KHR - Thirteenth Generation - Sign up

[QUOTE="L u n a ☁]
Teehee, forever young~
I thought @Calla wanted to be the Chiavarone's right hand woman

No, she said the Vongola Storm Guardian, but that role is already taken. xD The Author of this thread already had it to begin with. :b

However, the Chiavarone's Right Hand Woman isn't taken, yet. She could have that role, I believe.

And, also like what Blitz said - she could be in Shimon. c:
Aw. :(

Fine. I'll be in Shimon, then...

I'm just... a bit doubtful about the Chiavorone... e u e

In that case, we'd need a Chiavarone boss. I'm not trying to restrict anyone in anyway, but we need all the Vongola Guardians before starting. Make whatever character you please, but those are the roles that take priority right now. Also, every character besides the Vongola are side characters.
Just... just reserve me the Glacier Guardian spot. My tablet couldn't handle so much words right now. u n u
Calla said:
Just... just reserve me the Glacier Guardian spot. My tablet couldn't handle so much words right now. u n u
Awe, I thought you'd make a great Mist or Lightening Guardian, though. xD Oh wells! I look forward to meeting your character, Calla! :D Have fun with making the CS. <3 I know I did. xD Haha!
b a s i c | d e t a i l s ~

  • Chaosringen.full.1532845.jpg

we're going into deeper details here ~

  • Ria is pretty tall, standing at an outstanding

There goes my CS. c: I couldn't really think up of a nice history, so forgive me. :c
Hehe!~ Welcome to the people that have accepted during my slumber!

Joking, I collapses asleep ^^''

Anyway, welcome to @Crystalline♥ and im loving the sister idea. I saw it during my class and stared at my phone in joy. Nearly had it confiscated though. @L u n a ☁ you have sun reserved!

@Calla I love the idea of your character and her personally but having two flames like that is impossible. To have a Shimon family flame you have to be born into the family so you wouldn't get the mist flames because it doesn't run in the Shimon bloodline. You have Glacier reserved!~ 
Anyway! On a happier note.

Now that there is around three shimon, will be three when the other two have been accepted they were get some interaction and not be left out.


Once the vongola is filled we can start :3 So, two more.
Guuuuys I'm close to finishing my CS--gonna write some more for the 'Personality' and gonna do the 'History' next. Unfortunately, I can't do this at school anymore :C So I hope you bear with me. I'll be back in... about 18 hours. I must sleep now, for it's 12:05 AM c: a long time. I'll be in school then...or maybe asleep :D Anyway good luck with it. Im going to try think of what to do about the last two positions of Vongola, once they are filled we can actually Start.
I'll be sure to edit that, then ♥ After I get home from school. RpN just got blocked yesterday... :c

I had a thing for illusions, you see. The main flame that entered my mind was Mist, so I put it in.

...totally forgot that a little sprinkle of Desert can do that. I'll be back. :3
I can't wait to get started~! <3 I've tried inviting more people, though not all are interested in KHR. :c

I honestly haven't watched the entire anime myself, but I do quite enjoy the theme of it all. ^^

To me, I think this RP will end up being better than it. So far, we have a pretty good cast. ♥

Can't wait to meet Ruri's sister and the new Guardians
Simon Family Boss:

Name : Frank/"Frankie" Fiemma Cozato (He likes his friends to call him Frankie, though his parents disapprove)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 6' 1''

Flame type(2 Max ): Earth

Position : 13th Boss Candidate for Simon Famiglia


Simon Gauntlets, the same gauntlets wielded by the tenth, as well as Primo Simon. These gauntlets allow the user to wield the earth flames.

Cambio Forma (Box Weapon):

Frank Cozato is the heir to Cozato but his weapon takes a form that none of his predecessors have ever used. Frankie's weapon taking the shape of two nail-guns, the nails of the gun acting as anchors for the gravity-altering flames of the Earth. The anchors are capable of nailing themselves into any surface, including the air, which means that a seemingly stray shot could in fact be a trap waiting in the sky. Frankie's nails allow him to control the gravity of any object they imbed themselves in,. That is to say the one's fired from his left nail-gun do, while the one wielded by his right create gravity spheres. Frankie can fly by manipulating his own gravity, the nails in the guns themselves acting as the catalyst. Frankie's weapon is suited toward creating traps, and mid-range fighting, as such he tries to keep a distance from most enemies he fights. And usually makes it a habit to surround himself in a circle of nails before engaging, the nails increasing the gravity encircling him to bone crushing levels. The nails of Frankie's guns can be removed from the guns, but it is important to note that these nails are dense, and made of compressed Earth flames, meaning that they are extremely heavy if not being manipulated by Frankie's active earth flames. For instance if one was dropped into a man's pocket, or placed upon someone's head, they'd have quite a difficult time moving.


