Kieran Academy for the Supernatural

Apperance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/14bee81c1feba761089d5342e1cd61e6.jpg.28d3ce69b70f41b2d989c22df6b98ad3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45758" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/14bee81c1feba761089d5342e1cd61e6.jpg.28d3ce69b70f41b2d989c22df6b98ad3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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He has only changed into this person one time and that was when he was a child. When he is like this he becomes completely ruthless and his powers increase. He also can ignore pain for a good while. He only becomes like this when he is beyond terrified or something he loves is taken away from him

Full name: Alex Drake

Age (15-18): 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Year: ((Homeschool so I have no clue what's it called, but he is on his third year xD ))

Powers: Technology manipulation and attributes




Weaknesses/ Limitations:

If he absorbs too much electricity he will slowly and painly fry from the inside and die. He is only immune to his electricity so if he doesn't absorb it he will die. It take a lot out of him to travel through technology, so if he does it too much he will get a high fever and become delirious


He is ridiculously innocent (yes despite his past and age), he loves to play around, highly curios and he's pretty shy. He has terrible self confidence and has no clue how to get attention. He is also very forgetful, so if he stops in a middle of a conversation or just walks away after a question is asked he doesn't mean to be rude, he just forgot (however he never forgets when he uses his copy power) If he does something wrong he freaks out and won't stop apologizing. He is easily frightened and can just as easily tear up. He doesn't believe he is strong (but he is especially when he get's serious), but won't deny a fight even though he will be hesitant. If someone he cares about more than his on life get's

Likes (minimum of 5):

Being noticed



Asking questions


Dislikes (minimum of 5):

Bitter foods

Remerbering is past


Being frightened

Making people mad at him


That everyone he knows will abandon him because of his past or just because they all secretly hate him. Large bodies of water (can't swim).


He was orphaned by the age of nine, before he became an orphan, he lived with his rather large and well off family. He had is mother, father, aunt, uncle, grand mother two older sisters, one older brother, and one younger brother. He was the only one in his family that had any powers, and that's what made his life a hell. His parents and siblings feared him and kept him locked up and chained in a small hidden room. He was beaten often and had a few close calls with death, but one day his close call became to close. His father had pulled a gun on him and actually shoot him, just as he thought he was about to die his mind went blank.

When he opened his eyes he was surrounded by his families corpses, he was shocked and knew he did it...though even though he was terrified he was also happy. He laughed and laughed till the cops arrived. Before they entered he stabbed himself so it looked like he also was a victim which barley survived. After he was sent to the hospital and patched up he was then sent to the orphanage.

Everyone in the orphanage hated him for his cleverness (and looks), and the feeling as mutual. He had been adopted several times, but the longest was for two months. After the tenth failed adoption he soon became sick of it and had a hard time at understanding why he kept being rejected.

He stopped caring and kept himself locked up in his room when people tried to adopt him he would do something to make them change their mind since he was so sick of it. :
He never told anyone that he killed his family. He is often plagued by nightmare because of this. At times he even see their corpses and freaks out. He also keeps his other self under wraps since he only changed once he has no clue if it will happen again..

Writing sample: "Huh? I-I got accepted! Really! No joke! Hahaha Yes!" Alex exclaimed happily as he took the letter from the head of the orphanage. He then slammed the door in her face as he began to prance around his room. "I get to go! I can leave here! Haaa Finally! I get to go somewhere, where others are like me." He said as he leaned against a wall and hugged the letter to his chest. "Somewhere I may actually be accepted...finally." He muttered as he slide down the wall.

On the day he was suppose to leave he packed up the very few belonging he had and left his room He didn't bother to say bye to anyone as he walked over to a nearby TV and jumped in, exiting out of a random phone that was near his destination (freaking out a girl which caused him to freak out). When he arrived he couldn't help but smile, after all this would without a doubt be intresting.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/tumblr_n5e1zcgMa61qfynqno7_400.gif.ea39f5df59fbb47241a7f564736675d7.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45763" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/tumblr_n5e1zcgMa61qfynqno7_400.gif.ea39f5df59fbb47241a7f564736675d7.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Full name:

Fantine Colette Chevair

Age (15-18):




Sexual Orientation:




Powers (Maximum of 2):

Emotion Manipulation by touch, Flight

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

-Needs to be close to the person, or physically touching the person that changes emotions( It can also be affected by her emotional state as well)

-She needs room to spread out her wings, as well as fly at least once a day

- Thunderstorms

-Her wings are fragile when they are first called out

-A demon's touch burns


Fantine is a very kind and gentle soul that works for the good of others. She gives her all into everything she does, and will not quit until she is dead, or the job is finished. Her upbeat and cheerful person is something that tends to draw people near her, beside the obviously pure aura around her. The only times she ever gets a bit unkind is during thunderstorms and when she absolutely exhausted.

