Keychains #258-301

I've abstained from the 'Ten Winds is:' speculation up until now, but it seems like I should toss my coins in atop the pile since we seem to be gearing up for some exposition and then a dramatic reveal.

Theory 1: Ten Winds is a Dragon Blooded who stumbled upon a 1st Age gadget that uploaded a huge database into his brain, making him valuable to the Sidereals

Theory 2: Ten Winds is related in some way to the Maiden of Secrets

Yes, I'm aware of Jukashi's stance on crackpot theorizing. I just want to get in for a chance to say 'Aha!' if I'm right. That and the Prize. There is a prize for guessing, right?
Myself? I'm guessing Ten Winds is an Air Aspect Dragonblooded. He has strong aspect markings, so likely of solid breeding. He's old. He's a fallen Immaculate Monk, formerly quite loyal to the Immaculate Order, but a mixture of vices and doubt took him from that path. He may be a member of House Ledaal, considering his Sidereal connection and mention of knowing too much, as they have a habit of seeking information and strong Sidereal connections, as well as staunch support of both the Immaculate Order and the Wyld Hunt in particular, which he has mentioned serving with.

In other words? Ten Winds is exactly what he's claimed to be, with potential extra details.
In other words? Ten Winds is exactly what he's claimed to be, with potential extra details.
Actually Ten Winds never cliamed to being a dragon-blooded, he claimed that he is an immaculate master which can be anyone who recieved training. He claimed he was part of immaculate order which still a vague point because some bronze faction sidereals prefer immaculate order resplendent destinies so they can hide in the forest. One thing bother me him being a dragon-blooded is his knowledge about luna caste mark transformation. He told that story to stimulate mind of Nova but how did he know of it? I doubt Marena told him, it is like a big secret of Lunars after all. My guess is on the same line as Crasical, Ten Winds definitly have connections with maiden of secret or Nara-O even if he isn't a sidereal but my guess remains as maiden of secret sidereal at the moment.
He said he was "old and almost dead", too. There's nothing to say that either a) he's that old, or b) his piece of the Order had some interesting adventures.

Maybe that's it. Ten Winds is Jukashi's real-life PC.
He said he was "old and almost dead", too. There's nothing to say that either a) he's that old, or b) his piece of the Order had some interesting adventures.
Maybe that's it. Ten Winds is Jukashi's real-life PC.
Oh your avatar reminded me something I forgot, it is somewhat related to this too. Ten told that he met with Nova 30 or some years ago. They were chasing a behemoth and found Nova instead which means Ten knows about Nova's animal form. Furthermore Ten implied that he will fight Nova with full power which means Ten at least hope to fight against Nova's animal form on equal terms. Nova said something like her animal form is her essence 7 form so Ten at least think that he has a battle potential to face off against a essence 7 exalted which I don't think any solo dragon-blooded could achieve without major spells or artifacts.

Also since we now know that Ten knows only powerful and attractive women I revoke my observation about flaming kitten dragon-blooded lady is actually scarlet empress.

Joke aside, I wonder what Jukashi prepared for us.
Greenstalker said:
Also since we now know that Ten knows only powerful and attractive women I revoke my observation about flaming kitten dragon-blooded lady is actually scarlet empress.

In all honesty, I thought she was from Freedom Stone or something.
Well, it could have been that Ten Winds was a very, very special agent of the Immaculate Order, hand-picked by high ranking Sidereals, lambasted with all kinds of astrological blessings (and then some more) and taught everything that wouldn't make a Dragon-Blooded head explode. Perhaps he has antagonized the Sidereals by refusing to be taught something that'll make him explode a la Ragara Myrrun. This might explain how he goes toe-to-toe with Celestial Exalts (and usually manage better) and know all the things he does.

Actually, this makes too much sense. Must derail. Ten Winds is actually Sam Haight.

(Tangent: If his backstory is something like this... it could be that Ten Winds wants the Keys himself too, so he can unlock the limits of the Terrestrial Exaltation.)
Greenstalker said:
Also since we now know that Ten knows only powerful and attractive women I revoke my observation about flaming kitten dragon-blooded lady is actually scarlet empress.
If that as the Empress I'd rofl so damned hard.

Ten is the DB equivalent of 007. Nuff said
Quchu said:
(Tangent: If his backstory is something like this... it could be that Ten Winds wants the Keys himself too, so he can unlock the limits of the Terrestrial Exaltation.)
Wait, would the keys actually be able to do that?
Aasharu said:
Quchu said:
(Tangent: If his backstory is something like this... it could be that Ten Winds wants the Keys himself too, so he can unlock the limits of the Terrestrial Exaltation.)
Wait, would the keys actually be able to do that?
Aasharu said:
Quchu said:
(Tangent: If his backstory is something like this... it could be that Ten Winds wants the Keys himself too, so he can unlock the limits of the Terrestrial Exaltation.)
Wait, would the keys actually be able to do that?
If you got enough of them! That's big stuff so, I dunno... altering an Exaltation's nature, even a Terrestrial one... you'd probably need all five. Maybe four? Probably not. But five, pshh, five can do anything you can even loosely describe as "unlock". You could take a plain ol' mortal and "unlock" the primordial power in their soul to turn them into a demon-like thing. Or just three keys could unlock their essence and make them an enlightened mortal.

But maybe it was locked in the first place for a reason? Maybe the reason was "don't want guys like that running around". It is a mistery.

In any case they would not be good MacGuffins if they were not really really useful.
Kalatash said:
Jukashi said:
In any case they would not be good MacGuffins if they were not really really useful.
Lies. Everyone knows the best MacGuffins has no purpose whatsoever.
You're a liar.

The second best MacGuffin has no purpose whatsoever.

The best MacGuffin is a Scottish cyclops sitting atop a massive stockpile of booze and high-explosives, both of which floweth freely.
It actually makes a lot of sense. I mean, if you have a situation that's important and dangerous, but not important enough to risk a Sidereal, yet at the same time, is too delicate to send out a Wyld hunt, what do you do? Use a group of Dragon-Blooded who are both knowledgeable and trained in dealing with situations like that.

Also explains how he met Nova, and why the meeting ended cordially.
Ten Winds is a DB packed with enough martial training and secrets to substitute for a Sidereal. That's about as cool as it gets. Anything more powerful would be ... less cool. I'm sure there's a TVTrope for this.
. . Wow. How old is Ten? His past self is pretty cool looking, but his hair is only a slightly darker shade of grey. Did he ever have a full, vibrant head of hair, or did his hair bleach grey when he exalted to air aspect?

Also, Past Ten has a cigar instead of a pipe. Heh.
Ascension said:
magnificentmomo said:
I'm going to go with the "It's less cool if he's lying" theory, backed up by the fact that Creation abhors a vacuum of awesomeness.
Ascension meet joke, joke Ascension. Now that we all know each other we can enjoy the fact that Ten is a badass Terrestrial.

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