Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Zafon sighed and chuckled "I see"

Takashi sighed "I take it you are the other half..."

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Michael smiled and said "I need to gain control of the heavens once more and I am no ones friend. He simply needs to be put in his place. Viktor kneeled down and said "I am sorry my lord. I won't ever do it again." He left without another word. Michael's eyes widened and then he pulled her into his arms, happy to see her. When he saw Leo come in after her, he pulled him into the hug but Leo managed to squirm his way out of his fathers arms. Michael seemed surprised but Leo just asked "who are you?" Michaek frowned but then replied "right... I died a little after your birth or a little before... Can't remember." He grinned but he was obvious hurt. Leo went for the door and said "your not my father and you never will be." He slammed the door as he left.

axoret frowned and said "you can't spend your life afraid of being hurt. If you want something then go for it. It won't wait for you forever."
Duanna ran after Leo "What was that?"

Leta hugged Michael "I've missed you, Heaven wasn't the same, mom worked all the time and we only saw her once a year unless we were called into her office." she started crying.

Luna sighed and vanished, Demonia giggled "I wonder what she decided on?"

Luna appeared before Lucifer "Hey..."

Diva checked her seat and shook her head "You'll have to do better if you want to prank me."

"Does that bother you?" Kana watched him.
Fayde shrugged when allowed about Cinder, he particularly agreed with Viktor but of course he couldn't say it. When they left he disppeared aswell after nodding a farewell to Lucifer. He appeared near the pool where Cinder was and sat cross-legged by the edge. "Hey Cinder."

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Leo chuckled coldly and said "you expect me to care some guy who've I've never met before. Apparently he's my father... I dont know. I haven't known him for seventeen years of my life and suddenly he thinks he's going to be apart of it. He thinks he can make up for the entire life that I've lived by being here for five minutes. He's just going to be like you. He's not ever going to see us and he's going to expect us to continue loving him. That's complete bull right there. I'm not going to love that man." He went into his room and slammed the door shut.

Michael smiled and replied "me too. I love you so much. I'm happy they gave my memory back." He grinned. I promise. Things will be different."

"I think I have an idea...." He smirked.

Lucifer seemed surprised to see her. "Hey..."
Zafon walked over and and checked his then set down.

Takashi looked at her "you are a part of know it doesnt..but I would appreciate it if you gave kana back control over her body..." he looked her in the eyes as he spoke.

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Duanna sighed "Could we at least talk about this, I don't expect you to immediately accept him...but I do wish you would give him a chance....but for now I'll leave you alone...."

"You know mom was thinking that if you were in love with that other girl then she would give up if you were happy.....also sorry about Leo, mom didn't talk about you much after you passed....he knows little to nothing about you. A lot had changed including mom after you left. It wasn't until Viktor came around that we saw some light in her eyes but they still had a lifeless look, she got lost in her work. From what the servants were saying she became you after your mother died." Leta sat down. "It's good to see mom full of life again."

"And what would that be?" Demonia smiled.

"Is everything okay?" Luna walked over and kissed him.

Kana sighed "It was our body to begin with, we shared it but on our birthday we fought and she won. So no she can't have it back."

Sarah dished out everyone's food and there was still left overs "Looks like I made too much, sorry....I hope that won't be a problem."
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Takashi looked away and sighed "I see....we then I guess I will have to get used to this.." he looked at kana "how do you feel about marrying me.." he was serious, he wanted both kana and her other half to except the marriage, takashi wasnt one to force a women to do anything, so he didnt want to force kana's other half into something that shr didnt want.

The twin brother looked at eachother then looked at sarah "thats ok...vincent and dad will finish it, their stomachs are like dumpsters" the twin brother spoke at the same time then looked at eachother and laughed. Vincent sighed in annoyance while blushing from embarrassment "you didnt have to say it like that..." Zafon only laughed.

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Kana smiled and kissed Takashi "I'll let you have her if you promise to take care of her, she is strong physically but emotionally she is weaker than anyone could ever know."

