Keychain of Creation

And again! No Extra this time, though. :( I wanted to do something, but I ended up staying the night at a friend's after his 21st birthday party on saturday, and hadn't the time. Sorry!
And again. And there is an extra this time, though I'm vaguely unsatisfied with it. I'm sure you'd want it anyway, though. :P
Hey jukashi I advertised ya again on's motivational poster thread

am I allowed to make posters based on #5 and #6 before they come out officially?

oh wait i did one on #5 already, soz if that was a bad
Huh. I'm torn between wanting to see them, and not wanting other people to see them before they're out officially. However, it's not that long, so I'd prefer it if you didn't make posters until they were posted properly on the site.
Comic 5, transform and roll out! A little early, but that's nothing to complain about, hey what?

There was going to be an extra with this update, but unfortunately I've been having periodic, unpredictable blackouts all day where I live, and losing work to a lack of electricity wore out my patience, so I'll finish it sometime during the week and post it with comic 6. After that, it'll be all-new comics! Woo-haa.
Oh, happy day!  BTW, I like the extra clips you are tucking in.  Keep 'em comming!  I've got my whole gaming group addicted to it!

Speaking of, do I get some kind of commission or kickback for feeding new blood your way?
I'd like to suggest that you switch to using PNG instead of GIF as the image format for your comics. The GIF encoding causes some of the solid planes of color to look grainy.
Had a look at GIF vs. PNG. The main problem is on comic 5. Thing is, PNG doesn't really solve the problem. Or rather, it can, but it takes making the file huuuuuge to do so. Still, it does save a wee bit of space otherwise, so I may switch anyway.
Nope, couldn't. Jpeg is designed for photos, where there are tons of different shades. It compresses images by making them more blurry. With a comic of sharply defined  flat colours and shapes like Keychain, gif or png is far superior.

Also: jpeg doesn't support transparency.
Also: Update. With a little tinkering, the pngs actually work better. Didn't change the first and second comic, though, since they're a little wonky.
Way to go, Juke. You got some well deserved praise on the WW forum, and it is a long time coming. Quality work by a quality bloke. Well done.
One more design suggestion: You might want to put a hard link to each comic somewhere visibly but unobtrusively.

Currently, there is no obvious way to link directly to the most recent comic. It's only once you go into the archives that the browser's address bar displays a specific URL.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean. If you're on the site you already know the most recent comic is on the main page, and there's a link to that page on every part of the site. There's a list of all the comics, with links, in the main archives page (accessed from the navigation links in the logo), and the navigation in the archive pages themselves works fine.

So I'm not sure what the problem is.
The crux of the problem is this: The current comic (#6) is called

Let's say I think that one is really funny, and I want to bookmark it, or send a link to my friend. When the next update comes around, that link is now going to point to #7 instead. The only way I can "hard link" to #6 is to wait for it to go into the archive.


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