Keychain #276 - 280

I believe she is Flame's lunar mate. Abyssals are corrupted solars, so the solar-lunar bond still holds.

Edit: Apparently when I told my browser to refresh, the screen reloading was just a prank on its part. Ninja'd by quite a long time :P
Very nice. Very effective (at least to my untrained, philistine's eye).

Though FaFL's sword looks rather small compared to him. Or perhaps to the relative proportions of daiklaves and their bearers in general.
Nerrin said:
Though FaFL's sword looks rather small compared to him. Or perhaps to the relative proportions of daiklaves and their bearers in general.
Yes, the sword does look tiny to me. ...which only makes me think that he, himself, if GORRAM HUGE.

I wonder why Flame is saluting differently... maybe that was also part of his punishment, why that arm was chosen? So he COULDN'T salute properly?
Nerrin said:
Though FaFL's sword looks rather small compared to him. Or perhaps to the relative proportions of daiklaves and their bearers in general.
I think you mean his keysword.

What? What else would it be called?
The green snake would be the Wood Dragon.

And Flame is saluting differently probably because he doesn't want to salute with his robot arm. :P

And the Princess needs hugs. ;_;

And the Soulsteel Key looks like an oversized... key, compared to the FaFL.

And do Abyssals tan? Sights got a goggle tan on her face.
Heh. I suppose being under the sun bakes skin nonetheless. Nice touch, Jukashi.

Also; HOLY CRAP, THAT GUY IS HUGE. I know it's been said, but I couldn't resist. That armor must have had essence-powered motors, built to make the wearer larger.

Okay, Third Man gives information about the weapons they stole, Sights shows her scouting and the lay of the land, what does Five Waves and Flame report?
Five Waves' Fury looked like she was about to toss some snarky comment the Princess's way, but Flame wisely kept her from doing so.

Also, Ben and Flame look rather nervous. Understandably. Although, really, it's not their fault this time. They should have been informed of the possibility of Sidereal intervention, especially since FaFL should know that there's a Starmetal key, and should thus insinuate the potential for Sidereal interference. Him not informing his lieutenants, tasked with retrieving the keys, of this important information, is a rather grievous error on his part.

Of course, I wouldn't say such to his face, but you get what I mean.
Kalatash said:
I wonder why Flame is saluting differently
The proper salute is to put your fist over your heart, and for Flame that would be meaningless because he doesn't have one.

I mean, literally.
Tsuranis said:
Princess Magnificent.
Surely, this must be a joke.
Nope. Princess Magnificent with Lips of Coral and Robes of Black Feathers, currently the second-weakest of the Deathlords.* She was the first one to try and attack Creation, and was outwitted by a trio of minor river gods who, basically, told mean stories about her until she ran away.

The Neverborn forgave her failure, but punished her for revealing the existence of the Deathlords to Creation to no useful effect, and made her a slave of the First and Forsaken Lion.

The First and Forsaken Lion is in love with her, although none of his servants are likely to refer to this if they wish to live. Some people say that the First and Forsaken Lion's true punishment for his earlier failure with the Fair Folk Invasion was not being sealed in his armor, but being bound to love the Princess Magnificent; in any case, she loathes him.

She's not a nice princess. She has an artifact umbrella made out of the skins and bones of five Solars, one from each caste. She made this umbrella before she became a Deathlord. Her titular robe allows her to fly. She's not allowed any Deathknights of her own, but she's secretly created one anyway (and he is crazy.)

*(yes, Eye and Seven Despairs really is that pathetic)
Tsuranis said:
Aquillion said:
*(yes, Eye and Seven Despairs really is that pathetic)
Well said, however much I love his name.
One time, in a game that has sadly vanished, we obliterated his stronghold and sent him screaming and invoking a PD every tic for three minutes solid as a by-product of another act of epic awesomeness.

Apparently he stunted his motes back by pushing his Death Knights down behind him to give himself a few moments more to escape.
Aquillion said:
I was merely reacting to the name "Princess Magnificent." It sounds like the next recurring Johnny Test villain or something.
I know, but I thought I should explain who she was.
No, no, Johnny Test villains have too much dignity.
Is it a bad or a good thing that I heard the voice of James Earl Jones filtered through Darth Vader's mask when reading the First and Forsaken Lion's lines?

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