Keychain #296-300(!)


That's basically the sound I made when trying to restrain my urge to squee at how adorable Secret is. I mean, I'm a grown man, and grown men shouldn't squee like schoolgirls, but still. It was oh-so-hard not to.
I wonder if Fate has got something against Secret, or is just doing all that because shes adorable when abused.

Only the Pattern Spiders know.
She looks awesome in the last panel with that hair.


Also, I wonder why daddy's eyes are hidden everywhere.

I wonder if the direction this arc is going means we won't see the reaction of her father to her being an abyssal? I was looking forward to that, especially since he'd shown knowledge of the exalted.

Also, what was the scene where her mother died supposed to represent, I wonder? Was De-something just crying on that wharf or was that the actual moment of death? I assume the latter, because of the wood floating in the sea and her focused look, but I can't think of anything obvious that would kill someone.
Storm plus plank of wood equals some sort'f storm that her mother was in. Miss Not-Farle is probably looking at the wreckage of the boat.

As a side note I've decided to invent a new hobby: Secret Watching. Because we all know this comic stopped being about saving the world a long time ago. Moar Secret!

Edit'd: I also like her hair in panel six and seven, but I love the eighth panel's Secret extra more than every other Secret ever, forever more. Until a new, and more adorable one comes out. But that'd kill me.
Secret's look in the last panel just wins, outright. How or why, I'm not really sure, but it does.

And yeah, I'm wondering why his eyes insist on being hidden... :?

Curse you Jukashi in your subtlety! I will unravel your plot to rule the world through your webcomic yet!
I feel like I need to bring up the old joke "The worst winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco."

Andoriol said:
And yeah, I'm wondering why his eyes insist on being hidden... :?
Isn't that a common technique in childhood flashbacks?

Also, I'm getting a funky vibe about all this hiding.
Isn't that a common technique in childhood flashbacks?

Also, I'm getting a funky vibe about all this hiding.
It's not just that, it's that we have yet to even see the shape of his eyes, somethin's just itchy about how we haven't seen his eyes specifically... it's entirely possible that it's just a flash-back technique... but I dunno, I don't think so.
MorkaisChosen said:
"I became... inquisitive."
That's a reason for a Day Exaltation right there.
Unless she's talking about a different kind of inquisitive, in which case it could be grounds for Changing Moon. :)

But Yeah, that's a good point.
Fabricati said:
MorkaisChosen said:
"I became... inquisitive."
That's a reason for a Day Exaltation right there.
Unless she's talking about a different kind of inquisitive, in which case it could be grounds for Changing Moon. :)

But Yeah, that's a good point.

. Haha~.
Do ghosts have eyes, usually? because we have not seen Rouen's eyes at all, regardless of time. Even in the first flashback, when it was cut short on the first panel.
Synapse said:
Do ghosts have eyes, usually? because we have not seen Rouen's eyes at all, regardless of time. Even in the first flashback, when it was cut short on the first panel.
To steal Juk's explination from earlier, eyelessness is equated to death as an artistic device in this comic. Abyssals, who are still kinda alive, have something wrong with their eyes - like Secret's tattoo - while dead-deads like ghosts and Deathlords have no eyes at all.
Thanqol said:
Synapse said:
Do ghosts have eyes, usually? because we have not seen Rouen's eyes at all, regardless of time. Even in the first flashback, when it was cut short on the first panel.
To steal Juk's explination from earlier, eyelessness is equated to death as an artistic device in this comic. Abyssals, who are still kinda alive, have something wrong with their eyes - like Secret's tattoo - while dead-deads like ghosts and Deathlords have no eyes at all.
Secret's tatoo is just so cutehotsexy, though! ^_^ 8)
You know, I think a large part of Secret's appeal in the last panel is the fact that she's a slim little tomboy in a midriff baring outfit and trousers, with long, black hair. That just kind of kicks me in several areas of my brain at once. Factor in possible (probable?) bisexuality, and... yowza.
Aasharu said:
You know, I think a large part of Secret's appeal in the last panel is the fact that she's a slim little tomboy in a midriff baring outfit and trousers, with long, black hair. That just kind of kicks me in several areas of my brain at once. Factor in possible (probable?) bisexuality, and... yowza.
Well...she did become...inquisistive. ;)
It's inevitable that we'll get boy-type Secret fanart now. I'm going to go learn art now so I can draw that, and then make a fanart version.

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