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What do you guys think would suit Haruki better,
Thanks, I'll use the first one, because her hair is... sun-like xD I guess she still has some similarity with Ruri c:<
Just got some clarifications c:

So (1) all the guardians know each other, but they're looking for the boss (candidate)? (2) Should my character be studying/ be at Japan or Italy? (3) Is she also looking for the boss (candidate)? (4) Is it all right if she's not so fond of her duty yet? (5) Why is a Shimon's Boss Candidate helping the Vongola's Cloud Guardian look for the Vongola's Boss Candidate? I'm confused :c

Changing my font to orange from now on, since I hold the role of the Sun Guardian c:
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@L u n a ☁ (1)All Guardian Candidates know each other, except for Cloud and Lighting, since they've been sent to look for the boss candidate. (2) All the Guarian Candidates are in Italy, looking for the boss candidate. (3) All characters at this point, except for the Cloud and Lightning Candidates , are looking for the boss candidate. (4) Do you mean searching for the boss or being a potential Guardian? Either way, she doesn't have to like it. Not everyone is going to enjoy it, they're not robots. (5 ) The Simon Famiglia is part of the Vongola Alliance, so they are also searching for the next Vongola Boss. The Cloud Guardian Candidate has not been chosen yet, since he is in Japan and not aware of the Mafia. I hope I was able to help. 
Also, orange is the color of the Sky Flame, Sun is yellow.
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Are you still needing a Lightning guardian? If so, I could be him~

I already found a picture for the character :D
Yeah :3 We were planning to make him ourselves if no one joined.

There is a few notes.

Would he/she be able to be a bad guy for a bit, like Rokudo?
Well, since this is the starting arc we are going to need a bad guy eventually, this bad guy/girl has to be a guardian later on because we are in the 'meeting family' phase. So make him have something against Vongola or something...Not sure but on those lines.
Name: Saito Sakurai

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 5''7

Flame Type: Lightning

Position: Candidate for Vongola Lightning Guardian

Weapons: Outstanding skills in martial arts, Senbon

Personality: Sakurai excels in intelligence. He shows excellent capacity to learn and understand quickly. Although, that doesn't deprive him from his jovial and sometimes mischievous spirit. He tends to take advantage of the naive and weak ones at times, usually to his own benefit.

Due to his many successul tasks, achievements, skills and intelligence, he thinks of himself like someone ''Superior'' compared to the majority of people that surrounds him, feeling disdain towards them and calling them idiots.

Sakurai can also be evil and cruel if necessary.

History: He was born in a poor family, and his parents were awful, treating him like a slave and even using violence to ''educate'' him.

When Sakurai was 13, he heard a conversation that his parents had, which made him realize that he would have no future if he continued living with them, working as a slave. In fact, they had horrible plans for Sakurai, but luckily, the latter managed to escape from their custody.

Learning how to be merciless since childhood and managing to defeat several bullies in the street, Sakurai caught the attention of a powerful leader of an anonymous criminal organization and even gained some respect. Soon, he made his way up in the Mafia at his short age, and thanks to his early developed strength and cunning. Everything was going fine and he had success in the underworld, earning a lot of money, crushing enemies and gaining power, until the Vongola stopped them.

He fought bravely and desperately, but that wasn't enough to impede his defeat. Luckily, and using the chaos of that moment, he managed to escape from the consequeces of being captured by the Vongola. The criminal organization was dissolved and Sakurai was forced to live in the shadows.

Of course, he knew something like that could happen due to the Vongola's terrifying fame, so instead of wasting the loads of money that he earned by illegal means, he saved it.

After that event, Sakurai used the savings to live peacefully, but not without missing the old days, the exciting and lavish life, and holding a grudge against the family that took it away from him.

Likes: Power, Success, Opulence, Elegance

Dislikes: Failure, Frustration, Weakness, Rules


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Nice. ^^

My character uses the same, fighting physically. Although her weapon is the sword. I approve, just wait to see if Lucem does. 
Well, he isn't online so I will do this.

Accepted! ~ @Raito

You can post in the role play if you want now.

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