Kieran Academy for the Supernatural

Character sign up sheet


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/44ee3d3b9bdae4a1d15ba050ed92accf.jpg.29f926077436e14801cadab4fb7a64e9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46716" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/44ee3d3b9bdae4a1d15ba050ed92accf.jpg.29f926077436e14801cadab4fb7a64e9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Full name:

Katrina "Kat" Lockheart

Age (15-18):




Sexual Orientation:




Powers (Maximum of 2):

Mind Manipulation & Empathy

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

It only works when she is looking that person in the eyes, after 30 seconds the person can't lookmaway due to her beautiful eye color. It doesn't work on people that are emotionless.


Katrina is very bubbly happy girl,that is until you get on her bad side. She is can basicly be the sweatiest nicest girl you ever meet or she can be the most demonic evil person ever it depends on her mood and who you are. She is easily fluatered and does cry easliy.

Likes (minimum of 5):

Manga / Books

°Sweet stuff


°Bad Boys though she won't admit it

°People who can bake

Dislikes (minimum of 5):




•Movies that don't even match close to the book

•People who make her cry


People who are close to her hating her bad side.



Katrina is a orphan, she has a no family off any kind that she knows of since she was left at a orphanage when she was just a baby. It was a cathioc ophange so when her powers came in the nuns belived she was cursed by the devil so tried to beat it out of her, when her evil side began to show they only belivd it more causing to beat and punish her more. After a nun found out about this place they sent her here asap.

Writing Sample

Slap. Slap. The sounds of the a boney hand hiting the young girls cheek flesh as she was tied ton the wall. A small chuckle escaped the girls chapped pink lips. The old nun backed away holding her hand to her chest. Slowly,of ever slow the young girl looked up blowing her matted hair out of her beautiful eyes, that had one full baby blue while the other had a speck of difrent colors to the mix of the soft blue."You are the devils child." The nun spat at her moving to slap her again.Times like this the young girl loved to play with them."And just like God, he loves all his children." Just as the old nun raises her hand to slap the girl again, a nun much younger than her came into the room with a letter.

"Sister Beth.Let the girl go. There is a place for her far away from here." The young nun gave the older one the letter. The girl looked at them tied to the wall with a smirk."Well don't you look at that.My stay here is done." With a loud huff Beth untiednthe girl letting her drop with a loud thud."Katrina you leave and never come back." Beth growled to the girl. Standing up she smiled and snatched the paper."Don't plan too." With those final words she left the building to start a new one at the academy.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/d05dcdac795d80fef5597873a6e030b6.jpg.102cfa0a2a1352d93ff04b4a493cbac9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46877" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/d05dcdac795d80fef5597873a6e030b6.jpg.102cfa0a2a1352d93ff04b4a493cbac9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name:

Yatsuki Reiko




Freshman (1st year)


Female / Feminine

Sexual Orientation:

Bisexual; she swings both ways; though she does prefer males



Powers / Abilities:

With certain methods, she can disguise into the person, animal or entity

that one individual loves or cares about most in order to lure them or trick them. Her second power is that she

can manipulate water.

Weakness / Limitations:

Her eyes are faint red around her pupil whenever she is disguised.


Suki is a calm person that handles stressful situations like a pro. She can act flirty when she

needs to be, for example, when she's using her powers to disguise. She's sexually confused in a way because

of her having to disguise male and female for a majority of her life. Suki's mood is pretty much always mellow, neither cheerful or grumpy. She has a good sense of humor that can turn dark or disturbing at times. She likes hanging around the water, like Sirens in myths are told to. Suki still has about half her innocence but usually acts cheerful and cute at

school, putting on a persona. Like I mentioned before her mood is pretty much always mellow, but she only shows her true mood around people she knows and trusts.


Swimming, Water, Naps, Climbing, Small Spaces.


Large Crowds, Bright Lights, Open Spaces, Fire, Heat.




Suki was born on September 14, 1999. Like most her bloodline, she was born with one or two powers that were somehow connected to either

water or mythic creatures of the water. Suki has a older brother named Mizuoyu that can also manipulate water contents & has the ability to breathe underwater. As for Suki's mother and father, they were also born with these powers, but died in a house fire when she was 13, which also caused her fear of fire. Not to long after her mother and fathers' death, her brother who was at that time 17 rented an apartment that he and Suki ended up living in, even during present day.

Writing sample:

Yatsuki sat at her desk quietly doing some homework her homeroom teacher at

Raidukka High assigned her. She had been working on the same math problem for about five-minutes. Once again, Suki scribbled out her incorrect algorithm. She started re-writing the formula when she heard a knock on her bedroom door. Yatsuki ignored the first knock, continuing with her problem. But, of course it was very difficult to ignore the following ten-knocks that came continuously after the first.

