Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

(Just gonna try bring everyone together so we can get some big stuff happening.)

A figure stood high above watching the groups starting to meet.

"So they've come..."

The figure smiled under their white robe with sleeves that flowed way past their hands and seemed to cover the entire body.

Suddenly a strange purple swirling vortex appeared in the sky above Kazan, Ixiss and Rikku high enough for Rose, Aria, Geneus and Ryoko to see clearly and be able to find them easily.

As the vortex continued to swirl it suddenly dissappeared as a group of Forgotten fell from the sky around the trio that had Kazan. As the Forgotten unfolded, it was seen they were not Meagers. These Forgotten were slightly larger, they had four long arms around their body and wore long pointy hats that flopped over with a little fuzzy ball at the end. They also curly toed shoes and their eyes were on the side of their heads which made them look weird and confused.

Suddenly these new Forgotten formed strange balls of blue energy in their hands which they began to juggle, until one threw down one as it suddenly popped creating a small blast that sent Kazan jumping back.

"Woah! These are different!"

He said as he summoned his Keyblade again and took out the book his master had given him as he flipped to their profile.

"These are called Jugglers! They create exploding balls of energy which they juggle around and throw at enemies to damage them. Their movements are very peculiar as if the creatures are dizzy."
"Thunder!" Ryoko yelled as he shot lightning from the sky onto a few of the forgotten. He saw the vortex in the sky and where it fell. "Hmm... there are probably more people over there. I'd hate to leave this guy, but..." Ryoko hacked and slashed through the horde and got near Genesis. "Cure!" He said as he healed both himself and Genesis. "I hope you can take these guys on your own." He said as he ran through the row that he cut earlier, eliminating any that tried to get in his way. He got out of the horde and went near a piece of metal jutting out of the ground. He jumped to it, landed on the side, and leaped off towards the next piece of metal at a great speed.

Genesis looked at the new guy and his pride kicked in "i got this" he stated and held his hand to his side as a flame emerged and took the shape of a sword, shortly after, it hardended into a actual blade. His powers still asleep, he instead relied on his swordsmanship. He began to rush through the crowd cutting the creatures up and ussing a occasional fireball. Genesis dispatched the crowd easily and looked around "they were easy i shouldnt be tired....why is my energy all drained" he asked himself as he fell to his knee. Upon falling to his knees his sword shattered back into a small flame that went out instantly.

After the crowd was gone he sighed and after taking a small break, he stood up and made his way up the hill near him, looking down he seen two girls fighting with interesting weapons. He sighed and gave a odd look as he noticed one strike what he he thought was her partner. After he seen the second group of creatures appear he figured he would help them. His sword reforming, he charged in at high speed slashing any of the slighty larger creatures that got in his way. He made his way to the girls down below fighting the horde "Need some help?" he asked them his sword, which looked like a rapier handle with a long fire red blade that was as thick as a normal swords blade, in his right hand he watched the girls after asking if they need help. One of the newer creatures threw a the energy ball of some sort at him. Turning and cutting the ball of energy, it to explode "so these ones throwing exploding balls huh" he stated ready for a fight but wishing his powers would hurry and awaken.

Kazan saw as two more people arrived with shock on his face. One of them looked familiar, maybe one of the other Keyblade Apprentices, he would have to get a closer look as he was far away. More survivors, just how many were trapped on this planet that had survived. By the reports he thought he would be lucky to find one, let alone so many!

Suddenly another Juggler threw another ball at him, he tried to slash it with his Keyblade, he managed to bounce it away buit his Keyblade was knocked out of his hand.

"These things are stronger then those Meagers!"

