Kieran Academy for the Supernatural

Apperance (Place an image, anime Preferred):

Full name:

Age (15-18):


Sexual Orientation:


Powers (Maximum of 2):

Weaknesses/ Limitations:


Likes (minimum of 5):

Dislikes (minimum of 5):



Writing sample: (This is just so I can see how you write, write how you character feels about getting the letter and about coming to the school, this won't effect the RP in any way)

Go ahead and fill all of that in :)
KroNicc115 said:
Apperance (Place an image, anime Preferred):
Full name:

Age (15-18):


Sexual Orientation:


Powers (Maximum of 2):

Weaknesses/ Limitations:


Likes (minimum of 5):

Dislikes (minimum of 5):



Writing sample: (This is just so I can see how you write, write how you character feels about getting the letter and about coming to the school, this won't effect the RP in any way)

Go ahead and fill all of that in :)
OH you meant a character, i already made one, its at the top of page 10, her name is Anen
Full name: Almira Selene Glass

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Year: Junior

Powers (Maximum of 2):

Can give life to inanimate objects (like dolls, toys etc)

Can manipulate other people's dreams.

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

When giving life to an object she has to recharge for an hour or so

The person who's dreams she is manipulating has to be close to her (within touching distance)








Likes (minimum of 5):




Listening to music

Certain dogs

Dislikes (minimum of 5):

Large crowds

Loud and obnoxious people

Bad grammar

Sour grapes



Her father

The dark

Large dogs


Bio: Her mother was killed by her father at the age of 10, but the public assumed she committed suicide because of her daughter's abilities. She took frequent beatings from him until she was 13.

She used her dream manipulation to cause him to go into cardiac arrest while he slept.

She tries to hide her animation power from people, as it was the most shunned of the two. Her grandmother knew what happened, and took her in, not wanting her granddaughter to be forced into fleeing her own hometown. Her most fond memories of her mother are in the library where she was taught to read and write.

Writing sample: Almira went through the mail on the coffee table, hoping to see something from her friend, who had moved away a few months ago. She saw the letter addressed to her, but not in her friend's familiar script. She read through it, her green eyes widening as she did so. Her grandmother came in, holding two cups of tea, chuckling at her granddaughter's expression. "It came today, I thought you might want to look at it." The young woman looked up from the paper and inhaled before bursting out, a very rare thing for her to do. "I have to go! It seems like the best choice, but...I'll be leaving you."

She dropped back into the plush couch and sighed. "Allie, if you want to go, go. I will miss you...there she goes." The old lady laughed as the teenage girl flitted from place to place, packing the essentials.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/anime.jpg.0e73787dc15a0d1a7f6765db0e9a5c92.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47238" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/anime.jpg.0e73787dc15a0d1a7f6765db0e9a5c92.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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((Sorry it took so long for me to finally make a char. School will be the death of me I swear...))

Apperance (Place an image, anime Preferred):


Full name: Lillian Rae Manson

Age (15-18): 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Year: Junior

Powers (Maximum of 2): Hell Fire Manipulation, Telekinesis

Weaknesses/ Limitations: High strung, stubborn, ill-tempered

Personality: Lillian is high strung and believes herself to be the best thing to ever walk the earth. She tends to be arrogant and high strung when you first meet her, and sometimes it only gets worse from there. Lillian believes rules were meant to be broken, mostly because she feels they don’t apply to her. She’s not afraid to make herself or her power known. She will do whatever it takes to get her way, even if that means stabbing a few backs to do so; compassion is a word she takes very lightly.

Likes (minimum of 5): power, fire, sarcasm, adoration, causing fear in others

Dislikes (minimum of 5): being taken care of, losing, ignorance, feeling weak/venerable, being treated as a child

Fears: Water/drowning

Bio: Lillian is the daughter of a demon father and human mother, making her half demon. Her father was exorcised once her mother’s family found out his true identity. Since a very young age, Lillian has been feared. Her mother used her daughter’s power to gain unsubstantial wealth and power through her life. Seen less as a daughter and more as a prize, Lillian has little understanding of a real childhood. She’s grown up in mansions, being taken care of and treated like royalty. Yet as she grows older, she is beginning to realize the potential her powers possess, which is dangerous to herself and everyone around her. Her family and care takers believe it’s time she learns to control them.

