Keychains #258-301

Jukashi said:
I've always wondered about these perfect defense problems with orb of annihilation and the godspear and suchlike.
Just aim next to the Exalt, just out of movement range, and they can't parry it. Oh, they can protect themselves, but then they have to worry about falling down the giant hole that just appeared. And the rocks that fall down it after them.
That kind of collateral damage was how the Gods got around the Primordial's Perfects during the Great War.
More credence to the Marena is Secret's mom theory! And/or the slashfic!

Nah, I liked this comic. Well characterized.
Yay slashy slash goodness!

But yeah, to everyone who was saying that you should just spend 2 willpower and abort to combat... well, if the person you're against is your mother, you'd probably have to manage a 3 die stunt in order to attack, otherwise, she'll send you to your room. Or something. Sorry, I'm still half asleep, and rambling.
Yeesh, scary lady. Scarier once you realize she pretty much planned for this, or at very least something very much like it.

Oh, and while I understood the whole 'I-know-you-know' thing going between Misho and Marena, it's not absurdly obvious. A silent panel of Misho glancing back at Marena would've made the nonverbal communication more obvious, though I have no idea how you could've worked that in there without losing the Marena/Secret cuteness...
Jukashi said:
I've always wondered about these perfect defense problems with orb of annihilation and the godspear and suchlike.
Just aim next to the Exalt, just out of movement range, and they can't parry it. Oh, they can protect themselves, but then they have to worry about falling down the giant hole that just appeared. And the rocks that fall down it after them.
It's generally considered, in my experiane, to be the polite way of playing by, say, saying that you can't be fucked twice by one attack. IE, if you parry the Godspear of the Five-Metal Shrike, you don't have to parry it's secondary implosion damage. If a shockwave racing at you is creating a crater, you parry the shockwave around yourself and you're left standing on a pillar of stone above the crater, and any debries which is kicked up by the blast either falls away from you, or you get free knocking-it-away-with-your-sword action from your invocation of Heavenly Guardian Defense.
And Secret puts a comforting hand on Marena's back in the last panel. Is that the comfort of a friend, or...

You taunt us like this, don't you Jukashi. This is you having fun torturing the slashers.
Crasical said:
"Misho, come have some desert."
And then I pictured sadface Misho buried up to his neck in the sand.
Clearly, this indicates that Aria is an Infernal.
Wow. Ten being charming. The looks on both Marena's and Aria's faces are just priceless. Marena's all, "I cannot BELIEVE this!" and Aria is busy having a laugh at her daughter's expense.
Why do I have the feeling that mother and daughter have more or less the same look on their faces circa that last panel?

Aria and Karen, of course.

Who would've known he could bust out charm? It makes that "Me? But it was you she was trying to seduce" line even funnier to think that he might well have been capable of pulling it off if Misho hadn't clarified.
Ten just became the awesomest character ever possible everywhere.

That is to say, still somewhat less than Secret, but still.

(And this thread is marked as 258 - 301...?)
And his Reputation, too. Ten. Ten Winds. 007. Drunkard. Smoker. Letch. The best agent of the Wyld Hunt we ever had.

Then again, when your competition is Deled the Puppy Killer, not too hard...
Scrappy heap?! Speak for yourself, personally, I find Aria's scheming and trickery quite awesome, especially the way her refined, courteous way of manipulation (lots of Socialize there) reflects off Marena's purer, more "Lunarly"machinations.

On the other hand, I can totally see how one can be annoyed by the type of person who hides behind a friendly mask and manipulates everyone to achieve her goals. And Aria is definitely that type.

So is Marena, for that matter. But her goals are more in tune with those of the other main characters', so we don't care as much.

But yeah, I love Aria for being an awesomely magnificent manipulator, and for forcefeeding Marena some character development. But then, I love every character in Keychain. Every character in every story I've ever read, actually. Except Tim. Traitorous little bastard. :x
She's not Faen Luif anymore? Well, I guess that explains how the circle survived more than a single panel.
Yay! Exposition! Normally, I frown upon it, but I feel that right now there is much need of information.

Also; 'Anemone'? As in a prickly thing?

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