Kieran Academy for the Supernatural

Sure..i'll take the pizza..instead of sauce though..can I use your blood..?

...............Okay ya..... We. Are. Fucked.

Um if it makes you fell better Alex can fix it kinda...sorta....maybe.
Peaceswore said:
Don't you go all suspicious on me!! I'm offering free pizza! And yeah....It was all Pen's idea!! (still love you penance)
Woah woah woah you are not pinning this shit on me

name: daniel reaver

age: 15

gender: male

sexual orientation: straight

year: freshman

powers: flying, fire breathing, turns into giant dragon when enraged, cant self heal

weaknesses: when in dragon mode slowly saps life out of him, scared of people finding out about him

personality: distant, shy, sad

likes: not being alone, music, also being alone at times

dislikes: being in crowded places, being put on the spot

bio: when his parents where killed when he was five no one would take him in because of what he was. he was bullied every day and resorted to cutting thinking it would ease the pain but it only made it worse so he ran away from his home town after he got enraged and burned half of it to the ground so he enrolled in this school hoping he could start over.

writing sample: As i sat there on a hill over the city watching it burn to the ground i started to cry and though of it. Though of when what stupid kid did to me. Then i though of when i crushed him and burned the city down. It felt so good so good to get revenge on the town that didn't accept me. So good to finally let the power out. So good to hurt them the way they hurt me. I suddenly looked at my hands horrified at the though of my liking it. I cried more as the smoke rose from the city and distant screams and cry's of wounded and mourning moms, dads, sisters, and brothers filled my ears
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Yea you were I remember you, back on page 10 or so. I think you must have deleted your CS from before hand. I already told you that you could join. Only thing is as I said before. Just write in the third person and capitalize correctly. Other than that I have no problem with you joining dude.
Hey no problem, just remember those things and you can hop into the RP whenever you want to. Right now it is basically summer and my character who is the principal of the school now is planning some kind of Ball to have. So dress nice :D
Appearance (Place an image, anime Preferred):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c239a3cfa_LuciusBlack.jpg.ee6f30bc119a83c9c793dd0d03d52759.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49966" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c239a3cfa_LuciusBlack.jpg.ee6f30bc119a83c9c793dd0d03d52759.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full name:

Lucius "Luke" Black

Age (15-18):




Sexual Orientation:

Openly Gay



Powers (Maximum of 2):



Weaknesses/ Limitations:

-Holy Weapons

-When someone insults his father he looses his cool and becomes angry, and his focus vanishes.


He is a evil, manipulative, sadistic, and will do anything to gain power and and find a way to release his father from the confines of hell.

Likes (minimum of 5):

-His father

-Toying with people

-People's suffering

-People being rude

-His followers and their means of showing worship.

Dislikes (minimum of 5):

-The embodiment of the sins his father created


-His fathers sister Evangeline

-Everything 'holy'

-God's followers


-His father never being able to be freed from hell

-God's power

-Loosing his power

-One of his fathers followers releasing his father before he can.

-People stop worshiping his father and himself


Lucius was brought into the world when his 'father' Lucifer mixed some demon blood and some of his own into a human soul because he wanted a son. Lucius was a great son and often looked up to his father, following in his spiteful footsteps and would follow him into heaven.He often trained with his father, keeping his dark magic capabilities high and learning the tools of the trade. Since he was part human he could travel to Earth realm and sowed the seeds for his fathers followers as well as a few if his own. He long cast out the human part of him a long time ago leaving him fully unholy. He is currently on the lookout for some wya to release his father from hell and unleash his fury upon this earth. Lucifer will walk on Earth, with his son by his side.

Writing sample:

Lucius was in his residence on Earth realm when he received the letter of invitation from the school and was most interested by it. 'He doesn't mention my father at all, do they know who I am or have they mistaken me for another one of the mortals', a shiver ran down his spine at the thought, 'It starts in a couple of months, I should be done recruiting by then and besides' a sly smirk crossed his face' I might find some more powerful followers by attending...better check this with my father, see what his take on this is'. Lucius arose from his chair in the lounge room and headed up stairs to a room covered with seals and words. In the center of the room a giant seal was drawn in the floor in which looked like blood and a single chair sat slap bang in the middle of it. Lucius sat down, crossed his legs in front of him said some words in demonic and snapped his fingers. In a instant the world around him vanished and he came face to face with a fallen angel, chained to the walls of fire and molten lava, clearly he was no longer on Earth. "Hello father" Lucius said with a smile"how goes things in the underworld?". Lucius and Lucifer spent a few minutes talking about the followers, his search for a way to get his father out of this horrid place and finally they came to the letter."What do you make of this dad?" He asked throwing the letter to the unholy angel"Yay or Nay?" After a period of talk Lucifer agreed for Lucius to attend this high school, find out as much as he can about it, and maybe even recruit more to their cause."I'll seen you soon father, and hopefully by then I'll have figured out a way to rid you of those chains". He sat back down on the chair, snapped his fingers, and was back in the single seated room. Lucius began getting ready, rushing around grabbing everything he would need as well as some of his spell books that he would need to study. When he was finally ready he rushed out the door and unfolded his things, suitcase in hand, and said with a evil smirk on his face "Look out Kieran Academy, You're getting a special student this year hehehe" and with that and pushing off the ground and made his way to his new school.



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Very well put together actually. I will gladly accept you. Just letting you know, It's summer time, so classes are out for now. So until we get classes going again, you can chill at your dorm or whatever. Library is available as well as the cafe. I am hosting a Masquerade ball soon too so be ready for that!

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