Keychain 91-95

This is Exalted. Armor that covers about 1/12 of the surface area of the skin can be perfectly effective if worn by a female. Camouflage is effective as a stunt at best.

As for why Fair Folk follows goblins, well, goblins are Fair Folk, in case you didn't notice. So it'd make sense that if this is the Fair Folk place, then antagonists are likely to be Fair Folk.
Brickwall said:
This is Exalted. Armor that covers about 1/12 of the surface area of the skin can be perfectly effective if worn by a female. Camouflage is effective as a stunt at best.
As for why Fair Folk follows goblins, well, goblins are Fair Folk, in case you didn't notice. So it'd make sense that if this is the Fair Folk place, then antagonists are likely to be Fair Folk.
who says it has to cover a 12th? Discrete essence armour anyone?
How is the style of #93 different? I don't see a change in the art. What else would be different?
He looks like a regular KoC character to me... and in any case, he's in the previous comic, with no special mention about style.
Jukashi said:
I am forced to conclude that you are artistically blind, sir.
That's not fair, Jukashi...

He might actually be colorblind and unable to distinguish between the normal, dark outlines of characters and things established to be "unreal" and the less dark, fuzzy "not quite real" outline this Ninja Brooder has.
I love theat the ninja was apparantly stupid anough to say "dun dun DUUUUN!" out loud

(though I'm assuming he didn't, you were just cramming it in as a gag. Still funny tho)
ShadowDragon8685 said:
He might actually be colorblind and unable to distinguish between the normal, dark outlines of characters and things established to be "unreal" and the less dark, fuzzy "not quite real" outline this Ninja Brooder has.
I think you've been eating paint chips, kid.

I'm still at a loss as to what Jukashi is talking about. I scrutinized it again, and all I can see that's a "significant" difference in style is that the ninja's limbs are more like thin noodles than proper lines. Everything else appears to be EXACTLY the same.
Well.. the fact he has defined limbs in a stick figure comic -is- a large change ^^

Also, he has eyes, instead of soulless pits of eternal darkness.

His outline is the only part blacklined, instead of every line, which is maybe why he looks a little less defined than the others as earlier people commented... I don't get the whole, fuzzy not real quality though, he looks fine to me, but then, I'm colour blind too, so maybe the outlines are a different colour

Truth be told, I think I prefer the stick figure art though, it just looks nicer somehow, not sure why
I like the newcomer's defined-limb style of being drawn. To be honest, oftentimes it's easy to lose character's necks, and it looks as though their heads simply hover.

As Fluffy pointed out, he has eyes with pupils, instead of pools of black with colored outline; his outline is an indistinct shade, instead of a pure black the way the rest of characters' are, and there are no solid dark outlines between his clothes and other parts of him.

For example, both he and Marena are wearing a mantle; his is attached to a cape. Note how his mantle is dark forest green, and there is no black line between it and his light hunter green tunic; note how Marena's blue mantle clearly has solid black lines between it's fabric and her chest.

Also note that they're both wearing headgear; she is wearing a gypsy rag, he's wearing a headband. Again, his clothes lack the solid dark outline that the others' have.

Also note his pronounced, elf-like ears.

This difference in his drawing style is Significant, as Jukashi has mentioned. (Though it might help the overall art quality if everyone inherited his actually having a neck, and his better-defined limbs. Just my $0.02.)



They should really see a doctor about those eyes then. They've got a serious pupil-dilation problem.
Perhaps it's actually a story about drug abuse, hence the dilated pupils and the lack of meat on their limbs after they've been forced to support their various habits by whatever means necessary. Ninja Guy is the man in charge of rehabilitating them, hence how he broods over his lack of success lately. After all, Secret has developed a psychopathic rage if she doesn't get her fix, Marena has turned to selling her body for drug money, Misho has lost his memory due to whatever he's been taking so he doesn't even *know* he's an addict any more and Ten has been drunk for the past twenty years.

Nevertheless, Ninja Guy continues to do the best he can with his noodle arms ("It's a medical condition!") and vocalised ninja powers.
Jukashi said:

Okay, sorry about the eyes..

And a scarf? It looks like a short cloak/mantle to me. Sorry. :(

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