Writing sample:

Lillian sat at the large dining room table as her skinny fingers picked away at the five star breakfast before her. She popped a strawberry into her mouth as she heard the creaking of the foyer door swing open. With a bored expression she turned to see one of her many maids carrying a single letter in on a silver platter. Interest sparked in her golden eyes as she became instantly curious. Taking the letter in her hand, she quickly tore through the envelope with one quick motion. She began to silently read the mysterious letter.

So it looks like I’m not alone after all, she thought. This made her feel wary. She wanted to be special; to be the only one of her kind. She arched an eyebrow, leaning back in her chair. “Well. It looks like I some investigating to do.” A wicked smirk spread across her face; this was going to be fun.

Full name: Eliza Radkov

Age (15-18): 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Year: Senior

Powers (Maximum of 2):


Weaknesses/ Limitations:

She can only stay in a different form for a while afterwards she becomes tired.


Eliza is rather blunt, she means what she says. She has a playful, childish personality, frequently using her abilities to play pranks.

Likes (minimum of 5):

- food

- rabbits

- playing tricks

- playing the violin

- warm weather

Dislikes (minimum of 5):

- cold weather

- having to be serious


- the dark

- small spaces


Eliza was born into a middle class family, she was the only child. She has lived in the countryside most of her life and has been a little sheltered. This is probably the reason for her childishness.

Eliza has bright green eyes and long, wavy, dark brown hair. She is around 5"1 and is of average weight.

( ( this ref pic will do for now I can't draw it myself because I have nothing to draw with currently))

Writing sample:

Eliza went downstairs yawning and rubbing her eyes. She almost missed the last step on the stairs, giving her a fright. If she wasn't awake before at least she was now. She made her way to the kitchen, pushing her dark brown hair out of her eyes. As she got comfortable at her spot at the table she began looking through her mail. One letter in particular caught her attention, neatly presented with a crest on it. Eliza examined it for a while first, then proceeded to open it. As she read it her eyes lit up with excitement, she was definitely, most certainly awake now. She let out an elated gasp and wore a cheesy grin "I got in!!!" She proclaimed running upstairs to immediately pack her bags.

After her long journey she arrived at the school, she was a little nervous but shook the notion off reminding herself how lucky she was. This was going to be fun! She thought.
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Apperance (Place an image, anime Preferred):

Full name: Raiden Hyugga

Age (15-18): 15

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: Hetero Sexual (straight)


Powers (Maximum of 2): Can manipulate wind and fire

Weaknesses/ Limitations: Raiden can lose stamina really quickly if he overuses them

Personality: Raiden is nice, funny, loving, and carrying, but while in battle Raiden becomes insane

Likes (minimum of 5): Fire, Cool Breezes, meat, Hoodys , and Nice people

Dislikes (minimum of 5):Vegetables, ignorant people, water, sneakers, shorts

Fears: Spiders, Death of friends

Bio: Raiden was coming home from regular school trying to blend in when Raiden saw the not one his door. Raiden then opened the note and saw that it was an invitation to a school with super natural kids. "Yes, finally a place where i can stop hiding my powers." Raiden had to hide his powers from his old school because every one would probably freak out.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/images.jpg.e271818f01be8be8a863039e144684c3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47956" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/images.jpg.e271818f01be8be8a863039e144684c3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name shade yin


Gender girl

Sexuality asexual

Powers necromancer and earth bender

Year 1year

Personality shy but has anger issues

Likes: reading ,art, music and movies

Dislikes: bully, conflict

Fears people

Bio : she was young when she became an orphan her mother muder her whole family but only she excape because of her powers and she's been in and out of the foster system since



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Full name: Zeke

Age (15-18): 16

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

Year: 1

Species: Siren/Water Nymph Hybrid

Powers (Maximum of 2):

Siren Song

Water Control/manipulation

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

extreme heat/ extreme cold


Zeke is the typical surfer dude, he likes to have fun and just chill; going with the flow, that kinda thing. He is usually with a smile, always having an unnatural level of charisma whenever and wherever. Zeke hates to see people cry or frown, and so will try to cheer his friends up whenever he possibly can. Zeke is not very smart, he is extremely oblivious to many things, including personal space...


