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Fandom Kill La Kill 2.0 (Accepting)

"What?" She looked at Iskander dumbfounfedly while tilting her head, again, it was cute. "Oh... Hehe, I guess Lady Serenity should take care of herself. I guess I should too." Then she remembered what happened the day before. Kimochi binge watched a ton of anime, six screens at a time, and ate an unbelievable amount of popcorn, the memory hit her back pretty hard because now she was feeling the pain. "Hey Iskander, I'm going to be back in a minute. Or maybe an hour! In the meantime, have fun with this game." Her stomach ached terribly, but her shaking hands still had the strength to turn on the console. The game that loaded up would make Iskander blush, it's one of those reverse harem dating sims, except there was one catch. You played as a girl in a sea of thirty beautiful men who all had a thing for you. A flowery (And pink) title screen popped up and asked the player which guy they wanted to date. There were thiry handsome men to choose from, and among them were Kiritsuga and Iskander! Now Kimochi is no mind-reader, but she's going to say Iskander's reaction to the game would be, "Who the hell made this?"

@Cunning Commander
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Kenzu had been so focused on finishing his popcorn that by the time he looked up, they were both gone and the movie club packing up.

"Aw!" Kenzu began, getting up and turning around to get his box. "Just when it was-SWEET SERENITY'S PANTIES!" He teared up as he saw the box was all wrinkled and wet. Kneeling down, he ripped it open, sighing in relief as the container was still full of that pinkish red frosting. "Phew! And I thought-"

As he picked it up, though, it seemed to be WAY heavier than a container of frosting should have been. Fearing the worst, he took the top off and slowly tilted it, sweatdropping with a scared smile as all that poorer out was now strawberry rain water. Well, there was only one thing to do now.

Jumping up, he ran from the arena and soon found himself running through the halls.

"All I have to do is run to the store, buy strawberry frosting, run back to the academy, and give it to the club president all in 20 minutes!" Kenzu screamed enthusiastically. He could do this.

@ Anyone
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Kimochi couldn't take it anymore, she had to get to a bathroom, fast! "Heh... Hope you like the game Iskander, bye!" She rushed out of the room in search for a bathroom, apparently she forgot the layout of the headquarters so there was only one choice, go outside. The girl was wearing her casual clothes, she ran with as much speed as possible, bumping into Kenzu on the way. "H-Huh? Hey! Do you know where a bathroom is? I really need to go!" Her clothing made her stand out, mostly the headband though that said 'GTFO'. Even in a dire situation, Kimochi still looked cute. "She grabbed Kenzu by the shoulders and started shaking him rapidly, "Tell meeeeeeee!!!"


@Cunning Commander
Kenzu ran with urgency. He only had a total of twenty minutes, but for some odd reason, he felt as if he could do it! Nothing was going to-

It was then someone had bumped into him at high speed, causing him to spin like a top before stopping once he crashed into a wall. Stumbling backwards, he shook his head and stared at the girl with a smile. "Sorry about-"

"Do you know where a bathroom is? I really need to go!"

Bathroom? Bathroom...Huh. He didn't really remember. He didnt really use bathrooms much and always had the teacher help him. Before he could say it out loud, she began to shake him, demanding an answer, yet all she got were crossed eyes and a confused expression.

"I have no clue!" Kenzu yelled out with cheer, his mind already forgetting his task, as usual.

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"Nooooo!!! Are you serious!" Kimochi decided there was only one solution, she picked up Kenzu and used him as a compass. "Holy crap, you're heavy! C'monn compass, let's gooooo!!!" She ran to the school and rammed him into multiple doors on accident. "Bathroom? Noo! Bathroom? No!" And then the crash came, she used so much of her energy that she fell asleep. Puking in a bathroom was a bad idea, it'd make her puke even more, but now she was fine since she fell asleep, letting out a few words occasionally. "Chess... Nya ha ha! Traps..." Kimochi was sleep talking, but that added to the cuteness.

Kenzu smiled as she picked him up, going along with this rather well. "If you say so!" And do that was how the two began their 'Rampage' around the school, with kenzu randomly spouting directions while the girl used him as a battering ram.

After a while, her arms got shaky, causing him to yelp as she slowed down and dropped him. Shaking his head, he gasped as he saw the familiar bathroom signs. "Hey! We're he-" He turned, only to see the girl lying on the floor passed out. "Are we taking a nap now?"

Feeling something trickle down his forehead, causing him to Dab his finger on it before he looked down to see it was actually a bit of blood. He must've had a cut open on his forehead! "I think...I'll take a nap too..." And after sitting down with his back against the wall, he slumped, now unconscious.

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Jin woke up in his bed, alone as always. He quickly ran outside, wind rushing through his hair. He looked around for a moment before he managed to find the nearest trolley, this would lead right out of the slums and straight to school. He hopped on the trolley and took a seat as he waited for it to arrive at the academy. He opened his bag up and began to read as he waited. It was nothing more than a book on ancient mythology from around the world. He flipped the pages every now and then until the sound of a small bell ringing made Jin close his book before he hopped off the trolley. Finally, he made it to the academy. He managed to make it into class and took his seat. He looked around, seeing all the one stars and the occasional two star. Jin unfortunately, was a no-star despite his academic prowess. He buried his face back in his book, hearing all the gossip about this student or the other.

