KHR - Thirteenth Generation - Sign up

Oh drat! was thinking of having Kyo be a bad guy/player in the beginning since he hates criminals and hooligans. Like if he learned of Katamori was a mob affiliate or something. That would probably lead to something like a Battlefield Namimori Arc with the various guardians fighting members of the student council. Though that may be too involved, and require some more characters...Might be simpler to do it this way
You could still have Kyo be like that in the beginning, but we probably won't be able to do Guardians VS Student Council.
I think Unholy and I would have to play out the opposing side though, unless anybody else wants to pitch in with that. I've already got the opposing candidate and I can easily think of some enemies, but it all comes down to the battles. It'll be pretty awkward if Unholy and I are fighting our own characters, especially during the Sky battle.
Thank you for answering my questions~ But since yellow font is hard to read, I'm going for pale orange :c
Name: Reborn

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Height: 6"7

Flame type: Sun

Position: Tutor for the Thirteenth Generation of Vongola

Weapon(s): Reborn's main weapon is his chameleon, Leon, that can change into multiple objects. For a sub weapon, he uses a CZ75 1ST Pistol, along with a mastery in hand-to-hand combat.

Personality: Reborn stays fairly calm through any situation and is always putting up a straight face. Hardly anything phases him and catching him by surprise is near impossible. He possesses incredible intuition that he uses in both battle and predicting others actions. Although, this is nowhere near the level of Hyper Intuition.

He doesn't always listen to complaints about his actions and will often pretend like he never heard them. His methods are insanely strict and borderline insane. His Spartan methods of training may be unreasonable, but they yield the best results. As a result of all this harshness, some see him as a sadist.

He likes to often tease others, to their dismay. This also furthers the accusations of him being a sadist. It's fairly amusing to do so to his students, but it's always somehow related to their training. He also has a thing for disguises and costumes of any kind. Whenever he wears one of his disguises, it is painfully obvious who he is. However, it seems that only Sawada Katamori ever notices. Perhaps it's the Hyper Intuition or something even simpler.

He has a way with words that can persuade anybody. His extremely high intelligence allows him to say what exactly needs to be said. He will not hold back his words, since that would be babying. If you never say what people need to hear, how will they ever improve?

Although it may not seem like it, Reborn actually cares for his victims students. He takes his position as tutoring very seriously and will do his best at torturing training them. The best feeling he gets, is seeing his students improve. Seeing how far they've come and what they've accomplished, gives him an immense sense of pride as a tutor.

History: Not much is actually known about Reborn. There is no real record of him and there is no way to check his history, unless you ask someone very high up in the Vongola or a close friend. He is a mystery to the world.

What few things are known about him, is quite astounding. Reborn is a direct descendant from the last Sun Arcobaleno, Reborn. It is a family name that is given to those who truly prove themselves.

Like his ancestor, Reborn is currently the world's strongest hitman. He achieved this status at a very young age and was known as a prodigy in every sense of the word. Besides his mastery in the art of combat, he is also known for his work in mathematics, physics, cooking, and writing. Of course, he never used his true name.

He gained extreme mastery over his flames and was put at the same level as an Arcobaleno. He was like his ancestor in every way. Due to his achievements, he earned the right to be named Reborn and the the right to own Leon, the Arcobaleno's partner that had been in the family since his passing. Just like his name, he was practically an incarnation of the Sun Arcobaleno. He took pride in this and found it an honor to be named after the ancestor he respected so much.

A ways down the rode, Reborn had been given a task by the Vongola Twelfth. While he already had a good relationship with the Vongola, he didn't work under them and remained a freelance hitman. The Twelfth had asked him to tutor the candidate for the next Vongola Boss.

Reborn took the job, as it was a request from his friend and he saw the state Vongola was currently in. So now, his only mission is to raise Sawada Katamori into a proper boss that Vongola is in need of.

Likes: Coffee, Spicy things, Guns, Leon, Seeing people grow

Dislikes: Whiners, Compaints, Crying, Selfishness, Annoying People.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.6776c10c38823cf04ece9240c0300100.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6318" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.6776c10c38823cf04ece9240c0300100.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(He possesses the infamous Reborn Family sideburns and his eye are a dark gray/coal black. His constant attire, consists of a black suit with a yellow undershirt and black tie. He wears a black fedora with a yellow band running around the cone.)



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You can see his face if you've read the manga or looked at some of the openings. Also, this isn't Reborn, it's a descendant with the same name.

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