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Fantasy Kingdom War

"I think they're trying to pick out the right dress"Kawazoe laughs and charges into the battlefield transforming into his werewolf form
Ash used his wings and made a big gust of wind and stopped the arrows where they were as they hit the ground "Seriously, is that it, such a waist of time." Ash looked at the amount of people injured by the arrows, humorous really, but they were on his side, or was he really on their side.
Phoenix yelled and ran in battle before anyone else on her Ground dragon, an invisible arrow shot the dragon and she stopped running, flying Phoenix onto the ground.
Kawazoe ignore the person that went right in front of him and went straight to Phoenix picking her off the ground"are you okay"earth clone start to climb out of the ground and attack the incoming enemy
Phoenix nodded and pushed him away. "Go help the others!" She says. She saw a commander come charging at her.

(I'm going to do a long paragraph so just hang on!!)
Ash was tempted with one of his forbidden practices that was almost dangerous for both him and those around, but he was going to try it anyways. "Ah fuck it." He said as he grabbed the base of each of his horns as he began to pull them away from each other as if he was trying to rip himself in half, which in fact he was trying to.

((As am I as soon as I get my computer working, which should be within the hour))
Phoenix clashed swords with the commander, as soldiers came to help him, he put his hands back. "NO THIS IS MY FIGHT!" he says swinging the sword at Phoenix and she dodged it as she swung her sword. The commander jabbed at him and Phoenix jumped back swinging her sword cutting his cheek. He kicks her onto the ground and tries stabbing her, but She rolls out of the way, also tripping him. "Why do you hate us!?" She screams at him while they clashed swords. He gave a grimace which soon turned to a face of pure anger and hatred. "Your father took the thing I loved the most..." He pushed her against a wall with his sword and tried choking her but she kicked him in the groin and he fell onto the ground as she stood over him with her sword to his neck. "I don't want to do this..." She said shaking her head. He smiled and yelled out. "BUT I DO!" His sword jabbed up through her chest, you could see the blade coming out of her back. Her eyes widened and she fell down onto her back grasping for air. No one could take the sword out.. It was barbed with her rips.
Xevnick continued to take down soldiers from the back. No one could do anything about it. He was like a shadow, technically he was. He ran to each soldier, thrusting his knife into each of them then moving on to the next.
Lucena swung her sword, steel clashing with claws. She glanced up at Kawazoe, grinning. "Fancy meeting you here, Wolf." She teased. Perfect, someone she could tell her plan...

@Blood dog
Kawazoe look back to see if Phoenix was doing alright in what he saw made him so mad that his eyes went red and his fur went black the ground starting to shake and rip apart.he at the captain and ripped off his head and started to go on a rampage as the earthquake got worst
Phoenix coughed and puked blood as she curled up in a ball and cried. She was scared and didn't know what to do. She closed her eyes and screamed.
Rowan had been jumping through trees, poisoned needles flying from his fingertips until he heard Phoenix' screams. His attachment towards her caused his to pause in plain sight allowing for someone to imbed an arrow into his shoulder. He stumbled and fell somewhere near Ash and Xevnick. "Shit." He cursed.

@las0r0o7 @Han Alister
Xevnick caught sight of a girl. What was her name? Phoenix. She seemed to have been stabbed in the chest. He shrugged it off. He didn't know her enough to care. All he wanted to do was fight. Then he saw Rowan laying on the ground, an arrow stuck out of his shoulder. Xevnick shook his head and continued to mow down the enemy. He was going to leave soon anyways.
"Son of a bitch this hurts." He said just as he pulled his skin in half and flung it onto Rowan as Ash stood there now all inversely colored, white and blue, the way he was colored when he was a god. Ash looked down at Rowan now with his skin laying on top of him he reached down and picked Rowan up by his collar. "This is no time for naps you know, were in the middle of a war and your sleeping." Ash set Rowan back on his feet and dusted him off. "Now then, let's go." He said just before he bolted into the front lines of the enemy using his wings to give him more force knocking over even their own forces down on the ground.
Rowan growled at his own stupidity and carried on. He was a stealth fighter but that didn't mean his hand-to-hand combat was anything to laugh at. Or even his long range weapons. He picked up a sword from a fallen soldier's hand and began to swing it around. In no ways was he an expert but at least he was half decent
Xevnick had his fun and now it was time to leave. He turned to leave, but then he looked at Rowan, who still had the arrow in his shoulder. "Damn it." He runs to Rowan. "This is going to hurt." Xevnick snapped the arrow head and pulled the shaft out. He pulled out a vial of a red liquid and poured it on the wound, causing it to heal. "Now get back in this fight."
Lucena was hiding behind a tree when he spotted Kawazoe running in the direction of Vincent. Ah...he'd be helpful, She thought and then pulled him behind to tree with her when he got close enough. "We're going to kill the King." She told him.

@Blood dog

((D-did you just cover him in Ash's skin...? @las0r0o7 ))

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