+ Surfing

+ Water

+ Going with the flow

+ Vegetables

- Violence

- Fighting (Unless absolutely necessary)

- Seafood


Zeke was born and raised in the peaceful place of Hawaii, off one of the mainlands and away from technology. His whole life he grew up surfing, day and night; it was about the only thing he did, besides with hang out with his friends. Not much happened in his younger life until about the age of 14, when his mom told him to head out into the world and explore for himself. Taking his moms advice, he began to surf around the world until he came to here and settling for school life, deciding to learn about society.


He has a 10'6 SUP board and a pet starfish named Henry.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/ginger.jpg.fcb74eb543d8a45aef1ebb8039de16d2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49727" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/ginger.jpg.fcb74eb543d8a45aef1ebb8039de16d2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/cloaked_woman_1_by_niacyth-d4714ut.jpg.411e5eb2fe1a67d2eb9cf80d4766aaea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49728" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/cloaked_woman_1_by_niacyth-d4714ut.jpg.411e5eb2fe1a67d2eb9cf80d4766aaea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full name: Zanna

Age (15-18): 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Year: 1st

Species: Broodmother

Powers (Maximum of 2):

Wasp Control

Wasp Broodmother: She is able to host wasps in her body; also able to grow wasp parts.

Weaknesses/ Limitations:



Zanna is a sweet(Ha) girl with likes to help out others, but due to her powers she usually tends to be by herself due to others being fearful of her, or grossed out by her; and she hates this fact. She hates being alone, even though she is almost never truly alone; unless she commands the wasps to leave her bee(
xD On a roll) for a while. She would give anything to just be talked to.


+ Honey

+ Flying

+ Anything Sweet

+ Tea

+ Being interacted with

- Being Alone

- Anything Sour

- Swimming

- Smoke

- Fire


Being alone forever


Zanna has lived a tough life, from a young age Wasps were naturally drawn to her; and so many people stayed away from her. As she grew older she grew to understand what she was/ who she was, and decided to accept her role; no matter how much she didn't like it at the time. Over the years she has gotten use to the loneliness, and being a walking hive for wasps; even if she hates being alone.

Extra: How she sounds.



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"Do you know the phrase "Between a rock and a hard place"? That was Me!"

"Hi, my name is Zanna"


"Its rude to ask a girl her age" (4,000 ish)(10 in human years)

Sexual Orientation:

"Hmm? I have no need for love, but I can kiss either a boy or a girl"



"This will be my first year at this "School" *Giggles*


-Aether manipulation

- She has 4 dog tipped tentacles hiding under her dress, able to summon them through Aether transportation.


"Believe it or not but even I have limits"

*Using her Aether powers can tire her out quickly*


"Well people usually tell me I am really cute and too young to be somewhere vewwy dangerous; but then I usually kill them and feed them to my dogs. I guess you could saw I like to have fun, and I can still be the little girl I am, until I go psychotic on everyone"


"How did I grow up? Easy; sinking the ships that came to close to home! It's not like I did it on purpose though, I was only trying to eat the crew. *Giggles* Well anyways, I did this for a few thousand years until I got bored so I decided to come out and play! "Giggles* Will YYYOOOUUU play with me?"


+ Feeding people to her dogs

+ Messing with people

+ Having fun

+ Eating

+ Sitting on peoples laps

- Ships

- Losing

- Being told what to do

- Cold

- Rumors that aren't true


Name || Nao Orichi


Age || 15

Gender || Male

Sexual Orientation || Pansexual, Demiromantic

Year || 1st Year

"Highschool! A whole new game."


(Seeing as how he's vocaloid related...)

Powers ||

Sonic Scream


"I usually win arguments..."

Weakness || His electrokenisis is very unstable and he doesn't have a good grasp on it. Often hurts himself using it.

"It's not like it came with an instruction manual."

Personality || Nao can always be found hitting on someone. He loves the games, especially the romantic ones. He's been deemed player since elementary school. Serious isn't a word in his vocabulary. He does care for people, but his immature demeanor tends to overshadow that.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game... haha!"


Likes ||

- Flirting

- Having fun

- The color purple

- Licorice

- Birds

"I wish I could fly."

