Keychain #296-300(!)

I admit I was thrown off for a bit. At first I thought Marena was using her keen fox ears to listen to Secrets conversation, but when I actually read the text in the boxes, I understood how it was supposed to be read.

It does Marena credit that she's feeling a bit embarrased here. It's completely appropriate. I was worried she'd take a more defensive stance, but happy that she didn't.

This might make her re-evaluate her choices of partners?
I sort of vaguely recall that Celestial Exalted can't have natural children, so Marena's homewrecking habits would be unlikely to result in people with Secret's particular issue. Right? Or am I completely off-base?
Fighteer said:
I sort of vaguely recall that Celestial Exalted can't have natural children, so Marena's homewrecking habits would be unlikely to result in people with Secret's particular issue. Right? Or am I completely off-base?
I don't know where you got that from, because Celestial Exalted can have as many kids as they want: that's where half-castes and beastmen come from. You may be confusing them with Alchemical Exalted, who can't have kids because they're actually robots.
Just wanted to throw in my two cents about the transition. I had to double back over the page to really get what was going on. The first time through I was just confused but when I reread it I got it. I'm guessing this is a page that will probably work better when reading through the archives where someone would be used to the feel and flow of the story telling by the time they reach it. It's a page thats hard to jump in on, especially after checking out various other webcomic updates before hand.

But thats just me. ;)

Anywho, some observant folk may have noticed this is my first post on these boards. I've been meaning to join for a while now but would inevitably get distracted (such is the curse of the internet). I've been a fan for a few months now and have already read back through the archives several times.

I really want to thank the artist for creating this comic. A few months ago my friends were trying to get a game of Exalted going but I was having trouble grasping the concept and feel of the world (what do you expect when you try to throw a DnD girl into a whole new setting?? ;) ). So, they told me to check out this webcomic. I read through the backlog and finally 'got it'. We've already started playing Exalted and I am throughly enjoying it and kicking ass as a Dawn Caste Solar. I feel part of that credit goes to you, KoC creator. So you have my thanks.
TheTokenGirl said:
I really want to thank the artist for creating this comic. A few months ago my friends were trying to get a game of Exalted going but I was having trouble grasping the concept and feel of the world (what do you expect when you try to throw a DnD girl into a whole new setting?? ;) ). So, they told me to check out this webcomic. I read through the backlog and finally 'got it'. We've already started playing Exalted and I am throughly enjoying it and kicking ass as a Dawn Caste Solar. I feel part of that credit goes to you, KoC creator. So you have my thanks.
Playing an Invincible Sword Princess, by any chance?
ShadowDragon8685 said:
TheTokenGirl said:
I really want to thank the artist for creating this comic. A few months ago my friends were trying to get a game of Exalted going but I was having trouble grasping the concept and feel of the world (what do you expect when you try to throw a DnD girl into a whole new setting?? ;) ). So, they told me to check out this webcomic. I read through the backlog and finally 'got it'. We've already started playing Exalted and I am throughly enjoying it and kicking ass as a Dawn Caste Solar. I feel part of that credit goes to you, KoC creator. So you have my thanks.
Playing an Invincible Sword Princess, by any chance?
Actually its a scythe. ;)

And thanks for the welcome.
TheTokenGirl said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Playing an Invincible Sword Princess, by any chance?
Actually its a scythe. ;)

And thanks for the welcome.
The image that wrought was simultaneously terrifying and sexy...

Kudos! Welcome to the fold of insanity. Would you like your cookies and buttons-... oh wait, that's for the dark-side, nevermind.


We do have jackets though.
Andoriol said:
Kudos! Welcome to the fold of insanity. Would you like your cookies and buttons-... oh wait, that's for the dark-side, nevermind.
Nooooo, my scheme!

We do have jackets though.
Oh? Hrm...

Cookie, or Jacket...

Cookie > Jacket?

Cookie < Jacket?

Cookie = Jacket?

Cookie != Jacket.

Hrm.. This requires deliberation..........
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Oh? Hrm...

Cookie, or Jacket...

Cookie > Jacket?

Cookie < Jacket?

Cookie = Jacket?

Cookie != Jacket.

Hrm.. This requires deliberation..........
What requires deliberation? If we have established that Cookie = Jacket (I will save the extensive mathamatical proof for Appendix Cookie), then it is a simple matter to either convert Cookie into Jacket, or as is more fitting in an Exalted setting, get both Cookie and Jacket.

The latter is more appealing, ergo, we'll go with that. As Insanity and the Dark-Side are not mutually exclusive, you join both. Cookies and Jacket's for everyone~!*

*Who joins.
Andoriol said:
TheTokenGirl said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Playing an Invincible Sword Princess, by any chance?
Actually its a scythe. ;)
The image that wrought was simultaneously terrifying and sexy...
The best part is I made sure to get the charm "Summoning the Loyal Steel". So, imagine a refined, delicate, albeit spoiled, little princess (who is, of course used to getting her way), with the power to summon a Grand Grimscythe at will. Its really quite fun.

Andoriol said:
As Insanity and the Dark-Side are not mutually exclusive, you join both. Cookies and Jacket's for everyone~!*

*Who joins.
Gotta read the fine print there.

Must you tempt my soul with the promise of sweet treats and cold weather attire??
TheTokenGirl said:
Gotta read the fine print there.
Must you tempt my soul with the promise of sweet treats and cold weather attire??
He's a Storyteller. He can't help but channel Darth Sideous by way of the Ebon Dragon.

Also, possibly, he's stumping to recruit more for our self-insert Exalted game happening on Saturdays, since we're hemmoraging players to the dreaded Yozi, Real Life, fast.
I, for one, never cease to be amazed at the effect of "Hi guys, I'm an actual girl... With, like, you know... tits" on an online forum.
Oh, puh-leeze. I don't know where you heard that but it's, like, totally wrong. :shock:

On a more serious note, I don't think it's her female gender as much as her pleasant approach. But that might just be me :lol:
What effect, Kamino?

Long years and bitter experience have taught me to beware the female ones, even the hot ones willing to send you images of themselves in the nude and indulge in phone-sex with you. (Actually, especially those.) They're generally Krazy. Ricebowl crazy.

Was there something wrong with the way I asked if her dawn was an ISP? Yeesh.

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