Even then, she choose to remain silent rather than speak badly to others, despite it being her first meeting of them. Often times, when she isn't helping people, she can be found either outside enjoying the scenery or she is inside reading. Solitude is surprisingly not a fear of hers, in fact, she rather likes being in a room with less people rather than a large group.

Likes (minimum of 5):



-Meeting others



Dislikes (minimum of 5):

-Overly negative people



-Anything happening to those she cares for

-Bitter food




Born into the famous Chevair family of guardian angels, it was automatically assumed she would follow the family business. Even as a young babe, her parents had groomed her to do well in her future job. Specifically involving flying and her power to induce emotions on people. Which was rare for most angels to have, at least the way she has it. They usually only have the ability to calm people, while Fantine has the ability to produce any emotion on to another person. Thus was both an advantage and a disadvantage.

Her family kept her at an arms length because of it, and most of the training that revolved around using it, was put towards negating it. She had to work on her control simply because she would often leak her own emotions onto others whenever they were strong enough. Normally, since she was a cheerful girl, it was a good thing, but when Thunderstorms happened. Well, she would send out crippling fear.

Thus she has come a long way from leaking her emotions onto others. Now it only happens when she is under a great deal of stress and high level of emotion.

Writing sample:

A cheery voice happily sung lyrics to an old song many had forgotten as it's owner, young woman with long brunette locks and bright blue eyes, took clothes of the laundry line to be folded. Besides the small town filled with cottages that belonged to her family, there was only green valleys and colorful flowers as far as the eye can see. It was a peaceful place, and yet today she had more on her mind than her chores. Today a letter would be coming to tell her whether or not she was accepted into her new school.

Yes, her family could teach her everything they could, but she needed more experience with people of all types. Stories alone would not make her a good guardian angel. The job she desperately wanted to excell at. Despite how sound her logic was, her parents were hesitant to her going to a school outside of their community, simply because the state of her power. They didn't quite trust her yet, despite her progress with her control over it.

Fantine knew she could do it and so she applied. Thus being the first thing she did without her parents permission. They were almost certain she wouldn't actually go even when she was accepted, but they would be wrong. The moment the mail man came up to her with the stack of mail in his hands, she said her thanks and took the mail, immediately finding her letter from the school and tearing it open. A few seconds of silence passed as her blue orbs scanned the letter and everything went calm. Then like a flash, she was jumping with joy with the letter held to her chest.

"I'm accepted! I can go! Yay! I can't wait!... Wait, how am I going to get there?"


Full name: Rezzy Amon Miez

"Nice to meet you, the names Rezzy"

Age (15-18): 16

"16 right now"

Gender: Male

"Last time I checked"

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

"There a reason you want to know huh?"

Year: 1st

"My first year, excited for it"


Ram Physiology: He has the head of a ram, able to deal serious damage with his headbutts, he is able to destroy rock and put holes into buildings. He has a thick skull, allowing him to withstand the pressure of the blows he gives and takes.

Enhanced strength/durability: Self explanitory

"Not anything fancy"

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

-He can only exert 800 IBS in his headbutts, slightly lower then average for his kind.


Rezzy is a mellow guy, he likes to take it easy and just chill with his friends; rarely making enemies as he dislikes fighting unless absolutely necessary. Despite being mellow, he is also very mature; often analyzing situations before he acts or speaks, allowing him to operate with a level head which allows for better decisions. He hates seeing others sad or in pain, often rushing to the aid of his friends without a moments hesitation, or really anyone who needs it. Rezzy always tells the truth...always.

"I am all of me"


+ Relaxing

+ Pizza

+ Sleeping

+ Reading

+ Running

+ Ramming

+ Fried Zucchini

- Fighting

- Yelling

- Anything Spicy

- Lies

- Potatoes

"Its like you get me"


Fears Drowning

Hates spiders with a burning passion

"Spiders are evil!"