(Kinda like that but of course no labels, no brand names. And much more inticate

adorning decoratons. The flame paint job in particular...)

Frankie also appears with a pair of goggles while usig the Chiodas, these goggles are adored with the runic symbols that usually appear when wielding Earth Flames.

The Non-Cambio Form:

The animal form of the Pitola Del Chiodas (Nail gun Simon gear) comes in the form of a squirrel.

Personality : Frankie is a slacker, he can often be found skipping class. He usually ends up watching the clouds pass by, or else taking a nap. He is a dreamer at heart, and is often seen whittling wood into small figures with a pen knife. He has a knack for woodworking, and is a fairly accomplished artist. He is kind hearted, and easy to please, most often being scolded for not being critical enough.

This stands at odds with his Dying Will self, which is very critical, and very cunning. The dying will allowing him to take things seriously for a change. He still has a habit for trying to come up with the best one liners though.

Frankie is an only child and as one craves siblings, thus he refers to Katamori (when he meets him) as little bro. Often times calling him his brother, and in some cases getting into hair brained schemes in order to make Katamori's life "easier". Granted he doesn't always think these plans through and sometimes makes Katamori's day that much harder.

Frankie also refers to his guardians as family, and often times refers to their bickering as ''sibling rivalry". He considers himself a younger brother to his guardians, seeing as they are almost constantly forced to drag him from his slacking ways. Granted he takes a leadership role whenever activating his hyper dying will, and reverses the role calling himself the big brother.

History: Frankie is the result of the aftermath of the revolt, a direct descendant of Simon Primo, he was sent to America from Italy after the more violent Italian-American families were wiped out. It was of the opinion of the 12th generation to ensure America's crime families didn't deteriorate into violent chaos over a power struggle. Especially given the power vacuums created by families that were injured or wiped out. Hence the Simon family moved to America for a short time, that short time being the majority of Frankie's life. In America the boy learned he was to inherit the Simon families legacy, being the only son of his father. He tried to forget about it, but unfortunately the topic dominated most of his life, and made him dread anything mafia related. Because of this Frankie made several attempts to run away, but was always tracked down and brought back to his father. This cycle continued until it was time for a new boss to be chosen, Frankie never wanting to be boss turned it down almost immediately but was forced to reconsider when his father moved their family back to Italy to train his son, and ensure he'd be strong enough to lead the family. Frankie reconsidered when he saw the beaches of Italy, his father (the 12th boss) ensuring him that he could have all the fun he wanted with the beautiful beach girls as long as he trained.

Frankie agreed and trained, even though he never considered himself a boss, and still had a knack for slacking off. Nonetheless Frankie was groomed into a fine candidate, well really the only candidate. His father having no siblings, and his mother bearing no other children.

Frankie was trained by a master assassin known only as "Cutter" in Italy, his master was originally a carpenter by trade before becoming the "Sawblade" Assassin, which may be why Frankie now whittles wherever he goes. He just finished his weapon training and flame control before being sent by his father to search for the next Vongola head.

Frankie is excited to meet the young Vongola, feeling as if the young man's story is almost a chapter out of his own book. He will try to make things easier for the young Vongola no matter what it takes, and has a tendency to go a little too far sometimes in order to do so.

Likes: Seafood, woodworking, art, women, beaches, and cloud watching

Dislikes: Work, training, school, fighting, unauthentic foods, Kyo Takeda



(PS I will post an update with his box weapon when we get to that in the story)

Vongola Cloud Guardian:

Name: Kyo Takeda

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 5 10

Flame type(2 Max ):


*Mist (Isn't aware of this yet)

Position : (Hopefully) Cloud guardian

Weapon(s): Wooden Bokuto (Kendo wooden sword)

Personality : Kyo Takeda is prideful and arrogant, he is one of the most popular students at Namimori and is thus very conceited. He can however back up his arrogance, being the head of the Student Council as well as a repeated national Kendo tournament winner. He is both respected and feared throughout the campus. He is known to defend the school from hooligans, using his Bokuto as a disciplinary measure on both students and non-students alike. He acknowledges Katamori's troubles, but doesn't get himself involved personally. Rather he dismisses Katamori as a weakling when in the eye of his fellow students, but nonetheless provides assistance whenever he is not in the public eye. He is cunning, resourceful, and in the truest sense a warrior, only wishing to find something worth crushing. He dislikes bullying immensely, though he often allows it to happen in his school, reasoning that it is necessary for the sheep to be prodded if they are ever to become wolves. He is not above bending the rules, (both the school rules, and battle rules) though you'd never think it by looking at him.