Maybe it was good more people were arriving, they might need the help...
Ryoko soon saw the jugglers attacking. He the leaped off of one of the metal pieces and did a drill attack at the juggler who threw the ball at Kazan. After the drill attack, he leaped up and did a second drill attack to the ground (It's a flowmotion attack). "Need some help?" He said as he backed away from the other jugglers and to Kazan's side.
In couple of minutes or so Edmund finally wake up from the impack from the crush but his vision was spinning that he couldn’t focus where he was heading. He got his normal vision back by shaking his head, than and he look around, it didn’t take long for him realize that every around him wasn’t normal. Fact that none of his comrades weren’t around, which made it more scary for him. But He still keep himself in high spirt with happy smile and match forward to find his comrades . But he stop ask himself “...Now I think about which way should I go?” He started to example the area, and than he gave expression saying with energetic voice “NORTH I SHOULD GO!” and match forward but at same time he was being followed
Aria couldn't exactly see what was coming, and she couldn't dodge the "Rose Chop" accordingly. She winced, followed by her holding both hands to her head. "Oh... Rose.... Hey, what was that for?!" Squealed Aria. Somehow, from the impact made by Rose's hand, Aria's vision gradually came back to her. "...Nevermind! I can see now. All better." She grinned again, stupidly. Switching her attention rather fast from one thing to another, she grabbed Rose by the hand and ran in the direction of the vortex in the sky, shouting, "Destiny says we need to go this way!"

((OOC: I noticed my character had the same name as another character in a different RP. I feel kinda mixed with m emotions, like, I wanna apologize and stuff asdf

I got the name from a song, though...))
"I think we will all need help!"

Kazan yelled out as he recognized the voice and realize it was one of the Keyblade Apprentices, he wasn't the only one who survived and their might be more. He could already hear more people heading this way.

He knew this Keyblade Apprentice was Ryoko. The Master had referred to him as a Late Bloomer, he was already quite old but only recently discovered his Keyblade for some odd reason. So while he had skills, with Keyblade he was just like the rest of them.

Kazan used Ryoko's save as he did a roll to grab his Keyblade as he picked it up and pointed it at Juggler as he fired off a Fire magic destroying a Juggler, but more appeared behind him. This wouldn't be so easy...
(I'd like to point out that, although Ryoko is very old, he looks to be in his mid-20s. This is because he is immortal (which means he doesn't age). I wanted to point that out in case you pictured him differently.)

"On the bright side, they give good XP." Ryoko said to himself before he turned to Kazan. "They seem to be weak to fire. Maybe because it detonated the balls they juggle or something, or maybe because I damaged it already. Either way... Fire!" He said before he shot fire magic at one of the jugglers.
Making his way to the group, Genesis seen the creatures, having dealt with a few of the jugglers already he walked up calmly to the larger group including the guy who helped him earlier "there energy balls, if u can hit one with a fire, they explode and add to the force and damage of ur fire which is enough to kill these one, carefull cutting the energy balls in half though they explode" he stated with his left arm slight dangling and some blood coming off it "yall need some help?" genesis asked the group. Looking over to see the guy who helped him ealier he turned his attention to him "your the guy from earlier" he stated clinching his sword in his right hand with his left arm still wounded from these jugglers.
([MENTION=2486]Thesmashbro[/MENTION] I didn't, I just imagined The Master of the Apprentices told the group that although he is strong because he has been around a while he is still new to Keyblades, that is all. I read your character sheet so I know he looks like a young adult)
It’s been 7 minutes only from his walk and start complaining to himself “AAAH! How am I going find the rest of the team in this weird place?!” It didn’t take long for Edmund to encounter two dusk on his walk and try to surround him. But Edmund took his keyblade out to fight them, however the two dusk start to run away from him which made happy and mad at the same time “....OH COME ON! I was ready to fight you guys” Than he notice that something was behind him that scary them a away. It was only a shadow, which to him was weird; But it start to grow and than Edmund start to realize that “oh...that’s why they ran away...” he slow walk backs but the shadow start to charge at him. Than Edmund start run for his life from the over grow shadow. “Why is it that I get the Giant ones!”
([MENTION=2511]Leman Russ[/MENTION], please get with it. We fight neither Heartless nor Nobodies, they do no exist here. We fight Forgotten, if you want some to do you can join the large battle happening that can easily be seen from a distance by the large energy vortex that appeared above it. I recommend you please read the previous posts)
As the group continued to fight off the Jugglers suddenly a much larger Forgotten came smashing to the ground right in the center of them. This thing was at least three times the size of Jugglers as it began to unfold. It was a Forgotten that was much larger (Think Large Body Heartless size), it's body was shaped like a barrel with what seems like little doors on the front chest that might open up. It had massive wooden arms with wooden bucket like wrists that led to large wooden fists that appeared they could deliver a mighty punch. However it's strangest feature was that it appeared to be missing it's head!

