Keychain #296-300(!)

TheTokenGirl said:
Gotta read the fine print there.
Must you tempt my soul with the promise of sweet treats and cold weather attire??

... maaaaaybe... do you have a counter-offer? I can raise the stakes if you'd like :D

ShadowDragon8685 said:
He's a Storyteller. He can't help but channel Darth Sideous by way of the Ebon Dragon.

Also, possibly, he's stumping to recruit more for our self-insert Exalted game happening on Saturdays, since we're hemmoraging players to the dreaded Yozi, Real Life, fast.
Damnit man, don't give me away! I was bein' all subtle-like! Like Hulkelberry Fin without the blatant reverse psychology!


And I was more channeling a combination of Minsc for cover, and a cross between Firrkaag and a Pride Demon for the actual deal-making rather than Sideous or the Ebon Dragon, Sideous isn't too much into making deals and I didn't think to channel Mr. Screw-You-Over-Cause-I-Can... s'not really my style anyways. :P

@The rest of y'all: It's more her pleasant approach and the fact that I saw some potential funnies... at which point ShadowDragon's psychosis played against my own, I'd do it to the rest of y'all if I could think of funny stuff consistently :P
Andoriol said:
TheTokenGirl said:
Gotta read the fine print there.
Must you tempt my soul with the promise of sweet treats and cold weather attire??

... maaaaaybe... do you have a counter-offer? I can raise the stakes if you'd like :D
Cookies 'n Cream Ice Cream? It's dark-sidedly delicious, but it's the Light Side because it's Ice Cream! ^_^

Andoriol said:
Damnit man, don't give me away! I was bein' all subtle-like! Like Hulkelberry Fin without the blatant reverse psychology!
Nooooo, your scheme!

More seriously, might you be interested, Token?

And I was more channeling a combination of Minsc for cover, and a cross between Firrkaag and a Pride Demon for the actual deal-making rather than Sideous or the Ebon Dragon, Sideous isn't too much into making deals and I didn't think to channel Mr. Screw-You-Over-Cause-I-Can... s'not really my style anyways. :P
As long as you avoid channeling the Ebon Dragon, we'll have a lotta fun. ^_^

@The rest of y'all: It's more her pleasant approach and the fact that I saw some potential funnies... at which point ShadowDragon's psychosis played against my own, I'd do it to the rest of y'all if I could think of funny stuff consistently :P
Neurosis, please. A Psychosis is so crippling that it prevents you from operating socially, a Neurosis merely makes you fun to be around. ^_^
Aasharu said:
Speaking as the storyteller for said game, I myself would have no objections to added joinings.
Waita cotton-pick'n...


You and Andoriol's names are so close together, I transpose you! >_<

Either way, that's cool. ^_^

Also, we've got the room up. C'mon and join us!


Heh. Actually it's quite interesting how easy it is to get women into Exalted. My specific examples here are TORG, Conspiracy X and Shadowrun, all of which campaigns had one seemingly entirely disinterested female player who was only there for something to do or because their boyfriend was playing. Compare that to my current Exalted campaign which has 2 highly enthusiastic women playing a Twilight and Night Caste. The latter with a slightly worrying amount of relish :)

There's a few possible reasons - easy anime cultural references, the setting including numerous strongly feminocentric cultures, very strong stock female characters, nearly all of my female gamer friends being bisexual and thus finding the artwork more arousing than annoying...
OMG!!!!111!11!!1 A GIRL! WHERE??? Holy crap... its me!!! O____O;;;

No wonder everyone was being so nice to me... I always thought it was because of my charms and cunning wit.

Guess I learned my lesson.

chalicier said:
Heh. Actually it's quite interesting how easy it is to get women into Exalted. My specific examples here are TORG, Conspiracy X and Shadowrun, all of which campaigns had one seemingly entirely disinterested female player who was only there for something to do or because their boyfriend was playing. Compare that to my current Exalted campaign which has 2 highly enthusiastic women playing a Twilight and Night Caste. The latter with a slightly worrying amount of relish :)

There's a few possible reasons - easy anime cultural references, the setting including numerous strongly feminocentric cultures, very strong stock female characters, nearly all of my female gamer friends being bisexual and thus finding the artwork more arousing than annoying...
Or perhaps the girl is a geeky nerd (therefore already interested in table top gaming) so the only convincing they need is someone willing to GM. :D
TheTokenGirl said:
OMG!!!!111!11!!1 A GIRL! WHERE??? Holy crap... its me!!! O____O;;;
No wonder everyone was being so nice to me... I always thought it was because of my charms and cunning wit.