((@ Anyone interested in interacting))



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Serenity tried to calm her mind as it wandered from the battle that had just passed to the battles to come and how she had to be ready for them. She stepped out of the shower and draped a soft and fluffy robe around her so that she could rest and relax in her office while Kiritsugu attempted to make her as the one she wore was stained beyond repair. She sat in her chair within her office and relaxed a bit and sipped a sweet cup of jasmind tea. The taste danced across her tongue and the aroma filled her nose. The hot liquid warmed her insides as it flowed down her throat delightfully, causing her to relax and calm down. Iskander had forced her to expend more energy than she anticipated and it took a toll on her body. She needed to get stronger if she was going to stand a chance against her mother once the war begins. She was still gathering her pieces. She began to think on the school and how it could be improved. "Perhaps there was some merit to Maria's appearance. Perhaps the uniforms are a bit bland in bot style and strength." she said to herself then thought harder about how she was going to take her next step. "They need to get stronger. My soldiers need to build up their resilience." it was then she decided on her next path and that was to strengthen her school. She picked up her cell phone and summoned Kiritsugu into her office to discuss some things with him about the uniforms and her new uniform which would now be out of his hands. "Kiritsugu, I have a task for you. It will not be an easy one but you should enjoy it, I believe. I want you to design a new school uniform for both men and women in this school. Design them any way you desire but keep in mind, they have to show a certain level of respectable appearance. Colors and everything will be left up to your discretion, but...I want the life fiber count upped for ever individual here. I want to build up their resilience and strength. Don't worry nor bother about worrying about my uniform. I have one prepared already. Also, your sewing club has monitored and measured each student's potential. I want you to send the one with most life fiver resilience to me so that I may....test them." she said with a calm and commanding demeanor and posture. She wa not overbearing but it was a chance for him to see what he could do and for him to go wild on the design.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/861f8199d2a531c6581e1d43b3e98607_480.jpg.e9a97fc82e539309fd99d48cb9d0852b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121238" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/861f8199d2a531c6581e1d43b3e98607_480.jpg.e9a97fc82e539309fd99d48cb9d0852b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Iskander had quickly grown bored with the cheesy dating sim Kimochi had sat him down in front of. He wasn't new to the concept of dating simulation, he'd dabbled in the genre a few times himself. Acting under orders from Lady Serenity often left little time to plan dates with anyone, and in the days before the fencing team, he had opted to have a virtual substitution for companionship that he could turn on at any time of night. Still, this was just excessive. He abandoned the game and excused himself from the school, making his way back down to his apartment, leaving a series of notes to various people about being away on important business or simply resting from the epic fight the whole school had seen. As soon as Iskander had locked the door behind him and the cool darkness had covered everything, he fell forward into a deep sleep, his body thoroughly taxed beyond reason by Lady Serenity. Mercifully, his apartment had been outfitted with a floor of tatami sleeping mats.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/0e7efa3565606fc05aafaaa4b452c586.jpg.8ee615dac13acff2ca89e7cb446488e0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121240" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/0e7efa3565606fc05aafaaa4b452c586.jpg.8ee615dac13acff2ca89e7cb446488e0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Kiritsugu had rushed to Lady Serenity the second she had mentioned a special order. He loved any chance to express himself outside of the uniform style. He could have lept with joy at hearing the order to redesign the student uniforms, it appeared as though pink girl had gotten through to her, in some way. Kiritsugu could've done without the increase in life fibers he had to use though, working the living material into fabric was hard enough, in the past there'd only been failure with trying to increase the material usage any more than 30%, though now with Iskander's unusual relationship with his uniform, there was hope that new strains could be used. Kiritsugu waved his worries aside and snapped a salute to Lady Serenity. "My Lady, I promise you that these new uniforms will be both powerful and dazzling, much like yourself!" He gave a colossal wink. "I will have your uniform prepared at the top of the line, you will feel stronger than ever, and be cute as a button too." This sort of shameless behavior was relatively normal with Kiritsugu, he had no sense of decorum or restraint, it was refreshing, and annoying to his friends and peers. He dismissed himself back to his workshop and began drawing like a madman, all sorts of ideas for uniforms, pulling up picture after picture of what everyone who was anyone was wearing anywhere that was anywhere. In the end he had created a variety of fashions in several colors, all were fairly contemporary, and even no star uniforms contained at least 1% life fibers in the form of a banshi. He forwarded his design sketches to Lady Serenity, just to make sure she approved of the new direction.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/tumblr_n1il6rednR1r6c5nzo1_400.jpg.ffa3cb855553a25cff4993a89120f5df.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121245" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/tumblr_n1il6rednR1r6c5nzo1_400.jpg.ffa3cb855553a25cff4993a89120f5df.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Of course, for Lady Serenity he designed something more closely resembling her previous outfit, though this one was a little more modern in its design, and included a 5% boost to life fiber usage. He hoped she would like it.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Charlotte_in_male_uniform.jpg.6bc4eaa227d08a0a8b760f7b1ee4f3b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121247" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Charlotte_in_male_uniform.jpg.6bc4eaa227d08a0a8b760f7b1ee4f3b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Serenity recieved the designs for the uniforms and nodded her head in approval. "These are perfect as always Kiritsugu." she commented and her eyes landed upon the design for her own uniform which was to be specially made. She thought the design was very much modern but she was not sure if the red accents would suit her with her blond hair and blue eyes but she trusted Kiritsugu with his flare and decisions when it came to fashion and how things sat upon the human body. If it did not suit he would simply have to design something else for her and make it better. "At least it's not that horrid ping the girl was wearing. Such an awful color and it serves no use at all." she said mostly to herself and gave the boy her approval to begin with the designs. "Make sure o use seventy five present life fibers with mine. I can't be so docile any longer with my discipline. The time is drawing nearer to don it and that will begin the game." she interlaced her fingers together as she sat back and relaxed in her chair. She watched as the sewing club begin their work on mass producing the designs while Kiritsugu worked personally on hers. This would be one step closer to wearing her wedding dress. The life fiber count would not be an easy thing to control and use at first but with time and practice she would handle it with great ease as usual. Now she waited for the one with resilience to the life fibers to come to her office as he had been summoned. She wanted to ask him some questions and as well as test him on some things that would allow her to determine weather or not she could use him as either a pawn or as a knight. She sipped her warm tea with grace and poise that befit one of her stature and standing.