"I know, Vinny always had a black hole." she giggled.
Takashi was surprised that kana's other half suddenly kissed him, he then smiled "I wont hurt her...I may be a big flirt but I would never do anything to hurt kana.." he began to think about something and his smile dropped "by the hurting kana are you..with you being in control.." he was worried that kana was in pain.

Vincent blushed more and began to eat which made his little twin brothers laugh more. Zafon smiled then looked at sarah "thanks for the meal.."

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Kana sighed "She's angry, fighting me but she'll live."

Sarah nodded and smiled "You're welcome though I do hope your wife is good with antidote." she said jokingly.
Takashi looked down then looked back at kana, he then put his hand on her cheek "please....allow kana to have control again.."

Zafon chuckled "good you.." he began to eat. Vincent smiled at sarah and continued to eat.

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Cinder waved to Fayde. She was relaxing in the pool. "How was the family?" One of the servants was with her, probably flirting with her as usual. "Is Michael still without memory? Is Lucy still annoyed that I'm single and haven't even thought about marriage?

Leo frowned and replied "there's nothing worth talking about. Viktor is more of a father to me than Michael will ever be. He actually care for me and treated me like his son."

Michael smiled and said "its fine. He'll eventually get used to having me around because I'm not going anywhere." He kissed her forehead and sat at his desk.

Lucifer seemed surprised and said "well I mean... You haven't showed any affection toward me since you came back so I thought we were done for good."

"20 bux says that she's making up with Lucifer." He grinned at her.
Duanna sighed "Yes well, I will never end up marrying Viktor....he helped me with you and your siblings but that doesn't make him your who do you see as your mother? I was always busy with paper work and you hardly ever saw me so who do you consider as your mother? It's just that....." she was cut off, someone had grabbed her and taken her out of Heaven.

Leta watched him "You're not doing paperwork already are you?"

Luna looked at him upset "I'm hurt...I showed you affection right before you told me to suck up to the council of Heaven..."

Demonia giggled "They probably are, Luna had feeling for him long before he ever knew her and feelings like those don't go away easily. Also we should return to Kana and Takashi, it's so cute the way he worries over our little girl."

"If she can beat me then we will once again share but her fighting skills are not as they once were so there's a possibility that she could only have temporary control of the body from time to time." Kana smiled.

Sarah ate and saw that some of the siblings were already finished so she picked up their plates and took them to the sink once she found out that they didn't want seconds, she washed the plates and then returned to eating her food.
Leo was about to reply but when she disappeared, he seemed surprised. "Mom?" He looked around.

Michael smiled softly and replied "of course. I have missed a lot of work. I must regain my position as king." leo walked in and demanded "is mom in here?" He frowned. Michael got up and said "I thought she was with you." Leo shook his head. "She was. And then she disappeared while we were talking. I didn't even get to reply to mom." Michael touched Leo's cheek but when he pulled away, he frowned. He walked past Leo and said "I'll try to find her. I promise." Leo started to look through the papers and through the desk. When he found a picture of Duanna and Michael on the wedding day, he through it to the wall shattering it.

"I know but I mean... I left you. I thought you still hated me. I know that was seventeen years ago but I still left you and I mean I know. I'm a d***." He shrugged.

"Yeah.... I remember when we were like that. Now I could care less," he said jokingly. He gave her a cheesy grin. It was obvious he felt way different from what he said. "Lets go!" He grabbed her hand and disappeared with her. When he reappeared, he was with Takashi and Kana. "Hey, lovebirds. Good you still have your clothes on."
Leta watched and then cleaned up the glass "Stop acting like a child when mom could be hurt or in danger...."

Sense Michael had yet to establish his place as king Heaven was still connect to Duanna and everything that was white started to grey and become black.

Delaney was getting settled into bed when her chest started to hurt and she curled up because of the pain "Brother....something is wrong with chest hurts again....."