Rezzy does not have much of a history, he was born and raised in the Himalayas, both his parents being of his kind, Ram hybrids that is. He was taught to respect all others and that you should only fight when absolutely necessary, a value he keeps to this day. Rezzy did not have to hide from the world as everyone in his community accepted their kind in open arms, allowing him to grow up proud of his heritage; something always good for anyone. About a year ago his parents decided to enroll him here at Kieran Academy to give him a taste of the outside world and what the reality of the world is like.

"Not much to my life"

Writing sample:

A sliver of sunlight bursts through the curtains onto his closed eye, awakening him from his light slumber. Today was the day he left behind everything he knew to go out into the world and see what it was like, his parents had always talked about it and his curiosity finally peaked a few years ago. He begged his parents to let him have this chance, and they finally let him; today was a day of excitement. He grinned slightly before sitting up and stretching, sending a slurry of pops into the air. After a few lazy minutes he finally stood up and walked out of his room, greeting his parents with a ecstatic "Good morning!" before sitting down at the table and eating his breakfast, the last time he would eat his parents cooking for a while. He would miss everything, but this was something he that he had to do, besides he would visit during breaks.

He and his parents exchanged their final words as he ate and clean his dish before picking up his luggage and giving his parents one final goodbye with a hug. "I'll see you soon" stated Rezzy before walking over to his childhood friend Lizzy, she already packed as well. "Took you long enough" joked the girl before the two stepped into the portal that a school official has created for them, teleporting them to the school and their new lives...

Theme song: Breath of the Forest- Adrian Von Ziegler:




Full name: Lizzy Siel

"Its nice to meet you, my name is Lizzy"

Age (15-18): 16

"I'm currently 16"

Gender: Female

"I'm a girl"

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Year: 1st

"This is my first year here, I wonder what is to come"


Succubus Physiology: -

"Pretty simple actually"

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

Anything holy



Lizzy has two sides to her personality, her more demon like side and her more human like side. Her demonic-like personality is overall dominate unless she eats certain foods, which will be listed later. This side of her is Stoic in nature, coming across as if she had no emotions and sometimes rude, even if she isn't meaning to be rude. She does not understand social and emotional interactions as well as others.

The more human side of Lizzy is a sweet girl, she likes to help others in any way she can, she too is not a big fan of violence. She talks with others and interacts like a normal girl, the complete opposite of her other persona. She likes it when people give her complements, even if she is not a big fan of attention; and is even a little mischievous from time to time.

Both sides of her though like to read, she often can be found reading alone and on a rare occasion with a cup of hot chocolate; her favorite thing in the world. When you don't see her reading then she is usually looking for another book to read, Lizzy is a bookworm at heart.

"That is me, yes"


+ Reading

+ Hot Chocolate

+ Helping others

+ Talking with others

+ Joking (Human side only)

+ Beaches (Human side only)

+ Darkness (Demon side only)

- Fighting

- Talking about herself (Human side only)

- Being alone (Human side only)

- Arrogance/rudeness

- Sunlight (Demon side only)

"Why do you wish to know this information?"

Foods that change her personality:


Solid Chocolate



Never finding love and acceptance



Lizzy is the daughter of Lady Siel, a renown succubus, known for her extensive library of knowledge and her kindness despite her race. When Lizzy was born, Lady Siel had to hide her away in the Himalayas in hope of sparing her the conflict of good and evil, a battle raged for eons. She has knowledge of her mother as she drops by every now and again to say hi and talk for a little, but for the most part is an orphan due to her mothers schedule and fears. For the most part she hid her origins due to her mothers wishes in being hidden from the war, and it succeeded for the most part. She grew up in the same village as Rezzy, becoming good childhood friends with him; now they both embark on their journey to the school in hope of a new life.

"I grew up with my friend Rezzy"

Writing sample:

Lizzy woke up with a yawn, an hour before dawn was the rough estimate of time she gave herself as she looked out the window in her Stoic manner, wiping away the sleep from her eyes as she took in the view for the last time for a while. She walked downstairs quietly to allow the family that took her in some extra sleep, preparing a basic breakfast for herself, going through the motions of every morning. As her family started to wake up, she finished her morning rounds of chores before saying her farewells to the people and taking her prepacked luggage to the designated spot where the teacher awaited with the portal to Kieran Academy. She sat down and waited silently, reading a book as always while waiting for Rezzy; who appeared about half an hour later. "Took you long enough" stated the girl at an attempt for a joke before grabbing her luggage and entering the portal, teleporting to her new life.