Yatsuki sighed and set her pencil down on her desk, then quietly got up and walked to the door. She reached out for the silver knob and twisted it, opening the door to reveal her older brother standing outside holding a letter. Without a word, Mizuoyu handed Yatsuki the letter. Yatsuki began to rip open the envelope to find a folded piece of paper. With gentle intention, Suki began to unravel the paper as her eyes trailed down, taking in everything it said. Without hesitation, Yatsuki spoke. "I've been invited to an Academy called Kieran. It said the school was specifically for people with 'supernatural' abilities. Think I should go, Mizu-kun?"

"Most definitely. Considering the school you go to now doesn't have an environment where you're surrounded with other people that possess unique abilities, you should transfer so you can be around people more your type".

"Being honest, I agree completely. I do not like the fact I musn't tell anyone at school that I possess abilities of the sea". Yitsuki paused for a moment, thinking this through.

"I think I have made a decision that I would like to go to this school. That is, if it's alright with you, Mizu-Kun."

Mizuoyu nodded his head, simply agreeing that it'd be best if Yatsuki entered Kieran.

Sorry for any spelling errors, my computer was lagging so I found it hard to type.

So anyways, thanks for veiwing my OC! :D



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(This is my first RP on this website.)



Full name:

Anen Lecia Myers

Age (15-18):




Sexual Orientation:



Sophomore (2nd year)

Powers (Maximum of 2):

Invisibility & Teleportation

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

Has little to no strength,

has a weakness for fire.


Sarcastic, Funny, Blunt, Clumsy, Light Sleeper, Extroverted, Ambitious, Tends to be a Slob, Tomboy

Likes (minimum of 5):

Food, Video Games, Hanging out with Friends

Dislikes (minimum of 5):

Being Frustrated, Being Interrupted, Bugs



Anen was the kind of girl who might sit and read a nice book on a Sunday afternoon, but then her father died. When she turned 14, after a year of suffering from depression she decided to turn herself around. There is no point in holding on to the past if it is already gone, is there?.. Once she got over herself she started to rebel. She went to more parties, made more friends, dyed her hair black, and got her ears pierced. Now there wasn't much wrong with that, but her mother sure didn't like it, she couldn't stop her anyways.

She discovered her powers one morning after she watched Star Wars with her brother Ren, she tried to use the force like everyone does, and her brother witnessed her disappear. They came to the conclusion that she has supernatural powers, just as few others in this world have as well. During the Summer before she joined high school, the day after her 15th birthday she applied to go to the

Kieran Academy for the Supernatural.

Writing sample:
It was a burning Summer afternoon in a home with a broken air conditioner, Anen was sitting on the couch with multiple fans pointed at herself. Her brother Ren, was watching afternoon TV, while Anen was sitting next to him. Their mother walked through the door with many grocery bags and placed them on the counter. She tossed a pile of mail onto the kitchen table, "Anen can you help me with the groceries?" she said with a serious but kind voice. "and Ren can you toss the spam mail in the trash please?" She said in a kinder voice that made Anen envious of her brother. She put the fresh oranges that her mother bought into the refrigerator while Ren sorted through the mail. "Anen you got a letter from some place called Kier-" Anen dropped an orange onto the counter and took the letter out of Ren's hand before he could finish talking. She ripped open the front of the envelope with hopeful eyes and pulled the letter out, quick enough to give herself a paper cut. She read it carefully as Ren leaned over to read what it said. 'Ms. Anen Myers, we have gratefully accepted your application to join the Kieran Academy for the Supernatural. We hope to see you soon, classes start on August 10th, 2014. You can set your schedule on the school's private website. Thank you for applying. -' and so on. Anen's smile widened and her eyes were wide from joy. "I got in!" she said happily and loudly to her mother. She high-fived her brother and hugged her mother. She was happier then she had been in a long time.​
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@SleeplessSky welcome to rpn and congrats on this being your first rp here. Now I'm not the one who manages this but for this rp I think you have more room to expand your powers.
rapjack123 said:
@SleeplessSky welcome to rpn and congrats on this being your first rp here. Now I'm not the one who manages this but for this rp I think you have more room to expand your powers.
I tend to like more of the simple powers, I don't like to be extremely powerful, but i'll add teleportation :) Also thank you!
Well, on I need a writing sample from you. And two the self healing things is a little OP. I'll allow it, but keep it to a minimum. Just give me a writing example and I'll be more than glad to accept you :)
Just realized that LOL.

Alright well I like your character, Only thing is, You just need to learn to capitalize. Other than that I have no problem with you joining my RP :)
KroNicc115 said:
Just realized that LOL.
Alright well I like your character, Only thing is, You just need to learn to capitalize. Other than that I have no problem with you joining my RP :)
Do I have permission to join?

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