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Fantasy Killing Me Slowly

Tommy cringed some and gave her a small smile "I love you babe.....but I think that word can be saved for Darcie." He said chuckling a bit and kissing her gently before he started making food

Max gave a small nod and kissed him gently "You want me to get Tommy?" She asked quietly just watching him a bit
She giggled shaking her head. “Get your mind out of the gutter mister.” She pointed out and watched him quietly while he sorted dinner for everyone, seeing max come downstairs and sighed a little just keeping an eye on her some around the others until she heard Darcie crying and she got up to get her, bringing her downstairs and cradling her close, kissing her head “Was someone getting bored being on their own?” She cooed to her, “Say daddy it’s your turn to change my diaper.”

kevin frowned but shook his head and just leaned back trying to get some rest still for now.
Tommy made food for everyone and glanced at Max as she came down but smiled widely as he took Darcie into his arms "Oh come on sweet thang I got you." He said happily taking her off to go change

Max nodded softly and went downstairs getting food and sittinf away from everyone just staying very quiet
Kevin sighed softly watching the ceiling while he let his body heal. He was back on his feet after a couple days and back to full strength after a couple weeks resting up but now was fully focused on hounding the council until they got answers about max not caring how busy they were with everything else going on.

after the first couple weeks of having Darcie in their lives carmen was exhausted but content for the first time in years, walking around downstairs with her in the baby carrier so she could get jobs done but Darcie could still get her time with her mommy. “Tommy! You’re gonna be late to the interview!” She called upstairs to him. Him and Danny we’re heading out to the local news station to film an interview to help the public see weres in a different light seeing as the only voice the public had heard so far was Maggiea and she was spreading lies and hatred, making their lives lore dangerous.
Tommy rushed down after he and heard Carmen call for him and sighed heavily giving a small smile as he saw Darcie in ber carrier "I look okay babe? Presentable?" He asked trying to make himself as unintimidating as possible for the cameras. He had finally drawn the line with their crazy acts after finding out Maggie had convinced those boys to blow the wolfsbane on Kevin, they needed to stop hiding now.

Max sat outside with Kevin curled up in her wolf form by the pond they had on their land. She whined softly feeling his tension and nudged him some. She had been feeling a lot better as of late and had been feeling her connection with Kevin growing stronger as well.
He frowned some and just rested back against a tree, running his fingers through her head. “Would you quit fussing over me? I’m fine.” He mumbled smiling at her a little.

carmen smiled and nodded, stepping over and kissing his cheek, fixing his cuffs on his shirt for him. “Perfect.... anger is not the answer even if they’re tryna provoke you okay?” She murmured softly to him, smiling as Darcie stared up at him and made slight grabby hands for her dad.
Max gave him a small grin and licked his cheek before she shifted back and kissed all over his face laughing some as she caused them to fall over in the grass "I love you babe." she said softly as she beamed watching him.

Tommy smiled happily and picked up Darcie kissing her cheek gently "Oh don't you worry pumpkin, Daddy is gonna be home real soon." he said happily kissing her goodbye before handing her off to Carmen giving her a kiss goodbye as well. He looked Danny as he came down and gave him a silent nod "We'll be back babe, I love you." he said quietly
He smiled and kissed her softly, pulling her in close to him gently. “I love you too.” He murmured, tucking her hair out of her face a little, keeping her close to him carefully.

carmen just nodded and frowned watching them both go worrying about them but just took Darcie back upstairs when she was getting ready for another nap so carmen could nap as well.
Max smiled happily at him but frowned some when she felt something was wrong "I think someone is here....maybe we should go check." She said quietly also on high alert now.

Tommy sighed heavily as they got there already seeing the protestors outside. He shook his head a bit before he got out and quickly got into the building before they started throwing things at them.
Kevin frowned standing up and watched her carefully. “Hey, don’t start a panic unless we need to.” Be mumbled, rubbing a hand through his hair while he followed her.

carmen was sitting in the lounge with Darcie now, burping her gently and wiping her spit up smiling some. “Did you have too much? Don’t know your limits yet just like your daddy.” She giggled and kissed her head while she watched the news, sighing some seeing tommy and Danny both on now, turning the volume up
Max nodded softly and kept her panick down. She frowned softly as she heard the doorbell go off. She opened it up and went wide eyed quickly shutting it before running off not seeing Kevin open the door after her

Marie frowned seeing her daughter slam the door in their face and gave a heavy sigh. She smiled some seeing a giant man open the door afterwards trying to not gag at his wolf scent "Hello....is Maxine here?"

Tommy gave a warm smile to the interviewer and stayed calm and relaxed the entire time. Though when they went to the crowd to ask questions is when it got heated.
Kevin frowned watching the woman carefully especially seeing Max’s reaction. “And who’s asking for her?” He muttered

carmen frowned watching carefully with Darcie snuggled in close to her while she slept, feeling sick to her stomach when one of the audience asked tommy to give him one food reason for them not to hand over Kevin after all the hurt he had caused
Marie gave a small grin "Her mother and father." She said staring at him long and hard trying to work her powers into getting him to do what she wanted "Go get her for us please?"

