Keychain #301-305

MorkaisChosen said:
That's Taking a Third Option, usually, which skips the "heads I win, tails you lose" trick of a Xanatos Gambit by using Exalted Essence to make it land on its edge.
Only some of them. The rest skip "Heads you win, tails I lose" on the Exalted's part by launching the coin at relativistic velocity into the head of the motherfucker who thought he could control the Exalted.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
MorkaisChosen said:
That's Taking a Third Option, usually, which skips the "heads I win, tails you lose" trick of a Xanatos Gambit by using Exalted Essence to make it land on its edge.
Only some of them. The rest skip "Heads you win, tails I lose" on the Exalted's part by launching the coin at relativistic velocity into the head of the motherfucker who thought he could control the Exalted.
This also includes the Exalt himself under the 'motherfucker who thought he could control the Exalted' category quite often.

Nobody controls the Exalted.

Not even themselves!
...I have debated drawing some fanart for KoC, that I was reminded of with the latest update. Mainly, a picture featuring Marena and Misho, with the phrase "YOU'RE GOING TO GET LOVED TENDERLY."

...I wonder if Ten Winds can get her out of her mood...
Ten Winds can do anything.

But I imagine this might be difficult for even him. Getting women out of the mood likely isn't something he's experienced at.
You'd think they would've, given their history together, but they haven't.

Why is she still trying to mess with his hair?
Because she's all about the hair?

Interesting that she's so amazingly 'into' Misho - or maybe she just doesn't like rejection.

As for Ten Winds getting her out of the mood, that's easy. All he has to do is sneak up behind her (she's distracted) and perform a stealth takedown. Getting her out of the mood without rolling JB, on the other hand... That, I don't know about.
Misho's Final Line is golden, especially given you're more likely to hear that when talking to a Hag O.o
veekie said:
Maybe her Motivation is to get laid with everything in Creation. :wink:
Well, now i'm gonna spend the next hour figuring what is her equivalent to Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged.
Dear Jukashi,

You're laughing, aren't you? I can tell. Why can can I tell? Well, it's quite simple. I can't stop rereading page three oh two! Goddamnit! Do you have any idea what sort'f evil you've unleashed?! Of course you do! You're an evil fucking genius!


The Man Whose Afternoon You've Destroyed
Dear Jukashi,
You're laughing, aren't you? I can tell. Why can can I tell? Well, it's quite simple. I can't stop rereading page three oh two! Goddamnit! Do you have any idea what sort'f evil you've unleashed?! Of course you do! You're an evil fucking genius!


The Man Whose Afternoon You've Destroyed
I'm sure his response will be something along the lines of:

"Yesss, my scheme!"
Obviously, but now on a less "haven't had any for a year" note.

I've got a theory. It makes total sense (no, really it does). Marena's limit break has something to do with sex. She did go quite sex mad after her Exaltation. Maybe the limit break condition would cover someone rejecting her sexual advances, and someone saying she isn't sexy (calling her an overweight cow, for example).
Considering how gorgeous and...huh...available Marena is, should I assume Misho is celibate (perhaps as one of his sacrifices for sorcery)? Or perhaps he is just gay? Or he is not into love bites (and claw marks, and the girl turning into a hundred different forms through the whole thing...)? So many possibilities...
There has been no confirmation! I'm at least on the right track then!

Now, what manner of behavior is enforced by her limit break? It's hinted at that she's currently limit breaking, and that she has limit broken before when she became quite obsessive over Misho (his comment about it being a full moon. Lunar gain limit during the full moon). It could be that before it was uncontrolled, and now it is under partial control. That would seem to fit based on how, right now, she seems to be exerting quite a bit of willpower to keep from doing something.

Marena is a problem when trying to figure it out. Getting him in place, ready to have his hair cut could be a prelude to a number of things. Whatever it is though it seems that Misho is already wise to her trickery, at least when it comes to situations she can turn into that something she wants to do (I refer to it as a something not because I don't want to repeat the word sex, but because it could be something else and the sex is just a vessel for it).

To the above poster: I'm going to say that Misho was married, and still carries those feelings for the long dead love in this incarnation. I'm saying this because he has offspring, and because he doesn't strike me, even as a crazy First Age Solar, to be the sort to keep a harem (plus he could just make children if he really wanted them, and given his sorcerer's views on Creation I doubt he'd attach such emotion to them to evoke such an extreme response to Fair Folk).
It's also possible he's at least sufficiently Genre Savvy to understand the consequences of a Relationship Upgrade in the middle of an adventure. Or he's taken a vow of celibacy in this incarnation, or he feels that giving into Marena's advances would be like feeding an addict, etc. As others have said, this has got to tie heavily into his backstory.

As an aside, this isn't the first time I've noticed, but Misho also has a pretty decent Temperance rating.

What forms do Lunar Limit Breaks take anyway? I have next to zero knowledge.

Edit: urgh, markup
Marena is Mishos Lunar mate. Misho knows Marena is his lunar mate.

perhaps he just won't have sex with his lunar mate since he can't know whether 1)she wants to have sex with him because she have real feelings for him or 2) if she just wan't to because her exaltation magically makes her want to have sex with him.

if it is the second possibility it is something preety close to rape if you think about it. so maybe he just wants to be on the safe side.

my two jade script
Fighteer said:
What forms do Lunar Limit Breaks take anyway? I have next to zero knowledge.
Same to the way a Solar's works, with the exception that when they're first struck by the full moon's light they gain limit as if she resisted acting on her primary virtue. It's also seen as a natural part of being a Lunar (as a gift from Luna, given how limit breaking feels very nice). They even have gatherings on the night of the full moon to induce the limit break... And then have an orgy of limit break (featured in this very comic, page 187, panel 2).

Compassion limit breaks are seen with stigma though.
Never said that wasn't part of it. Might be why she's spending a dot of temporary willpower, because otherwise she'd have jumped his bones the second she saw him rather than trying to be coy like she did before.

MorkaisChosen said:
See, I thought this was less "limit break" and more "my other true form is on heat right now."
I thought so, too. Either that, or she's a heartless weasel.
Fighteer said:
What forms do Lunar Limit Breaks take anyway? I have next to zero knowledge.
Same to the way a Solar's works, with the exception that when they're first struck by the full moon's light they gain limit as if she resisted acting on her primary virtue. It's also seen as a natural part of being a Lunar (as a gift from Luna, given how limit breaking feels very nice). They even have gatherings on the night of the full moon to induce the limit break... And then have an orgy of limit break (featured in this very comic, page 187, panel 2).

Compassion limit breaks are seen with stigma though.
Wrong, it is instead of a Limit Condition. Lunars still gain limit from suppressing their primary Virtue.
But is one of the possible Lunar Limit Breaks to have sex with anything/everything in sight? That's kind of what I'm asking. I know most of the Solar Limit Breaks from my flirtations with Exalted many years ago, but I never read any of the Lunar material. Or are you saying that they have the exact same list of Breaks, based on the same Character Traits?

Yes, some potential ones like the one below


The character becomes a creature of impulse and igno-

rance. He is a slave to his desires, unable to control himself

long enough to resist temptation. The Drunken Monkey acts

without thinking and does not consider the consequences

of his actions. He gorges his appetites without restraint and

ignores dangerous situations in the heat of the moment—but

will drop any indulgence the moment some new temptation

presents itself.

Partial Control: The character may give vague atten-

tion to the next day, provided it doesn’t interfere with his

pursuit of pleasure. He will still drink himself into a stupor,

for example, but he might ask a close friend to watch out

for him ï¬ rst.
Presumably a Temperance or Compassion flaw can go towards sex maniac

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