Keychain 91-95

I was just being silly, I'm not really that mad. :D

It's a simplistic art style, personal interpretation is to be expected.
Blayze said:
Perhaps it's actually a story about drug abuse, hence the dilated pupils and the lack of meat on their limbs after they've been forced to support their various habits by whatever means necessary. Ninja Guy is the man in charge of rehabilitating them, hence how he broods over his lack of success lately. After all, Secret has developed a psychopathic rage if she doesn't get her fix, Marena has turned to selling her body for drug money, Misho has lost his memory due to whatever he's been taking so he doesn't even *know* he's an addict any more and Ten has been drunk for the past twenty years.
Nevertheless, Ninja Guy continues to do the best he can with his noodle arms ("It's a medical condition!") and vocalised ninja powers.
First Satan, then drugs...

Keychain is a very noneducational comic.
FluffySquirrel said:
.. what kind of ninja wears a -scarf-?
Did his mummy knit his ninja gloves for him? :)
I wouldn't mock him if she did.

Remember well the lesson of Jayne Cobb and his Cunning Hat.

"Man walks down the street wearing that hat, you know he's not afraid of anything."
technically Kamen rider is sentai, not ninja. Sentai are big on long scarves that flap dramatically (see viewtiful joe for a good example)

(also I was going to make some bitchy comment about the plural of ninja being ninja, but you all seem to be sticking to that anyway [though through knowledge or happy coincidence I'm not sure] good job)
Smeggedoff said:
technically Kamen rider is sentai, not ninja. Sentai are big on long scarves that flap dramatically (see viewtiful joe for a good example)
(also I was going to make some bitchy comment about the plural of ninja being ninja, but you all seem to be sticking to that anyway [though through knowledge or happy coincidence I'm not sure] good job)
Technically Kamen Rider is tokusatsu because sentai usually involves groups, a-la Power rangers.

Also, refer to Strider Hiryu, there's your ninja with a bright red scarf.
Smeggedoff said:
technically Kamen rider is sentai, not ninja. Sentai are big on long scarves that flap dramatically (see viewtiful joe for a good example)
(also I was going to make some bitchy comment about the plural of ninja being ninja, but you all seem to be sticking to that anyway [though through knowledge or happy coincidence I'm not sure] good job)
Technically Kamen Rider is tokusatsu because sentai usually involves groups, a-la Power rangers.

Also, refer to Strider Hiryu, there's your ninja with a bright red scarf.
I stand corrected, but kamen rider's still not a ninja which was one of the points I attempted to make.

What's Strider Hiryu from?

(am I seriously too lazy to wikipedia him when I already have wikipedia open?)
You messed up haseshin/hasishin. Which is the non-typo?

Also, THIS dude is the full Golden Plate Armour sorta guy. I like him much more than Green-Ninja.
Fae can be whatever you want them to be. Anywhere from Golden Clad Assassins to Jack the Ripper. Well they would probably be more like Sweeney than Jack. But stories none the less. More characters than people.

Daddy like.
Rixaxun said:
You messed up haseshin/hasishin. Which is the non-typo?
Arg, dagnabbit. Hasishin is the right one. Got it here. I just picked it because it sounded best-suited, really.
Jukashi said:
Rixaxun said:
You messed up haseshin/hasishin. Which is the non-typo?
Arg, dagnabbit. Hasishin is the right one. Got it here. I just picked it because it sounded best-suited, really.
I was wondering, Jukaishi... Do you have any plans for continuing the whole comic in this style or is it going to be a Fair-Folk thing only?

Do you have new-styled versions of the main characters, perhaps?
No, it just represents the Fae. I wanted them to look sort of... shiny, but flat, if you get why I'd do that. I may do other non-Creation entities with new art styles, though.
Jukashi said:
No, it just represents the Fae. I wanted them to look sort of... shiny, but flat, if you get why I'd do that. I may do other non-Creation entities with new art styles, though.
Too bad, they looked really cool.

That dosen't make any sense. This is not a supply and demand situation. Jukashi dosen't make money off our reading Keychain, he won't lose it if we stop. He might even stop altogether!

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