Keychain #296-300(!)

Very beautifully done page. Very much well deserving of the 300th page spot. Was it planned this way? If so, very well done. If not, then very lucky. ;)

The best part about this page, in my opinion, is the fact that despite what Secret is promising "Would you serve me? Give up your name? Even help end the world, at my will?" we still, as readers, identify with Secret and feel for her instead of against her. This is a very dark and weak point for the character but instead of looking down on her for it and lowering our opinion of her we instead find her character to be more real and we love her for it.

Again, very well done.
Fox said:
so much death might unleash a shadowland
I thought a Shadowland might have had something to do with it. Just like how any good D&D story in LFR has to eventually involve the Spellplague.
R.E. Contagion: The Great Contagion occured about 750 years ago, making it unlikely to be that (plus that was the Dowager's bit, not the Prince's). It's probably just a (comparitively) regular magical plague.
I wish my skill at writing was more developed. These last issues detailing Secrets origin and especially issue #300 are impressive. They are Exalted is made of. Thank you for all the hard work you put into this comic.
Aren't there supposed to be lesser remnants of the great contagion still lying around? Also, there's no reason to think the plague hit Eversteady with supernatural speed, there was the whole "two years later..." panel in there.
Kyeudo said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
The Prince must DIE!
He's already dead.
He must die again then! And be thrown into Oblivion. And then spanked. Publicly.
But that's good(ish) for the Neverborn. No, he should be forced to accept Lethe like he should have done in the first place, to reenter the cycle of reincarnation as the natural order of things dictates. But not too soon, because he makes such an awesome villain.
Just dropping in to congratulate you on strip 300. It rocked the socks off of at least two Exalted writers that I know of. Awesomely handled.
I just have to say, the three exaltations we've seen in the comic are really the high points of it, to me. You really do them well, Jukashi.
I wish to add my heartfelt Me Too to the list of people applauding for strip #300. Truly amazing work to create the kind of dramatic tension that surrounds a proper Exaltation.
It's a very different feel to the other Exaltations- a lot of Abyssals get Exalted in a moment of profound weakness when they realise they really don't want to die, and I think this showed it perfectly.
Jukashi said:
He comes! Bow! Bow down to the victor! Praise be~! :D


In a slightly more serious tone, complete win on page 300, as has been said before, this Exaltation as all the others has been completely awesome, it captures the entire epic tone of the setting quite well "You were cool before, now, as of this moment, you are AWESOME."
Going to have to second (or third, or seventeenth, or whatever) all these "awesome"s. :)

I just have to say' date=' the three exaltations we've seen in the comic are really the high points of it, to me. You really do them well, Jukashi.[/quote']Well, we've seen a Lunar, a Solar and an Abyssal now. Clearly the next exaltation flashback will be either Ten Winds or Nemen Yi. :mrgreen:
Of all the backstories thus far, the one least explained and likely most critical to the main plot is none other than Misho's. I'd argue that Ten's Exaltation is fairly unnecessary; we already know everything we need to about him and the DB versions aren't quite as spectacular, I think. Also, Nemen Yi has yet to prove herself as anything other than an antagonist -- even in Miko style (yay OotS reference) -- and her backstory isn't a high priority.

I'm willing to be wrong here, of course.
Well' date=' we've seen a Lunar, a Solar and an Abyssal now. Clearly the next exaltation flashback will be either Ten Winds or Nemen Yi. :mrgreen:[/quote']
Or maybe we'll get to witness the Exaltation of Marena's son.
I was thinking waves, personally.

'Course, she still isn't called Secret at this point- the Neverborn haven't betitled her yet...
MorkaisChosen said:
I was thinking waves, personally.
'Course, she still isn't called Secret at this point- the Neverborn haven't betitled her yet...
I wonder, when is the name given?
MoEP: Abyssals says when they get presented to the Neverborn- and it's given by the Neverborn.

That's if I remember correctly.

EDIT: Yep, just checked, it's when they get stuck in a Neverborn so the Primordial can see if they believe in the inevitability of the Void.
MorkaisChosen said:
I was thinking waves, personally.
'Course, she still isn't called Secret at this point- the Neverborn haven't betitled her yet...
Well, the curls made me think tentacles, and the central peak had a vaguely conical appearance(not that there was much choice of shape if you wanted to fit a soon-to-be-abyssal in the center) reminiscent of a squid head.

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