Lilith (the succubus) had Duanna tied in a chair in the basement of her home, the ropes were black from the times Duanna tried to burn them but the ropes did nothing and remained strong "So looks like you and Michael are happy again....sorry but it seems fate and when I say fate I mean people; won't allow it." she forced her hand into Duanna's chest and started to pump more darkness into her and Duanna started to scream "See I was enjoying how easily you were controlled by heaven but then you developed a backbone and took control. I didn't like hat part too much so I thought I would kidnap the little queen and see what damage to Heaven I could do if I taint you." Lilith smiled and pulled her hand out of Duanna. "Go to Hell you bi***!" Duanna panted out "I will get out of here." Lilith laughed "Oh my really now? Not relying on Michael to save you?" Duanna glared at her "If I have learned one thing since being queen it's that I need to learn to save myself and stop relying on other to do it for me." Lilith smiled "Lets see how long we can keep this game going, if you can last a week from falling then I'll let you go and if you can't well then I hope you have your son Aeron on speed dial when Michael finds you because your are going to need a strong purification spell."

Luna smiled "Yes but how strongly I felt about you then could never go away even with how much I hate you." she giggled

Kana quickly got out of bed and hugged both of them "I have missed you too so much!" she smiled at them and Demonia was confused. "Kana are you feeling okay?" Kana shook her head yes and then spun in a circle "Never better!"
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Takashi saw axoret and demonia appear, he then sighed when kana ran over and hugged them "her other half has control..."

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Leo yelled "its his fault that mom is in danger!! If he never showed up, mom would still be here!" He was frustrated.

Michael looked everywhere for Duanna but couldn't find her. He didn't,know what to do.

Aeron winced a little as well. "Just breathe through the pain. It will be OK." He got up but stumbled over to the dresser where he kept his balance. "Alright can you keep a secret? When I purified mom, I kind of created this bond that when darkness comes to her, it will come to me as well." He rubbed the back of his head. He hoped he never had to speak of it. He has the same bond with his dad as well but its not as strong because it was years ago.

"I love you so much." He held her so close but then bit his lip. "I wish our kids felt the same way. I want to tell Lucy how proud I am of his success but... Instead I made us enemies." He looked down, ashamed.

Axoret looked at Takashi with a raised eyebrow and asked "what did you do to our daughter?"
"If mom was married to Viktor that same thing might have happened. Which is better, mom mopping over dad or them being together again and happy!?"

"It hurts...we should return home and figure out what's going on..." Delaney sat up in bed and started to get dressed.

"I can't even see them so in some way we are in the same boat..."

Lilith sighed as Duanna sat in the chair panting "You've been building up a resistance to darkness, my my now how did you do that?"

"Dad he didn't do anything, what do you prefer her over me?" Kana looked hurt.
Fayde shrugged, "No and yes, Michael is regaining his memeories while Lucifer is indeed brooding. But that's not so important, I believe I still owe you some down time, yes?" He stood smirking.
"Want to go to my room? I'm tired of being gawked at by servants." She ran her hand across his chest as she walked by him. "I prefer royalty."

"I'm just frustrated that mom waited 17 years for this guy and is going to wait 17 more years waiting for him to pay attention to her. How are you OK with this?" He sat on the desk.

"Definitely." He started to get dressed as well and when he was done, he waited for her.

"Yeah. Lucy hates me, doesn't he?" He seemed upset.

"I'm just saying you usually are mad at us for some childish reason." He chuckled and then kissed her forehead. "I'm glad you're alright."
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Fayde raised an eyebrow as Cinder passed him before turning to follow her. He caught up with her easily and kept pace glancing out of the corner of his eye at her, she was smiling which was something he was glad to see, though he was happy now he was also worried about what the future held, especially if the council had the guts to oppose them so openly what other uprisings could happen.
"So much has happened... Rumor has it you were on Xerxes death list even though you intimidate him. You know you really need to work on that. Maybe you can get laid easier." She winked at him. It was obvious she was teasing him. She giggled as she walked into her room.
"Mom loves dad and will always wait for him but we need to help him look for mom, she has so many enemies and we need to figure out which ones hate both mom and dad."

Delaney stumbled as she stood up and leaned on Aeron for support "I'm ready to go."

Luna sighed "I wish he wouldn't but he does..."

"Dark Kana is like that but I love mom and dad to much to ever be angry." Kana smiled.
Fayde smirked as Cinder joked, “ I thought my intimidating manner was a turn on. What do you think?” He smiled playfully as he looked at Cinder, his mind buzzing as he thought of how she was before and how she was now.

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