Keychain #276 - 280

I think it says a lot that I recognized her before I so much as read the name, even though she isn't in her war form and I was never even in the game...
Nah, nah, nah, the Imperial Guard are heroic mortals. Give them a dragon blooded and you've ruined the Imperial Guard for me.
Fabricati said:
Maybe they have a few mortals with Supernatural Martial Arts acting as Commissars?
No. They are all regular mortals who survive against goddamn Space Marine Solars and armies of Ork Lunars through sheer god damn manliness, courage, and the Emperor's God Damn Faith. They don't NEED supernatural martial arts.

Comic: Interesting and exciting new characters! I am enjoying it!
Spoken like a true Guardsman. I suppose that makes thaumaturges psykers, then. Pity, Essence Channelers would be useful for Titans...
My bad... and you have NO idea on how Five Waves Fury's solar bond was in the game she showed up in. :lol:

It's a shame that Jukk seems to have quit the Go West game...
I like Contagion of Sights. Is she an archeologist, scout, pilot, or assassin?

But seeing that this is Exalted, it could be all of them.
Five Waves' Fury's clear glee at seeing Flame, along with her clinginess, amuses me.

Also, the Tech Priests would be Alchemicals. And if the Eldar are Sidereals, that means the Dark Elder are Sidereals as well.
Thanqol said:
Fabricati said:
Maybe they have a few mortals with Supernatural Martial Arts acting as Commissars?
No. They are all regular mortals who survive against goddamn Space Marine Solars and armies of Ork Lunars through sheer god damn manliness, courage, and the Emperor's God Damn Faith. They don't NEED supernatural martial arts.
Well, they would need to trade in their flashlights for Essence cannon if we're giving Lunar Exaltation to the Orks, but other than that, exactly what I was thinking. Heroic Mortals FTW!
At least be nice and pop the Imp Guard into Ashigaru to go with the Essence Cannons. And you might want to give them Shock Pikes with clip in place of the Essence Cannons.
krrackknut said:
I like Contagion of Sights. Is she an archeologist, scout, pilot, or assassin?
But seeing that this is Exalted, it could be all of them.
If she's a moonshadow, it probably is all of them. After all, Indiana Jones did those all, and he was only a Heroic Mortal. :)
Aasharu said:
And if the Eldar are Sidereals, that means the Dark Elder are Sidereals as well.
Shouldn't the Inquisition be composed of Sidereals?

And I'd personally make the Necrons just uber-Nephwracks or something and give the Abyssal Exaltations to the Dark Eldar. We've got to make the Abyssals and Deathlords Chaos-aligned, because the Lover has to be a Slaaneeshi Daemon Prince(ss).
Aasharu said:
Wait... if the Orks are Lunars, and the Space Marines Solars...
Luna doesn't have to have made nice with Sol Invictus this time around, especially since Orks predate humanity by like a billion years.

Ascension said:
Shouldn't the Inquisition be composed of Sidereals?
Why would the Inquisition be composed of Sidereals? They don't make contingency plans for events that will happen in a few millenia. That's the Eldar's schtick.

And I'd personally make the Necrons just uber-Nephwracks or something and give the Abyssal Exaltations to the Dark Eldar. We've got to make the Abyssals and Deathlords Chaos-aligned, because the Lover has to be a Slaaneeshi Daemon Prince(ss).
Na, the Deathlords would probably convert over to being C'tan, and those guys seem to have fun with their killing.

Wait: Do Dark Eldar do the whole "I planned for this ecounter several centuries ago" thing? or are they just into the bondage thing cranked up to 11? If they don't, I can see the possibility of sending the Abyssals to the Dark Eldar.

Dark Eldar were the one race I never really read up on.
Solar Bond.

Solar Bond is a Background Lunars take. Lunars have a natural Intimacy that cannot be broken with one- and only one- Solar Exaltation. This transcends the twisting that the Neverborn inflicted on the Abyssal Exaltations. Solar Bond, the Background, increases the power of this Intimacy.

Abyssals get benefits out of it, as well- especially if they seek redemption.

But that is another story entirely.

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