Theme song: Blood night- Adrian Von Ziegler:


Full name: Cassie Aurora Suzuki

Age (15-18): 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Year: 3

Powers (Maximum of 2): Manipulation of The earth and seas

Weaknesses/ Limitations: Fire Wielders Limitations Include using her powers from a far distance

Personality: Usually When you first meet she will hold herself high but once you get to know her she is very Bubbly and loud

Likes (minimum of 5): Fighting, Kindness, Animals, People, Power

Dislikes (minimum of 5):Rude and unsettling situations, Weakness, Dishonor, Know it all's

Fears: Of Loosing her people and race due to an on raging war with her people.

Bio: Cassie Is a Medium small Female elf who holds herself high. Known throughout the school as having her people be the most respected and Strict Race their is people fear her not because of her powers or abilities but because of what she is in general. Elf's are very known for being straight forward and if offended or threatened its a duel to the death or serious punishment. Cassie is well known to be one out of two siblings who holds the throne of her people. awaiting till schooling is done with too continue on her journey with her destiny

The Pink haired Girl silently sat back in the chair, opening the letter sent to her by pigeon which is rare to use these days, making her smile to herself knowing the old ways are still though of. She scanned the letter, a small smirk planting itself on her lips. Footsteps were heard entering the stone cold room as she looked over her shoulder, The soft pink hair sprawled down her back like a bubblegum waterfall "Yes Father" She questioned "You will enter schooling do you understand, it is for the best of our people" Cassie had no disagreements and only nodded her head up and down obeying his word as the old man stroked his beard "You set off tomorrow morning"<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/elf.jpg.8ecfddd95ac7034631f8e41b85255741.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45840" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/elf.jpg.8ecfddd95ac7034631f8e41b85255741.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Oh good, thanks. I was worried you were cross with my sarcastic remark I made, heh... But thanks! ^^

(Btw RpN- 2 You- 0)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.df5c7b171a87dd6c5b21444701d4803f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46229" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.df5c7b171a87dd6c5b21444701d4803f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Full name: Andrew "reptile" black

Age: 16

Gender: male

Sexual orientation: homosexual

Year: junior


Acid spit: spit can melt through objects like acid

Enhanced reflexes


Tends to act out of line when he gets bored

Personality: reckless and wild. He can get bored very easily. He'll do whatever it takes to entertain himself and his great imagination helps with that.


Having fun

The color green


Shy people




Losing (who does?)


Big cities

Books with words




Bio: his dad was a reptile man...thing? And his mother was regular human. His dad was around for about five years then he disappeared. Andrew eventually had to be home schooled after trying to melt people's faces with a loogie. He was eventually banned from leaving home for the same reason.

Writing example: Andrew was spitting holes in trees as usual when he mother came outside and started yelling about leaving house then something about a new school, he wasn't really listening. Then she said he was be forced to go to that school. Which he didn't like because he liked being lazy. He had to get on a boat to get there since he wasn't a big fan of flying. When he got there he heard everyone had powers "oo this might not be as boring as I thought"

(I'm bad about not putting enough detail sometimes I'll try and work on that)



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Nothing serious has happened, its the first day of school and its near the end of the day, everyone will be meeting in the cafe for dinner very soon tho.


Full Name: Skye "Kai" Doranvol

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Unsure

Year: Senior


  • Esoteric Flame Manipulation- Skye is able to summon flames and manipulate it to her will. She can also use this for flight by allowing her flames to blast below her feet as of a rocket.
  • Extreme Brute Strength- She can combat enemies with her strength, often resulting in battle areas destroyed, the victim severly damaged. This strength sometimes changes her into a muscular physique if seriously angered.

Weaknesses/ Limitations: Feline animals or objects within her path or around her enables Skye from not able to use her powers effectively due to memories of her deceased cat, Jinx. Rather, it weakens her attacks. Also, Skye has to eat sufficient apples to boost her powers. Without it, she becomes extremely weak. Cold water weakens her flame manipulation and causes temporary muscle tightening which can be excruciating.