"Oh well... crud..."

Kazan mumbled as the huge new Forgotten had dropped in, while they still had all these Jugglers to deal with...
"If I only knew firga burst, I might've been able to beat all of the little guys." Ryoko said to Kazan, "How does one learn a move like that?" He went into a defensive stance so he could dodge or block attacks easier.
"Remember what the master said, it takes time... You just need to keep fighting and gain experience, we are still new and need to learn the higher Fire spells like Firaga firstly. But remember we were sent here as a team for a reason, to learn to work together..."

Kazan stared at the new Forgotten as he pulled out the book he was given and flipped to the right page.

"That Forgotten is a BlockHead, they are large and extremely powerful Forgotten whose body is made for taking on direct hits. It's said they can open their body and trap individual's inside, the inside of their bodies are re-inforced so breaking out is impossible, the only way to get out is to constantly attack from the side while an ally attacks from the outside until it let's you out. It is impossible to break out of the chest."

Kazan said as he finished reading and put the book away.

"Strong, let's see what this thing has got!"

He charged forward as he swung his Keyblade only for the Forgotten to intercept it with his wrist and knock Kazan away completely.

Kazan rolled back into stance.

"No way, not even a mark..."

(I will be enforcing the rule, if you get trapped inside the BlockHead you may never ever simply break out or destroy the Forgotten from with in, you can't blow it up and free yourself and slice it up in half to free yourself. The only way to break out is to continually attack from the inside and outside till it let's you go. They are indestructible from the inside. If you fail to keep this rule, you will be asked to stay out of the fight and never fight with BlockHeads again if you can't manage them.

Similiarly any other rules said by the book Kazan reads. It is to stop GMing because it's unfair if one individual can so easily kill one from inside if they get trapped while all the others struggle just to kill it from the outside.)
Ryoko facepalmed at the failed attempt to hurt the thing. "You just read that a direct hit wouldn't work. It's obvious that its weakness is magic. Whenever something has high physical defense, they have low magic defense. And because the description of this attack literally says that it cuts right through enemies... Blizzard!" he said before shooting a shard of ice at the BlockHead.
"I know... but I didn't think it wouldn't even have some effect. It's whole body must have some weakness located somewhere... I doubt it's completely immune to physical attack... I hope."

He grumbled as Ryoko made him seem like an idiot.

The BlockHead fumbled back as it was hit by the ice obviously taking damage. Suddenly it opened up it's chest revealing what was inside, it's head. It pulled out it's head and then shot it forth like a bowling ball towards Ryoko.

Kazan yelled to Ryoko to dodge, but before he could help he was force to dodge an exploding ball. He had completely forgotten the Jugglers as they were attacking as well. They could really use some help about now, they were definitely out-numbered.
Ryoko dodge-rolled out of the way right before the head could hit him. "gotta wait for blizzard to recharge..." He thought to himself. "Fire!" He yelled as he shot a fireball after the BlockHead's head before yelling to Kazan, "You take on the jugglers, I'll try to take out the BlockHead."
"I see a tank-ish monster!"

Aria charged wildly into the fray, without much of a warning besides her own war cry. When she ran, a large cloud of dirt followed her large steps. She kept in mind this time that she was actually wielding a keyblade, and not a dual weapon.

The first thing she done while she was in the vicinity? Choose her first target. She boasted to herself that she could face off with that big one that seemed like it was giving his other... Teammates...? Problems. Aria headed to that one, slid under it— she had a habit of confusing her opponents this way— and jumped all the way to where she thought it's head should be. "If things go right, it'll punch itself! Smart, huh?"

She almost had no idea that she had left her friend behind during it all.
Fyx woke up to the sound of clinking metal and loud booms. She awoke a little angry since she hated being woken up without consent. "Okay, who the hell can't keep the volume on the telly down?" Rubbing her eyes she gazed around, taking in her surroundings. Well she most definitely wasn't on the Gummi Ship anymore. As she stood she gently patted her denim jacket to rid the dust and grime off of it. Looking a few feet in front of her she noticed Working Mech being prodded and poked by a bunch of little puppets. That was what the clinking noise was.. "Alright you little buggers that isn't a toy okay?" She sprinted forward with her fist aiming towards the nearest puppet in hopes to get it away from her weapon. Her hope was crushed though when her vision went black and blurred and she could no longer stay on her feet. Now on her knees she held her head between her hands and breathed slowly, "Man we must have really hit the ground hard.."

