Keychain 91-95

ShadowDragon8685 said:
That dosen't make any sense. This is not a supply and demand situation. Jukashi dosen't make money off our reading Keychain, he won't lose it if we stop. He might even stop altogether!
Shh... We don't negotiate with terrorists!
ShadowDragon8685 said:
That dosen't make any sense. This is not a supply and demand situation. Jukashi dosen't make money off our reading Keychain, he won't lose it if we stop. He might even stop altogether!
Shh... We don't negotiate with terrorists!

What's he threatening? Who's he threatening it to? Oh noes! I think I'm the Man Who Knows Too Little!

*runs and hides*
You clearly have not been reading long enough if you don't know about the effectiveness of boycotts on Jukashi. He gives in eventually. Even if we keep reading. >.> <.< Especially if we're boycotting him not updating.
You've only ever boycotted me for not updating! And every time, I came back on a date that I said I'd come back on before the boycott started!
sure Jukashi *wink*

and the webcomic mafia hasn't been breaking the knees of the scab readers during those boycotts.

you crack me up
ah, I see

well jukashi, it's something you have to deal with, if you don't give us new comics we won't read them consarnit
Jukashi said:
Smeggedoff said:
if you don't give us new comics we won't read them
Don't go giving me an excuse.
Quoted for emphasis.

Just like saying "Wow, a big glowing circle of runes in the center of the floor? I bet a demon's gonna pop out!" when the DM/ST has no such intentions in mind (at least until you said that), don't go giving the webcartoonist any ideas he can use against you!.
Ease up' date=' fanboys. You're like a pack of ravenous pitbulls. Eesh.[/quote']
Nah, we're just spirited. Ravenous pitbulls level is when we start staling Jukashi.

*note* I have no intention of so doing, and anyone who does is crazy.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Ease up' date=' fanboys. You're like a pack of ravenous pitbulls. Eesh.[/quote']
Nah, we're just spirited. Ravenous pitbulls level is when we start staling Jukashi.

*note* I have no intention of so doing, and anyone who does is crazy.
What you mean? I already got two teams of ninjas on him...
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Ease up' date=' fanboys. You're like a pack of ravenous pitbulls. Eesh.[/quote']
Nah, we're just spirited. Ravenous pitbulls level is when we start staling Jukashi.

*note* I have no intention of so doing, and anyone who does is crazy.
What you mean? I already got two teams of ninjas on him...
He's clearly a Legendary Webcartoonist by this point.

Well, maybe not Legendary but at the least Acomplished, possibly Great.

And with the Inverse Ninja Law in effect, an unarmored webcartoonist with the Wacom stylus in hand should be able to stab the ninja all to death.

Of course, if he updated 3/week or more, he'd hit Legendary really quickly...
ShadowDragon8685 said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Nah, we're just spirited. Ravenous pitbulls level is when we start staling Jukashi.

*note* I have no intention of so doing, and anyone who does is crazy.
What you mean? I already got two teams of ninjas on him...
He's clearly a Legendary Webcartoonist by this point.

Well, maybe not Legendary but at the least Acomplished, possibly Great.

And with the Inverse Ninja Law in effect, an unarmored webcartoonist with the Wacom stylus in hand should be able to stab the ninja all to death.

Of course, if he updated 3/week or more, he'd hit Legendary really quickly...

although it would be tricky for jukashi to hit legendary making comics where the target audience is exalted fans. not a huge audience there.
Smeggedoff said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
What you mean? I already got two teams of ninjas on him...
He's clearly a Legendary Webcartoonist by this point.

Well, maybe not Legendary but at the least Acomplished, possibly Great.

And with the Inverse Ninja Law in effect, an unarmored webcartoonist with the Wacom stylus in hand should be able to stab the ninja all to death.

Of course, if he updated 3/week or more, he'd hit Legendary really quickly...

although it would be tricky for jukashi to hit legendary making comics where the target audience is exalted fans. not a huge audience there.
He could be making webcomics and not even posting them to the web. (Though I guess that would just be the "Comic" skill, the result is the same.) Consumption dosen't matter, only the quality and quantity thereof.

Though you never know - he might fly off the handle, Claim the nearest computer workshop, bellow at the top of his lungs for his Wacom tablet and Photoshop and Exalted books, then withdraw from society to craft an Artifact Comic.

Though the demands are never that simple... Maybe we'd better send him some turtle shell just in case?
wow, first time I've been accused of drug use, normally I'm random enough that people don't even ask...I must be slipping

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