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹Himeragi was still sleeping but with her arm draped over Callie⊹...
Callum's relaxation ended when he heard what sounded like at least four people trying to silently sneak up on the cottage. He frowned and took deep breaths, figuring what he could do since he assumed the people were guards. He glanced back at the cottage, where he knew the girl and his little sister were sleeping, unknowing of the approaching people. Callum ducked out of sight as the four figures came into sight, definitely guards. He twisted his hands in a way that made them look like they were dancing and vines shot up from the ground at the guards' feet, grabbing hold on their ankles.

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