She looked up as a prescense was felt in front of her body. A puppet had decided to come a little closer and give Fyx an opening to lunge for her keyblade. Swiftly it's frail little hand came up to hit her, but she dodge rolled left and then gently jogged forward towards her keyblade. The dumb thing was a picky weapon and he never liked to appear in the teen's hand's when she needed him so she was always forced to find him herself. As her skin connected with the cool bronze metal of the handle she swung right just in time to chop a puppet in the midsection.

Before another could get close she looked up into the sky noticed the large purple hole. "Maybe my comrades are over there..." With the thought of her friends now whirling around her brain she calmly sprinted towards it, as not to injure her vision or head any more, slashing puppets each step of the way.

She arrived in the area where the black hole was and she looked around too see many people, Keyblade Weilders and strangers alike. There seemed to be more puppets surrounding them and a few little circus guys as well. Her fist lashed out at a near circus freak out of instinct and she scolded herself as it did no damage. She wasn't used to her keyblade just yet...

((OOC: I feel dumb I accidentally used the wrong name.. D: Fixed it though!))
" Oh gees what...the .." She slowly sat up holding her head and stomach blinking her eyes frantically. She shook her head but that only made her more dizzy." ..ok ouch won't do that again." She sits there for a second looking around. She could only see blured images but saw something that resembled a biulding. After a few minutes of her sitting there her sight came back , her stomach was fine along with her head. She was able to see the biulding but they were broken, old, destroyed. As she stood up a piece od the biulding fell making the ground move knocking her back to the ground." wow this's sad honestly." She stood back up brushing off her front and her back. " were's my ride, two where's my friends, and three where am i ...ouch i think i hit my head on something hard." She rubbed her head looking around again. She looked up then looked down. She leaned to the far left then to the right. She then bend backwards with her hands on her hip looking up at the sky." I guess i'll go north...which guess that way." She leaned back up and began to move north which was really east.
Rikku rushed up one of the Jugglers' body,confusing it,but at the same time mocking another.The one she was mocking slammed down one of it's orbs into the Juggler she was one,destroying it in the process,"Hahaha,you guys are idiots!"She said when she jumped in the air brandishing her daggers,then air dashing through the air,and slicing the Juggler's ball and the body,"Go boom!"She cheered with a smile,as the orb exploded in the Juggler's face.

While Aria was running,she had lost a grip on Rose,and leaving her in the process,"Aria!"She roared as she noticed that her friend had left her without thinking.This act was common for most of the team,and Rose and Kazan were usually the more rational thinking.As Rose walked toward the vortex,she thought she heard Chrome coming from her left.
"well....nothing so far...where are they geez." She continued walking wondering if she should call out her teammates. She yawns then placeing her hands behind her head.she got an idead. " RIKKKUUU...RIKKU...ROSE...ARIA...ANYONE'
Fyx kicked the leg of a circus freak, causing it too fall, but before its head could touch the ground Working Mech lashed out and sliced through its left shoulder. Two more circus feaks were demolished in the next minute along with about three little puppets. Wiping her brow clean of the imaginary sweat forming, the adolescent moved forward a little ways away where the large barrel type creature was. It seemed to be knocked slightly back by the magic one of her comrades was conjuring up. There was another Keyblade Weilder fighting alongside the first, but she was still too far away too see who they were and it was hard to continue on with these circus monkeys surrounding her by the second. Taking up a defensive stance, Working Mech facing back, her right fist ready to strike, and her feet shoulder with apart, she then gave a cheeky grin to the creatures. "Bring it on..." As if they could understand her words they simultaneously lunged forward to strike Fyx, but her limble body dodged left and right, taking out a creature each time. This wasn't going to last for much longer though since the creatures were reappearing faster than they were being slain. She blamed the black hole above her head...

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