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Fantasy Kingdom War

I saw kawazoe running away "hey wait" I went to my brother and kissed him on the cheek "ill be back brother" I ran into the woods after kawazoe
Kawazoe kept on running away his home started sinking into the ground his eyes were pure red and that's all he saw as he killed everything in sight animal and people the earth even started to shake.
Lucena let out a sigh before taking off after Kawazoe as well. The closer she got to him, the more the earth began to shake. Finally, she reached him but she didn't dare touch him. Occasionally, Merek had gone through an emotion tantrum, something scaring him immensely to the point that his powers flew out of control. Only Lucena had managed to talk him down and now, she used the same tactics on the wolf in front of her. "Calm the Hell down and stop being such a damn child! Do you really wanna hurt someone right now? If so, come at me! Stop being so damn negligent of your own abilities. Reign them in now or I'll kick your ass!" She was never the polite girl everyone saw her as when someone was being stupid. Lucena took a step forward and slapped Kawazoe.

@Blood dog
still running I grabbed his arm "stop listen to me this is not you. you are a kind guy. please listen to me calm down." I said i turn him around and look at him in the eyes they were bright red I was a little scared but I knew I wasn't going to leave him.

@Blood dog
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he was not in control no more fight to get back into it as he hit both girls away with his arm the only time he know lose control was in a full moon he tried to speak but it sounded dark and murderous"g.....g......get a way now I.....I.....I......I can....n...not control my.......self"
Lucena held the girl back. "It's best not to touch him right now. You may think you're helping him but it'll only cause him more pain." She took a step back herself, following Kawazoe's plea but not leaving entirely. "I don't care how hard it is. Fight it, Wolf. Fight it." She said

@Blood dog @ashlyn heckman
Kawazoe was starting to turn black but slowly since he was trying to fight it who did not know how long he could fight it"please just go"
"you think im making it worse. trust me I know how to do this I've lived with my brother. my brother cant control me I've learned to not follow it."

"im not leaving im here right beside you listen to me and just calm down. I know your in there" I said with a calm voice kneeling down

I looked over to lucena "go to my brother please follow him to the castle go see your brother. don't let anyone out of your sight keep them together."
" PLEASE GO NOW YOU MIGHT NOT EVER SEE YOUR BROTHER AGAIN GO" I pushed her gently to the way were my brother was "GO NOW"
the ground round Kawazoe start to crack crevices and ravines were made lava coming out of them the crack made it impossible for anybody to leave his fur turn completely black and seemed to got bigger and then he started laughing evil laugh and when he spoke whose voice was twisted and changed to pure darkness"new girl should have listened to him"
"like I would cause i know hes still in there and im stubborn so yea" I went over to him and whispered in his ear "you are him and there is always a good side in someone" and then I kissed him on the cheek "you will never get rid of me that easy
"Oh fuck." Lucena cursed. It was a rare thing but this moment deserved it. Right now, she really wished she had her broadsword. Or wolfsbane. Lucena took a look around her and noticed that one of the flowers that had been relatively undisturbed really was wolfsbane. She turned to Carolyne. "Keep him busy, I have a plan." She said. The plant was immensely poisonous to humans but to wolves and werewolves, had an effect almost like catnip. Thanking herself for wearing gloves, she ground up the plant and blew it into Kawazoe's face, waiting to see the effect

@Blood dog
Kawazoe snapped at her missing her head and then pushed her down into one of the ravine"now that was just too easy and now let's kill the other one"he felt like powder hit his face and he started to slowly transformed back into human form"I guess I have a time limit now to kill you in"he started to run towards her for attack
Lucena dodged, years of experience on her side. Despite that, the tips of the wolf's claws dug into her side, gripping her tightly. "Dammit!" The words being grounded out of her mouth

@Blood dog
Vincent was there in a flash. He pulled out his blade.


And stabbed it threw himself. Covering it in his poisonous blood. He moved quickly slashing the blade straight up Kawazoe's Chest. He watched the blood spray as his own poison blood entered the werewolves bloodstream poisoning it. He moved back quickly and held his blade upwards in a defensive postion.

(@Blood dog )
Kawazoe finally went into human form and fell down one of the ravine he was unconscious as he fell
((Naruto fan?))

Lucena ignored the pain in her side and crawled over to the fallen Wolf. "Dammit, Vincent! This could kill him!" She shouted but didn't wait for a response. Lucena placed Kawazoe's head onto her lap and stroked his hair. "Come on, wake up." She urged him

@Marvelous Chester
((Not the biggest but I couldn't find a good picture of the blade I wanted.))

Vicent picked up the man. "Let's get going home." He carried the man back to his palace and gave him to the medical team once they got there. After that he looked to the girl. "I guess it is time for you to see you're brother follow me."

"kawazone, wake up please" I was crying shaking him I ripped a piece of my dress to cover the cut. "vice you should have went to the castle. I can take care of myself." I said sitting beside kawazone
Kawazoe only coughed up blood when he heard her you could not move or talk he felt paralyzed lying there on the bed
((I see. It's a pretty awesome sword though))

Lucena nodded, placing a kiss on her fingertips and pressing it to Kawazoe's forehead before leaving to follow Vincent.

Merek sat in his room, too bored of reading and not bored enough to explore the palace. It didn't matter how long he'd been here. It still felt wrong to do things without Vincent's permission.

@Marvelous Chester

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