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Fantasy Kingdom War

after 10 hours have passed he slowly opened his eye seeing that he was in a different place he started to try to get up off the bed that he was on but he could not because of the pain"dang it is place smells familiar."
"ow ow not so rough"Kawazoe look at Caroline and wondered why she was hugging him he had no memories of what happened when he changed"why are you doing this to me"
"wouldn't you be happy if I died since I did capture you"Kawazoe forced himself out of bed he stood there warbling a bit before he got his balance
Merek left his room once again for the day, something leading him to the infirmary. The night before, he'd had a dream that someone important was there. He found it quickly and walked in to find Carolyne hugging a badly injured patient. "Miss! You mustn't hug so strongly!" He called out as he walked in closer. The man smelled of magic, not as strong as his own but potent. He also smelled like a shifter. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Why has no one been in to assist you yet?" Merek moved around the room and gathered supplies, taking another wiff at the wolf-man. "You smell of Vincent's poison. Hold on a minute." Vincent had taught him how to prepare an antidote to negate his poisoned blood and he did it quickly before shoving the bowl into the man's hands. "Here, drink." He said.

@Blood dog
helping him "no, I don't care that you captured me, I care that your safe my brother would have killed you of I didn't threaten to kill myself. now you need to rest" I said trying to help him

Kawazoe put the bow down on the table who did not trust anyone in this room or in this kingdom he just wanted to go back home and be alone like was before this"I'm sorry but I need to go."he started to slowly walk out the infirmary
"its not good to be walking around your not totally healed. please I have been trying to help you." I said walking over and I put his arm around my shoulder "here let me help you."
"I do not need your help now leave me be I want to be alone"he sinks into the ground not allowing her to pass and then comes up into the hallway not far away
Merek frowned and watched the man and Carolyne as she tried to get him to stay. "I agree with the Miss. Nothing else can counteract the poison in your system. You should drink is this and get some sleep." He turned to the princess. "You'll watch him, right?" He asked her. Merek used his power to slow the man down before he stepped in front of him and placed a hand over his heart, pushing him back gently. He didn't not have the ability to compel people like Vincent but his normal tone was soothing enough to calm people down. "Please, sir. You'll die without it, even if you do have natural healing abilities." He insisted

@Blood dog @ashlyn heckman
"he wont let me I tried I give up I try to be nice I sat by the bed for hours I don't know what else to do I." I said going upstairs to my room
Kawazoe starting to get another headache when the kid started talking again"sorry but no I don't want to be in this Dang Kingdom ever again."when he shouted that he made the earth shake
Merek only flinched slightly, caught off guard by the amount of power the man before him had but not enough to get him to leave. "I'll have to insist, sir. I'm not of this kingdom so perhaps we can be friends. If you drink the elixir. It would be a shame to have a dead friend who died of their own stupidity." As Merek spoke, his smile stayed in place but with every word, it turned slightly darker. He was unaware of this change but Kawazoe wasn't. "Please." He asked sweetly

@Blood dog
"No is no we won't be friends or anything else now leave me be."Kawazoe he push the kid off to the side and walked again walked"you don't want to be my friend in which way and who cares if I die."
I went to the step " I care but you don't want me care so I guess I wont. just to let you know while you were having a headache and were changing to your werewolf thing I was always there and I always will be."

@Blood dog
Merek surprised himself by saying, "I do as well. It may seem strange as I do not exactly know who you are nor your name but I believe it is a stupid decision to allow yourself to die so selfishly. Has life been that horrible for you? What about others? I never knew my actual parents and then my adoptive ones died violently when I was only ten years of age. Some told me it was all my fault. I killed both sets of parents by merely existing. Did it make me believe that I no longer had the right to live? No, it didn't. So don't be selfish and allow your own death when you can stop it. Don't allow yourself to be alone when people obviously genuinely care about you." Merek held out the bowl once again, praying to the gods he would take it.

@Blood dog
"lies all lies you just want to hurt me at the end that's what everybody wants to do is hurt me so..."he ignored them and continue to walk on
"fine leave. I am sick of trying to be nice to people when they don't like me they don't believe me and so on im talking to you as well merek!" I ran to my room and slammed the door I got into my riding outfit and snuck out.
Merek ignored the girl as she left. He was getting frustrated. It was a rare thing and usually only Lucena was capable of agitating him to this level. It was time to try a new tactic. "Fine, it was all a lie. I don't actually like you. I don't even know you so why would I help you? Rather, your face annoys me. A lot. So I made more poison instead. I wanted to kill you. It seems you're quite keen on dying so why don't you drink it. Do you want it quick and painless or slow and torturous? I can do either for you, you're choice. Or do you enjoy a struggle? We can spar but I'd probably win too easily. You're weak, aren't you?" Merek watched as Kawazoe grew visibly more and more agitated. His plan seemed to be working. Rage was an easy emotion to work with surprisingly. It allowed for others to be much more easily controlled.

@Blood dog
Kawazoe walked out of the infirmary and then push that part of the building into the ground and then close the hole that it made"Number 1 don't make me mad."he continued to walk home

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