Personality: Skye is very observative, keen and listens well. She is also a smart individual, always analizing her opponent. She does not socialize much, only if someone starts to communicate and if the conversation is rational. She is easily angered and annoyed by pesky individuals due to her tomboyish nature and will not hesitate to strike if a person heeds not the first warning. She rather stays to herself, relaxing, staring at the clouds, the stars and eat apples. Apples are her addiction.

Likes: Feline objects or animals





Boys Wear

Dislikes: Ice or anything cold



Girls wear

Pesky individuals

Fears: She was once scared of bats at a young age.

Bio: At the age of six, Skye's world took a drastic, yet newly found change. Her parents were murdered by wanted bandits right before her. Her cat, Jinx, was held upside down before her, while one of the bandits teased her and sliced Jinx in two. The only creature she thought she would have remaining after her parent's death. That made Skye saw red. Her powers ignited and all she could remember seeing were black chards of ashes around her. Her home, everything. A mysterious figure watched her the whole time, and called her from afar. That was how it had all started. She became cold and hateful, and found herself with powers that lay dormant within her. That was also how she met her master who later found out that she was born with a dark demon within her....

Writing Sample: "Skye, are you sure? This is the best opportunity for you to learn How to control your powers effectively." Yon, her master sighed deeply, staring at her. He sometimes could never understand her. Skye looked at the letter once more, seemingly thinking. Yon placed a hand on his cheek waiting for an answer.

"I have you as my teacher. I need nothing more." Skye placed the paper on his table, then lay on the couch as if nothing happened. She swallowed the last bit of apple, reveling the sweet taste which lingered in her mouth.

"Kai, yes, but I am not adept into it. I have only teached you the basics. This guy is quite wealthy and has the experience for your caliber, therefore, as your master, I command you to go."

Skye sighed to herself, as she stood to her feet. "I am only doing this because you wished it. However, if I don't see a single result within two months, I will return." Skye walked away from her master, went into her room and started packing. As she was about to leave, her master stopped her, by touching her shoulder lightly.

"Be careful. And try to grasp his teachings."

"Ah. Keep safe until I return." Skye walked away, hoping for whatever tactics comes her way. A smile crept on Yon's lips. Half of his dream is about to come true after all....

Okay, I'm mostly just kidding. But if you accept her that'd be okay too

xD But I removed the robot. She wandered off too far and someone kidnapped her and pawned her robot parts for money.


Name: May Ketchum

"Are you ready to lose?"

Age: 10 for 20 years (16 ish...?)

"Prepare for a tough battle!"

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual.

"My Pokemon are hard to beat!"

Species: Pokemon Trainer

"You are no match for my Lucario!"

Personality: Loud, Obnoxious, Overly positive, Delusional, Points a lot, Unstable, Oblivious to logic much of the time

"By fighting tough battles, you get stronger!"



-Pokemon Battles

-Wandering through the woods alone

-Meeting strangers




-Losing a Pokemon battle

-Not shouting

-Team Rocket

"You'll never get away with this team rocket!"

Powers: The ability to carry around orbs that enslave helpless animals only to force them to fight each other later for money and reputation.

Weakness: Pokemon have various weaknesses, depending on the Pokemon. They also faint easier. Can't do anything but shout at her Pokemon.

"I love Pokemon!"








Fears: Losing her Pokemon, A ban on witty phrases used before battle

"I can beat you when it comes to knowledge about Pokemon!"

Bio: Forced out of her home at the age of 10 about 15 years ago, this 10 year old continued her family legacy and became a Pokemon trainer. She wanders around alone and meets strangers in the woods in her free time to train to battle the Elite Four.

"Was my Pikachu too much for you?"

Writing sample: "I'd like to buy some of your finest Pokeballs please!" May exclaimed, pointing expectantly at the sales clerk. "This is 7-Eleven... Could I interest you in a Slurpee instead?" May sighed, ducking her head disappointingly. "Is a Slurpee a new form of HP Potion?" The clerk blinked at her, wondering if he should call the appropriate authorities. "Sure...?"

With a grin, May said, "Alright! I'll take 30!"

Spam Mega Evo wew! I picked some that were the well known Pokemon for those who were as uncultured as to not know much about Pokemon. To some, they are all Pikachu. Is she accpeted? >.> xD @KroNicc115

Edit: BESIDES that's why she's at the school. Pshh

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