Keychains #258-301

Runelord said:
How can Marena know that Sidereals were behind Usurpation? Or even Misho, with his first age memories?
Everyone knows the Sidereals were behind the Usurpation.

No one can prove it.
Runelord said:
How can Marena know that Sidereals were behind Usurpation? Or even Misho, with his first age memories?
All first-age Lunars knew that sidereals were behind usurpation and they told everyone that gets tattoo in the process so no Lunar trust sidereals or anyone who knows sidereals. Misho could be killed (or maybe some other story plot) by sidereals during usurpation since he remembers his first age memories, his death would be also in there. Also Misho didn't say anything about usurpation, it was Marena's comment.
I for one am extremely pleased that it appears that Ten is a dragon blood rather than a Siderial (of course he could indeed be lying).

cue huge sigh of relief.
Cue ventriloquist's whoopie cushion.

I said he was a Dragon-Blooded a long time ago.

I just said he was the Paragon of Mela (Air).

Being an Acquaintance would just add to that.
I do haveta say the chubby arms on that spirit just look wrong.

Tattoo is awesome. Young Ten Winds is awesome.
She's in a completely different art style, as she's a god. I think she looks ok considering that.
Aquillion said:
Man, isn't Ten Winds going to be surprised when he finds out that Misho is actually Kejak Chejop.
Gasps! Were you the one who stole my sketchbook!?
Clearly, Karen isn't the first to become infatuated by Ten Wind's rugged charms. Which makes me wonder just how much like 007 he was, back in the day. Did he get a lot of women with suggestive names?
Aasharu said:
Clearly, Karen isn't the first to become infatuated by Ten Wind's rugged charms. Which makes me wonder just how much like 007 he was, back in the day. Did he get a lot of women with suggestive names?
Er, he said about as much a few strips ago. "Attractive, powerful women".
...wait, does that imply that Ten has screwed Marena's mom--and now her twin sister wants to do him too?

I guess this is a sort of divine justice.
Ribusprissin said:
Ten Winds is a DB packed with enough martial training and secrets to substitute for a Sidereal. That's about as cool as it gets. Anything more powerful would be ... less cool. I'm sure there's a TVTrope for this.
Probably an Uncanny Valley effect on the Rule of Cool.
Jukashi said:
Aquillion said:
Man, isn't Ten Winds going to be surprised when he finds out that Misho is actually Kejak Chejop.
Gasps! Were you the one who stole my sketchbook!?
No, it was Sidereals.

It's always Sidereals. They just frame master thieves for their work and ensure the stolen goods get into the position to cause the most mayhem and bedlam.
Well, there goes the warranty for the plexiglass.

All goddesses (and most gods) behold the sexiness of Ten Winds! Stare in awe of the all-seeing lotus badge tattoo!

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