History: Kyo Takeda was born into a family descendant from the Samurai, the Takeda name is famous throughout Japan. Due to this, a lot was expected from Kyo, being a perfectionist was not a desire to his parents but rather a necessity. This led to Kyo's "no matter the cost" personality, having only a younger sister, and no time for true friends Kyo has become cold, calculating, and cunning. The child developed social skills quite easily, and used them as a veil to disguise his more unfriendly nature. His family, an ancient house built upon the values of swordsmanship stressed the martial arts, which led to Kyo's prominence in Kendo, and his rise to national victories. After becoming a local celebrity, having won more matches and defeated increasingly older opponents since a surprisingly early age (at 13 he defeated the national champion), he decided to run for Student council, and he won relatively easily given his acclaim. After that day many hooligans, thugs, and rival schools began to pick fights with Namimori in order to hopefully defeat Kyo and gain some fame, however no one has been able to and the stories of of those who have faced him are grim indeed. Kyo can now be found in the student council, he uses the council to instill his will, which is reflected by his terrible tastes in school events. Having no idea what is culturally popular he often creates events that are lacking, although no one has the guts to tell him so. (The last one being a Polka fair) Kyo is often seen with a few of the student council following him, or else training in the school dojo, although he already defeated and kicked out the previous kendo club, and has since made the dojo his own sanctuary. Lately he has been somewhat kind to Katemori in that he has made a habit of leaving him his old notes from the previous year, though he does so by 'accident'.

Likes: Winning, fighting, sweet foods, classical music, and himself

Dislikes: losing, bullies, complaints, crying, outwards displays of affection, loud music, overly persistent women, untidy things, Spicy food, large crowds, cowards,



Okay sorry it took so long, feel free to ask me any questions I have developed a bit more than just the skellys for the characters so I should be able to fill in any gaps. Can't wait this looks good....
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@killerlung I really like the characters. I like Frankie's personality and it will be interesting when he finally meets Katamori. Kyo reminds me of Kyoya by the way he enjoys fighting and the way he is feared. However, I just have two things I'm concerned about.

Frankie: While I do like his weapon choice and the spin on the use of the Earth Flame, I'm a bit concerned that he'll be OP compared to everyone else.

Kyo: Not so much a concern, but I thought I'd bring this up. Katamori is not in Japan, but in Italy. He was taken to a secret base when he was kidnapped from his home in Namimori. So unless Kyo is related to the Mafia, he shouldn't know that Katamori exists or have any previous relationships with him, unless it was before his kidnapping when he was very young.
Okay in regards to Kyo, I beleive I misunderstood when you said that Katamori escaped and tried to return to his old life. Therefore I assumed he had returned to Namimori.

As for Frankie, I initially developed his current weapons as a cambio foma, however in doing so I left myself in a difficult position as for his normal weapons. I guess his normal weapons could be the Simon Gauntlets, and the Del Chiodas (the nail guns) as his cambio forma.

Then of course wait for his cambio forma. The thing with the Simon family is that you never see them grow in power really i the series, you just see them as super OP near the end. So its hard to get a basis of where and how to go about scaling the Earth element flames...
That sounds like a good idea. That would be a good power up for when we introduce the Box Weapons and it's time for power ups. Besides those two issues, you're accepted! Your characters look great and I'm glad you decided to participate in this.
Thanks man I had fun making them, and this looks really well done. I just had one question, is Kyo being in Japan gonna be a problem? Or should I have him on leave in Italy or something?
Kyo being in Japan will not be a problem whatsoever, but it'll be awhile until he can get some interaction. The Vongola Alliance is currently searching all over the world for Katamori, but once he's found, they'll be sent to Japan. If you want to have him go to Italy, that's fine by me.
Naw I'll have him introduced in Japan, afterall the cloud guardian is usually found not groomed for the position...
Yeah, they are aloof after all. 
Alright, once Luna finishes the Sun Guardian, we only need two more Guardians before we can start.
My character will be up in a minute he's not as detailed as the others because I'm big on unravelling personalities and such as the story progresses

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