((I hope you don't mind if I just have Jin walk up in there))

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/5688-663633605.jpg.af908f3bc583e877f7d4c9ba0707ed84.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121450" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/5688-663633605.jpg.af908f3bc583e877f7d4c9ba0707ed84.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jin sat silently in his class, his eyes scanning each individual word in the book he held calmly in his hands. He was about to turn the page when a slip was suddenly placed on his desk. Jin picked up the thin sheet of paper and saw that he was being summoned to lady Serenity. The second the realization hit him, Jin's heart skipped a beat. He stood up silently and placed his book in his bag before beginning the walk to her office. Jin wasn't exactly the biggest fan of lady Serenity's rule, he saw it almost as a dictatorship. Regardless, she was the top dog at this school so he had no say in this situation. Once he entered Serenity's office Jin took a deep breath before he took he seat across from her and said,"L-lady Serenity, I believe I was s-summoned here?" as his fingers locked and fiddled around. He was very worried and scared as the what Serenity had to say. Why did she want to talk to him of all people?




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The moment the door opened she turned in her seat so that she faced him. Her robe slightly open at the top to allow peeks at her soft pale skin. She crossed her legs and leaned back a little in her chair rather relaxed and quite calm. Her long smooth legs stretched out under he hem of the robe in a modelesque fashion. She wasn't trying to look that way but she looked that way naturally. "Yes, have a seat. No need to be nervous. You are not in trouble or anything. I just wanted to ask you a few questions and give you a small test. Nothing big or dangerous, just a small experiment to see your hidden potential." She told him and offered him a cup of jasmind tea to see if that would calm his nerves. "You can relax. I'm not a beast in waiting." she told him as she could see in his body language that he was apprehensive. "First, how are you liking my school? I'm sure it's quite different from the normal schools you must be used to as an outsider. Do you have any questions that you have been wanting to ask?" she looked over his file with a quick glance and learned of his intelligence and saw his background and thought he had some great potential as a strategist. "Do you have any fighting background, Jin?" Her sapphire eyes glanced up at him and were as confident and sharp as that of a tiger on a hunt, "You IQ seems to be nearly off the charts. That's quite impressive. Not many from out of town can pull off getting in here on high grades alone." she explained to him and passed to him a piece of fabric. It was softer than silk but stronger that ten fold steal. I want you to hold on to this piece of fabric. Bring it back to me first thing in the morning. That...is going to be your ticket to the future of your dreams. Whatever you want to be from this point on will be reliant on that little piece of fabric and your choices, but don't worry too much if you fail, it's not going to bring you down. It will only guide to the right turn down a parallel path."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/5688-663633605.jpg.56388f68bc4a5811752a7f2663b5f204.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121498" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/5688-663633605.jpg.56388f68bc4a5811752a7f2663b5f204.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jin took the offering of tea and took a small sip from it as he only shook his head at Serenity's question. "No, I'm afraid I never really learned how to throw a punch. As for the school, it's very odd that you have students ranked by what exactly they are instead of by intelligence." Jin said a bit of a frown forming as his hands gripped the cup tighter, "It's because of that my mother passed away. We were forced to live in the slums...basically the scum of society. I tried everything I could to prevent it, but unfortunately even that wasn't enough. I wish I could go with my dad, but his current whereabouts are unknown. So now, it's just me." Jin then took the patch of fabric and tucked it away in his pocket as he asked,"And how exactly is this supposed to lead me to all my dreams."




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