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Fantasy Kingdom War

"yeah it's going to be hard doing it a loan"with some odd reason he knew that she can do it."hey maybe you're end the war."
The dragon had mercilessly rounded to the opposite side of the boulder, and the surprising view of a human had caught his eyes. A puff of smoke lifted from his nostrils as his ancient skull arose, creating the illusion that he was much, much larger in size. A low growl escaped his jaws, and he fixed his radioactive hues upon the human's and spoke such careful sentences. "The fawn has made a desolate attempt to escape the prowess of defeat.... Yet fails will the sting of bloodshed." He grunted, bringing his tail around the side and swaying it behind him. "Death has granted one chance and one chance only..." His bone-chilling words swept over the boneyard.

Moira's brows raised when the great beast had suddenly rounded the corner to face her fully now. She could see his full form up-close; it was terrifying; but above all it was magnificent. And those scales... dragon scales were a rare ingredient indeed. If she could collect even a few of them.. Though it would most likely not be a simple task. It spoke now, and its powerful voice spoke could make even Death himself tremble. But Moira...she was more fascinated than afraid. As a witch...they often did not feel the mundane emotion of fear. She spoke carefully to the great beast. "Please, I beg you to forgive my intrusion of your domain. I wished only to gaze upon your great stature. I had seen you at the corner of my gaze and simply had to be sure my eyes hadn't been deceiving me."
He hissed, and puffed another fume of smoke. "Your audits weren't lying, and I'm growing impatient..." He snapped, his bloodstained razors explaining it all. Without a doubt, she would have been eradicated if he wasn't in a good mood. "The cries of the empty souls yearn for you to join them... If you would be so kind..." His words showed the hint of death, for he was warning her of what lies beyond it. Regret.
Moira knew she was testing the great beast's patience. Her words needed to be careful if she wished for any type of progression with the dragon before her. Letting out a held-in breath, she bowed her head and took a knee before the reptile, a sign of baring herself to it. "Forgive me once again. But my soul is not yet prepared to dance the steps of the dead before us. But...if your generosity would lend an ear, I perhaps may have an offer that is of interest to you."
Axelmeus growled. "I show no interest in mortal affairs." He huffed, maneuvering his way around the boulder. He was a brutal beast, but was giving her more chances than he should.
And that was the moment when Moira's mouth curled into a smile. It was true, her appearance had read her to be mortal. But in truth she was much, much more. Now she stood, her once stormy gray eyes whiting out and becoming blank as a small cluster of bones in front of her had rattled on the ground. Then, they slowly rose, levitating in the air before going to orbit themselves around the witch's form. "You must understand, great one...I am far from the likes of a mere mortal."
He sneered. He absolutely despised it when others used his belongings and possessions as if they were their own. He snapped, and released a low growl at her. Green mist flowed from pockets in his neck and mouth, combining the futile bones together into something, morbid. Before you knew it, a towering giant that wore the deer's antlers rose to life releasing a desolate growl. Axelmeus rose into the air, a massive gust of wind aimed in the girl's direction. He then dragged his wingtip across the boneyard, and the olden skeletons of the dead reanimated under his control.

He landed upon his altar and looked the girl in the eye, and releasing a bone-chilling roar to her demise. "Leave!"
Well, it seems being peaceful with this dragon wasn't going to be enough. The dark magic flowing from the beast was strong. It seemed to be able to make the dead respond to its commands; the skeletons of the past dead began to rise before the witch's clouded eyes. Even with the heavy gust blowing in her direction, she remained still. But the bones she had caused to levitate around her now fell, creating an intricate circle around the witch. Raising her hands up, emerald flames crackled down from her shoulders and spiraled around her arms before focusing into her hands where the green fire danced wildly but yet still in control. Then she responded to the demand of the dragon. She could have peacefully gotten the scales of the reptile. Now...she was going to tame this beast. "...I refuse."

