Keychain of Creation

I like the lunar's limit flaw... I really do.

I loved what you did with secrets and her solo trip that was just sheer awesome when she wandered around scouting, thinking about being tested and all... and then the slaughter...

Would you believe...? No? Thought so. Priceless.
Safim said:
I like the lunar's limit flaw... I really do.
Wait, what?
She doesn't have the curse of the den mother or whatever it is called? the one where they do anything to "help" others...
Huh. I wasn't expecting anyone to figure that out so soon.

You realise, this means I'll have to make all my future hintings extra-subtle.
No, see, the point isn't for you to be able to figure things out! It's so that I can feel smug for leaving hints and people not figuring them out, so that people will say how clever I am when I finally reveal it, and bask in my michiavellian glory. :P

Honestly, making a story-based webcomic is like being The Riddler.

Though I suppose it is a compliment to have a Batman or two in my readership. :D I suppose you've already figured out Misho's Limit flaw, the precise relationship between him and Marena, what exactly is following them, the entire dastardly plot that will be enacted by Secret's Deathlord, what Ten Winds' favourite colour is, and the average air speed of an unladen swallow? :P
Jukashi said:
No, see, the point isn't for you to be able to figure things out! It's so that I can feel smug for leaving hints and people not figuring them out, so that people will say how clever I am when I finally reveal it, and bask in my michiavellian glory. :P
Well, in order for us to bask in your Machiavellian glory, you have to at least spell it right......

I think of KoC has any self-respect, it needs to get itself a wikipedia page, stat.
Yes I have figured it all out, I just won't share with the others ^^

I like the punchline secert's deathlord gets though...

And thanks for the compliment.
Flagg said:
I think of KoC has any self-respect, it needs to get itself a wikipedia page, stat.
Well, I can't do it myself. Webcomic authors editing their own comic's wikipedia articles is against the Internet Code.

I don't want Ian McDonald coming over to bust my kneecaps.
Just an FYI -

Jukashi will be out of town for the weekend, and has asked me to update the comic for him in his absence.

I've written a script to automate the process, and I've tested it -- but if the page goes kablooie on Friday, please direct your ire at myself, and not Jukashi.
Did he not see my last message? The birthday surprise has been cancelled. There's no need for him to flee the city. :)
I set the update script to run a teensy but early tonight, just so I wouldn't be up too far past my bedtime if I'd have to fix things that might break.

Luckily, it went off perfectly. Hooray automation!

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