Dislikes ||

- Being left out of the loop

- Boredom

- Being made fun of

- Leaks (Hue)

- Snakes

"They're all slithery and just... creepy okay?!"


Fears || Falling in Love, The dark

"Hey... Don't even say it..."

Bio || Maybe the attention seeking behavior developed over childhood. His parents always fought and were "too tired" for him. Eventually they split up and his Dad left without a word. Then, his mother took up all of her time working. She never even noticed he had powers. And, at this point, he doesn't think she deserves to know.

He avoids any sort of serious relationships now, even friendships if they grow too close.

"See, what happens when you care for someone? They leave. Yep, so I'm always one step ahead. I don't plan on getting hurt again."


@Maxwelle : How ironic he hates snakes when his last name is a giant 8-headed river snake in Japanese mythology :3
Apperance (Place an image, anime Preferred):

Full name: Jon Alister

Age (15-18): 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Year: second

Powers (Maximum of 2): Author Authority

Weaknesses/ Limitations: He is a sucker around food as it tends to prevent him from thinking rationally.

Personality: Jon is very quiet and will usually stick to himself. Once he gets to know someone, however, he is extremely outgoing and kind. He likes to help people and will most likely go out of his way to do so.

Likes (minimum of 5): Helping people, a good book, platinum, comfy chairs, sleeping.

Dislikes (minimum of 5): Physical fighting, bad endings, expected plots, Mary Sue, writer's block.

Fears: He fears that his book that he constantly is writing will eventually end with a bad ending.

Bio: Jon is what people call a "Storyteller." He tells and writes stories based on the concepts of the universe. He was orphaned at a young age, but was adopted by a librarian. This librarian gave him his love of books, causing him to love his abilities even more. People usually called him a freak, so he found sanctuary in the fantasy worlds of books.

Writing sample: School, Or should it be Academy. Either way, Jon thought it was going to be the most boring years of his life, Mrs. Greene, his adopted mother, thought otherwise.

"It will be a good learning experience." She had said. "You do want to learn, don't you?"

There was no arguing with that. He had to go to school.

Full name: Riley Fae masquer

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Year: First year

Powers (Maximum of 2): Can sprout wings and manipulate hell fire(blue flames)

Weaknesses/ Limitations: Naive, easy to manipulate, horrible control of and expressing emotions, little to no experience with powers and other supernatural beings

Personality: Shy, compassionate, a little clingy, mature at times and childish at others, easy to aggravate on certain subjects

Likes: Being with friends, quiet places, cold things(Winter, foods), classical music, familiarity, having fun, her violin

Dislikes: Unfamiliar situations, stereotyping, bullying, drug-use, gossip

Fears: Being abandoned, alone or betrayed in any way

Bio: Mother was a French-English immigrant and father was a Archangel, so she wasn't very well off. She Grew up moving from one place to another while her mother was mostly jobless, after 5 years of this her mother left her at an orphanage for her well-being and has abandonment issues because of this. Had an assortment of mental disorders that were mostly sorted out during her time in the home but occasionally has episodes, ranging from minor auditory and visual hallucinations to full on melt-downs. After she turned 15 she applied for a boarding school, mostly to get her away from the orphanage and to give herself a better chance at life, she was turned down due to her uncertain heritage. She is aware that her father wasn't human and of her powers, but is still naive to what he and her are exactly.

Writing sample: Riley sat at the breakfast table as other girls her age clambered for food and chatted obnoxiously to one another about the morning gossip. She sighed wearily and scooped up a mouthful of runny eggs. Just then one of the managers came up to her and gestured with a beckoning finger for her to follow. Nervously, Riley stood up and followed the uniform-clad woman to her office. The woman sat down and slid a fancy looking envelope across the table, she noticed her name on the front and began opening it. Just as Riley finished she thanked the woman and left the office. As soon as the door closed she excitedly jumped in the air and screamed out in joy, dashing towards her room to pack.
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.....well....fuck..... Look it wad just a food fight (that ended with them destroying 75% of the school). How about this free pizza at your party and all is forgiven.
Don't you go all suspicious on me!! I'm offering free pizza! And yeah....It was all Pen's idea!! (still love you penance)

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