Tommy frowned shaking his head some and sighed heavily "Look...his situation is being dealt with by our law. We understand what he has done is not okay and we will handle this to make sure it is corrected." He explained calmly. He was not about to give Kevin up to these people so this lie would have to do.
He frowned watching her for a minute, remembering what max had told him about her family and just shook his head. “I uh... no... no she clearly doesn’t want to talk to or see you.” He muttered shaking his head and went to shut the door on her.

“Well we want to see it before we believe it. You all have lied to us this long how do we know you’re not lying now?!” He spat at him. “We also know that wife of yours was pregnant, I think I speak for everyone here when I say we want to see that birth be registered properly like everyone else has to.” He spat. “Or we send CPS to your door. Just like everyone else has to deal with.” He spat at tommy smirking seeing that had hit a nerve.
Tommy tensed at the mention of his daughter and felt his anger boil. He then remembered Carmen's words and took a deep and calming breath "We are registered, my child is registered, our government is working with yours to find out how we need to work these kind of things out. If you watched the actual news you would know it because they talk about it nearly daily." He told him giving a small glare

Marie frowned and shook her head some using her power more "I need to see my daughter....I havent seen her in so long...go get her for me." She said taking a deep breath keeping her nose from bleeding.
Kevin glared at her, stepping closer and towering over her. “I’ve been around your daughter for several months now.... and thanks to you I think I understand what she really is. But this shit will not work on me... if she wants to see you we will find you in the area.” He muttered glaring at her

The rest of the questions were fairly normal after that one and it wasn’t long before the segment was done with the two of them heading back to the car but Danny sighed waiting quietly for tommy to go to the restroom.

it had been one of Maggie’s sons asking the difficult questions and after the segment had gotten round to the back so when tommy had come out, he was readh with a syringe and two other men, grabbing the were and shoving the needle into the side of his neck, plunging the mixture of silver and wolfsbane into his system to subdue him before helping them drag him to the back of thevan.
Max frowned as Kevin stormed into the room looking angrier than usual "Whats wrong?!" She asked going to the window seeing her paremts start to walk off. She shook her head some and turned her attention back to Kevin.

Tommy did his best to fight agaisnt them but with the silver and wolfsbane mixture he was severly weakened and by the time they had him in the van he had started seizing up while they tied him down.
They got him back quickly to their facility and dragged him insid. “Momma look what I brought back with me.” He grinned and shoved the were down to the floor in front of her.

Kevin frowNed watching her. “I know what you are... and it’s not great but we can try.. Danny and tommy should be getting back real soon, we can talk to them then and find out how to make this work.” He mumbled
Maggie turned to her son from her pinboard and went wide eyed seeing Tommy laying there on the ground "Are you insane boy?! Did you cover his scent?!" She sneered. She would be over the moon to have the alpha here but when it was right which wasn't now. They had to be cautious and hope no one caught his scent to find him.

Max frowned and sat on the bed with him taking his hand in hers "What am I?" She asked quietly taking in a shaky breath hoping they could make this work and that it wouldnt hurt their relationship
Carmen was waking up from a nap frowning some not feeling very good at all and sighed a bit seeing tommy and Danny weren’t back yet. “Hey Lily have they called yet?” She asked her softly, feeling sore and tender all over.

he nodded. “Grabbed him out the stall. Got him into a car right outside the door.” He grinned.

Kevin sighed heavily. “An Upir.” He told her frowning some and passed her a book to do some reading up on it.
Lily shook her head some taking a deep breath as she started to worry. It had been 2 hours and they still hadn't heard anything "We haven't heard anything."

Tommy groaned as he finally came to and tried to get up groaning as he felt a familar stinging of silver against his wrists and ankles. He opened his eyes to see he was in a cage now and alone in some kind of basement.

Max looked at the ground with wide eyes shaking her head some "No....no...no they can't be right! They're insane!" She said taking deep breaths trying to wrap her head around that what her parents had told her when she was 15 was all true.
Carmen frowned and just rubbed at her arms some as they were starting to sting, “I’m getting worried.” She mumbled frowning.

Kevin frowned and watched her. “What do you mean? Are you saying they told you already?!@ he nutteredc.
Max frowned shaking her head some "Yes...I mean....they told me but I didn't believe them." She said quietly wiping her eyes as she remembered the night her parents sat her down and explained they were upirs and that she needed to kill herself to join them

Lily nodded and frowned moving to sit with her and looked at her arms seeing light red marks start to form around her wrists. She looked at Danny as he rushed in and went wide eyed when she didnt see Tommy come in behind him
“Danny where is he?” She asked him quickly, going to get Darcie when she started crying, cradling her close and bouncing her gently to soothe her. She had finally started putting two and two together with how she was feeling and where he might be.

Kevin sighed heavily, rubbing his face shaking his head. “This isn’t good.” He muttered standing up and walking away from her, heading downstairs thinking tommy was back but just groaned a bit and rubbed at his face again trying to decide whether to talk to anyone else about it or not.
Danny shook his head in a panick "He had to take a piss! He was just going to the bathroom! I went to the car and he never came back....I can't even fucking track him! I shouldve stayed with him!" He said feeling this was partially his fault.

Max frowned as Kevin came back in the book he had given her opened as she had been reading a little bit "Kev....we can make it work right? I can get it under control?" She said hoping they could find something that could fix this.

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