KHR - Thirteenth Generation - Sign up

Name:Arcana Ferri

Age: 16



Flame type(2 Max ):Sky

Position :Millefiore Boss(Candidate)

Weapon(s):Bow and Arrow

Personality : Arcana is lazy as lazy can be he loves to be pampered and doted on.However he is benevolent and kind always willing to help those in need. His love for food and technology is incomparble. He is quite the airhead enjoying that finer things in life,being spoiled people often see him as unfit for the roll of Millefiore boss.However during battle he is cold and uncouf killing people in cold blood without so much as a bat of the eye

History:Arcana is the great grandson of the 3rd and last Arcobaleno Yuni.Lucky enough for him the curse had not been passed down to his generation and he is able to live a full life.Arcana's childhood was rather happy,his parents kept him sheltered from the life of the mafia his family had always been around and such,but he just assumed that they all liked to wear suits everywhere.On Arcana's 14th birthday his father brought him into the grand hall of the mansion where all of the famiglia had gathered. There is where he was told of his heritage and his candidacy as the 13 Millefiore boss. Arcana initially didn't like the fact that he was basically being forced to become the next head of a mafia gang and refused the position running off into town to try and escape everything for a while;While in town Arcana saw all of the crude and misguided souls that were part of his family doing underhand deeds stealing and bullying and some were even threatening to kill those that didn't "pay up". It was then that he decided to take on the role as Millefiore boss to turn around this family and make them as noble and trust worthy as the Vongola family.Arcana trained hard and long fighting tooth nad nail to erase all of the corruption in the family even going up against his father determined to become the tredecimo of the Millefiore family.One day after waking up the infamous Mare ring was sitting on Arcana's bedside he was completely over joyed gladly accepting the role.Upon hearing of the news that Vongola Tredicesimo had gone missing Arcana was eager to help them out right away and is now frantically searching for the mysterious boy

Likes:Candy,Singing,dancing,Acting,Love,Making people smile,Food,Cooking

Dislikes:Weekdays,Work,Cheap things,Not being pampered


(If him being the arcobaleno is a problem I'll gladly chan

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@Angel Evans Yeah, Arcana being an Arcobaleno is a problem, considering they don't exist anymore. This means that the short life span wouldn't exist. Also, his grandfather couldn't have been the fifth Sky Arcobaleno, since Uni was the last. Another thing, you're off by one generation. He would have to be Uni's great grandson to fit the timeline. Also, there's a problem with him nearly mastering his flames. Since the characters are still young, they wouldn't have that kind of skill. I would also like to see more to his history.
As detailed as you can make it. Being related to the last Sky Arcobaleno should give him enough to work with. Also, I didn't notice it before, but how cruel is he in battle? If he's a full-on murderer, then that kinda causes a problem for the Vongola Alliance.
Oh he can still be related to yuni? Oh okay and he doesn't kill for fun or anything but doesn't have a problem doing it I he thinks you deserve it
He can still be related to Uni, but he has to be her great grandson to fit the timeline. The Arcobalenos don't exist anymore, so he can't be both.
hmmm.....Kyo's kinda a blend between a cloud and mist guardian. I guess I could do a Lightning guardian character since the cloud guardian will be seldom seen (I mean he is the cloud guardian)(so it'd make sense if he didn't hang out with the others that much).... I mean if no one else applies of course...
If you think you can handle three characters, feel few to make another Guardian. Although, the Cloud Guardian will be required to appear more in the story, since a Vongola Guardian is a vital part of the story. Even though Kyoya was a Cloud Guardian, he was still persuaded an forced to stick around for events.
true...true....We just have a lot of slots to fill so I thought I'd at least offer. I mean I'd rather do two but I'd also rather not wait too long for a guardian and lose any momentum...
Hehe, got to go to school soon but I thought I should check out the mass of alerts you all seem to leave me daily now c:

Welcome to the ones who are accepted!~
@Lucem Tenebris I edited the history...better? 
Name : Claudio Mizukawa

Age: 16



Flame type(2 Max ): Mist,Cloud(Sub)

Position :Vongola 13th Mist guardian


Personality : Claudio is goofy. He loves to have a good time and party be around people and indulge in life's pleasures.He can be selfish at times sometimes doing things only because it would benefit him,ultimately the things he has done benefit the greater good making him a kind of anti hero at times. Despite his looks Claudio is extremely intelligent.In battle he can calculate his opponents moves and strategy then using his illusions to confuse and incapacitate them leaving his victims in the palm of his hands.

History:Claudio is half japanese and half italian. His mother was a high ranking mist-flame holder,and while on a mission in Japan quickly fell in love with his father and they married and had a child. When Claudio was about 6 his mother began to teach him magic and basic training. due to his high intelligence he quickly caught on to the ways of the mist and was able to produce exact copies of people when he was about 13. When Claudio was 14 his mother died of breast cancer which completely broke his spirit,He would always mope around until it was time to choose the 13th Vongola Guardian of the mist and members from the famiglia came to recruit him as candidate for the Vongola Guardian of the mist. Claudio initally declined but upon further contemplation he accepted.After hearing the story of Vongola decimo and his guardians specifically Rokudo Mukuro Caludio decided to join being inspired by the 10th mist guardian . He ventured off to Kokuyo Land to get a better feel for the perception and ideals of Rokudo satisfied with his findings he went back to the family.Now determined to be chosen as the Vongola Mist Guardian and other reason known only to him Claudio is now searching for Vongola Tridecimo


Dislikes:Being Sober,Losing,Pointless fights

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Angel, you need to change that. The previous mist guardian was my character's mother 
Also, Rokudo's trident wouldn't be accessible or left in a place it could be easily reached. They would of put it with his body or left in in the mansion as a reminder.
Sorry I didn't read anybody else's character sheet I'll change it and it'll just be a regular trident then
Okay ^^ For your parents, you could say that his parents were mist-flame holders, high rank in the familigia but the mist guardian is my characters mother.
Well! I'm going to accept your Mist Guardian Evans!~ ^.^ So, welcome.

I think there are some issues with your Millefiore boss but Lucy will explain them to you.

~Personal Details~

  • ix3f.jpg

~As a guardian~

  • Her main flame is Sun, while her subordinate flame is Rain.

~Let's go deeper, shall we?~

  • Even at your first look, you will know how obviously lively Haruki can be. She's not the shy type, and never will she be. She always does her best to make sure that people are as lively as she. She's the type who will never, ever, give up. Haruki can immediately tell if someone feels bad or horrible, and for some reason she knows if there is bad or negative energy surrounding them. Of course, she will do anything fun to make sure that they become happy again. After all, life is too short to just sulk in a corner.

Ermahglerb-a-glerb. I'm so sorry if it's horrible. Just a bit rushed, that's all. :c

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