Guess I learned my lesson.

Or perhaps the girl is a geeky nerd (therefore already interested in table top gaming) so the only convincing they need is someone willing to GM. :D
Cunning wit is good, we like cunning wit :D

Though seriously, would you be interested in doing a Saturday afternoon game? We'd like players :D
Andoriol said:
Though seriously, would you be interested in doing a Saturday afternoon game? We'd like players :D
To be honest I've never really roleplayed online before. My RP group tried doing that with our Scion campaign while most of our players were away at college... it didn't really work out.

I would like to try again but I would first like to know exactly how it works and what kind of commitment I would have to make.

I've been burned before... Now I have to guard my heart.
TheTokenGirl said:
Andoriol said:
Though seriously, would you be interested in doing a Saturday afternoon game? We'd like players :D
To be honest I've never really roleplayed online before. My RP group tried doing that with our Scion campaign while most of our players were away at college... it didn't really work out.
Sorry to hear that. There are challenges to doing online RPing, but they're not insurmountable.

I would like to try again but I would first like to know exactly how it works and what kind of commitment I would have to make.
Saturdays from sometime before noon, EST, till mid-afternoon, EST. You'd also need to download OpenRPG+ and learn to work it - not so hard, really.
I've been burned before... Now I have to guard my heart.
Yeah, those Lunars can be outright animals about that. Never a bad idea, guarding that.
As with most Ink Monkies stuff, I think those Charms don't really fit inside the theme they are supposed to fit within and their mechanics are questionable.
TheTokenGirl said:
OMG!!!!111!11!!1 A GIRL! WHERE??? Holy crap... its me!!! O____O;;;
No wonder everyone was being so nice to me... I always thought it was because of my charms and cunning wit.
Socialize Charms, to be precise. Those written social combat attacks can be bastards.

Or perhaps the girl is a geeky nerd (therefore already interested in table top gaming) so the only convincing they need is someone willing to GM. :D
Yeah, but it's worth noting that in all the examples I gave, the players were recruited from my local gaming group, which is about 30% female. So even with a decent population of already geeky women, it's notable that some games seem to attract those women more than others. Vampire's at the top of the list, then D&D, but Exalted's a close third in my experience.

I suppose in the end, deep down, all women really want is to be UNBELIEVABLY AWESOME. :D
Of course, this is simply because Rincewind is UNBELIEVABLY AWESOME regardless of whether he's bored, and so, as he already is UNBELIEVABLY AWESOME, he has no need to try and become UNBELIEVABLY AWESOME. Seriously, his dream job is in a library. A library that warps time and space by its very existence, filled with ancient magical artifacts and eldritch secrets man was not meant to know (but which are perfectly safe for orangutans). If working there doesn't mean you're UNBELIEVABLY AWESOME, I don't know what does.

Other, possibly better, probably worse, example: The Anti-Spirals. That is, assuming they even qualify as "people" anymore.
But he doesn't want to be running round accidentally saving the universe, he wants to sit there cataloguing his rock collection.

Now that'd be an interesting thing to play- someone that didn't really want to do the heroic thing they got Exalted for, but now they're saddled with glowy Sun-powers and the Immaculates want them dead...
By my calculations, it is now 12:20, Tuesday morning, in Ireland.

PLACEHOLDER! You lied to us!

*starts distributing the pitchforks, long knives, garden hoes, axes, and torches.*
ShadowDragon8685 said:
By my calculations, it is now 12:20, Tuesday morning, in Ireland.
PLACEHOLDER! You lied to us!
Piff. There's still 3 hours in the day left. And yes, I'm talking about GMT
Andoriol said:
The image that wrought was simultaneously terrifying and sexy...
Well it is pretty much Fate Testarossa's description.


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