(I'm off to bed, I'll reply in the morning!! :D )
Axelmeus was now aggravated. He seemingly roared heavily at the witch again, commanded the undead warriors to attack at will. Without delay, he focused on the magic hermit and knew she was not going to comply. He roared again, this time sending an emerald fire-ball in her direction. The Bone giant advanced, rather close to her premises. The small army of the undead quickly advanced towards her, and awaited her embellishment.
The angered roars had prepared Moira. She knew an attack was coming. The undead soldiers had begun advancing. And with another roar from the great dragon, so did a ball of emerald flames that seemed similar to her own. She waited until just the right moment, then quickly spread her arms outward. As she did, the hurdling blast of fire seemed to split in two and fly on either side of the young witch and scorch the ground behind her. "You know, our power does not appear to be so different. Imagine the possibilities of what we could accomplish together.." Her eyes darted over to the boulder at her side, her arm positioning in front of it as her telekinetic power caused the large rock to shift in front of her. Emerald flames danced off her fingers and wrapped themselves around the boulder, imbuing it with her powerful magic before it suddenly shot out at the undead creatures, an explosive force backing its already large and solid form.
I left into the wood to find kawazoe house when I saw it I wasn't sure if I know go and knock or just leave it was hard for me to decide since he was probably still mad at me and probably never wanted to see me again.
Phoenix laughed softly. "Yeah, I miss when I was younger, I was free as well, a child. I could explore and pretend... And now I can't." She says taking another bite of her stew.
"it is all that you said peaceful and very quite lonely that's why I said you must have to taste for being lonely it's something that everybody has and I don't think you have it"
Phoenix bites her lip. "To be honest, I get lonely a lot. Sure I have the village who says a friendly hello every time I walk by, but that's just because I'm the princess... They're afraid if they don't respect me they'll be killed... But I'm not that cruel..." She says putting down the bowl of stew on a table near her. "I don't have someone to help me with work, or to encourage me..." Phoenix sighs.
The draco knew she wasn't going to be easy, as he watched the bone giant attack her with brute force that most beings can't shake off. "A witch like you won't survive long." He growled, and spoke, "I fight and live alone. I fend for myself. Leave my territory at once!" He commanded, his patience growing too little.

:P ]
She watched as the boulder struck the smaller skeletal beings, returning them to their broken-pieced forms. Now she had to focus on the larger undead slave. Brute strength was never the witch's strong suit.. But thankfully she had trained for moments such as this. Some of her emerald flames licked off of her fingers and swayed through the air over to the oncoming creature. Its magic swirled around the skeletal golem, enveloping it in Moira's otherworldly power. "Impius, ponam animus damnari. Dimitte, et inter venti." Just in time, right before the bone giant had come down with a crushing blow, it froze. Then, the bones that created the creature's structure began shaking and rattling, before finally detaching and crumbling back to the pile of bones it once was in front of Moira. With a grin, the witch placed her heeled boot on the antlered skull that served as the giant's head, before crushing it into the ground below her. "I'm far from finished here, I'm afraid. Now answer me.." She demanded now. "Speak to me your name."
The rest of his forces fell as if they lost all nerve. He didn't try anymore, he didn't want to waste foolish time with his forces on her head. "Axelmeus." He huffed, he was now severely impatient and wanted her gone. Out of his way. "Now that you have your answer, go away." The large monstrosity curled his bony tail and sneered at her.
Phoenix smiled. "I'm the queen now... They have to like you." She says grinning. "Plus it could be a start to the peace between our rivalry."
"Axelmeus." She spoke the name softly. Good. She has received a name. Now she needed some essence of the dragon. Scales, claw fragments, blood. Anything.. Then she could perform the ritual required to grant her wish. But first, she needed to get closer. Stretching a hand out towards the massive graveyard of bones, they began rattling loudly and echoed from the mountaintop they stood upon. They had then proceeded to form themselves in front of Moira to create a makeshift staircase that she had began to walk upon. The said stairs of bones were leading up to the altar where Axelmeus had stood as the beast watched Moira approach ever closer. "I'm afraid you continue to misunderstand, Axelmeus. I am not yet ready to leave quite yet."

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