Keychain #221 - #225

Toloran said:
#225 is up.
Crazy red-sid lady looks baddass :3
Aaaand Forgotten Flame has just fallen prey to the Worf Effect. This is how we know that Redsid is dangerous, because Flame and Ben are, in Jukashi's own words, high-experience, high-essence threats. And one of them just got catapulted through what sounded more like a log wall than a window.
Worf Effect? I have only just started watching TNG, it was something I missed in my youth, I know, blaspheme.

EDIT: NVM, I just blew 7 hours after googling it.
magnificentmomo said:
Worf Effect? I have only just started watching TNG, it was something I missed in my youth, I know, blaspheme.
EDIT: NVM, I just blew 7 hours after googling it.
Welcome to TvTropes.
He can't. He's a villian and he doesn't have anything emotionally important riding on the line here.
Kyeudo said:
He can't. He's a villian and he doesn't have anything emotionally important riding on the line here.
You don't necessarily know that to be true. Who knows? Maybe he is the classic "I'm only a villain because i'm forced to be" type character. Or, more likely, he might have a powerful desire for revenge for a lost love one (well, one lost before he took the dark exhaltation).
Toloran said:
Kyeudo said:
He can't. He's a villian and he doesn't have anything emotionally important riding on the line here.
You don't necessarily know that to be true. Who knows? Maybe he is the classic "I'm only a villain because i'm forced to be" type character. Or, more likely, he might have a powerful desire for revenge for a lost love one (well, one lost before he took the dark exhaltation).
It's Exalted. Not Exhalted. It doesn't even sound like Exhalted.

>: (
Thanqol said:
It's Exalted. Not Exhalted. It doesn't even sound like Exhalted.

>: (
Oddly enough, I do pronounce it with a light "h" sound. Hence, the bad spelling. Stranger still, I don't spell it with a "h" when writing "Exalted", just "Exaltation." (I didn't this time because, well, it was pointed out).

You'd think that someone who makes their living writing all day would have better spelling but you'd also be very, very wrong.
Villains don't NEED emotional drive to get a power jump. They're evil its thier JOB to be more powerful until the Final Showdown.
I don't know, I think it's far more likely that they'll do the smart thing and leave. I mean, look at it from a logical point of view:

1: The main objective is to secure the Keys of Creation.

2: A second key has appeared, (Starmetal) which means that success will have greater dividends, while failure becomes more likely.

3: Both keys are being wielded together, which means they are both more powerful. (If they don't know that for sure, they probably at least suspect it.)

4: Keys are being wielded by an unknown factor, who has demonstrated unusual powers, and seems to have a lot of power to draw upon.

The best course of action is to retreat, possibly observe for a time, and perhaps contact FAFL to inform him of this SNAFU, and ask for further information. Ben will probably try to fight, but once Flame gets himself out of whatever rubble he's buried under, I suspect he'll call for a retreat.
You know, I Just noticed something: in every other character you can't tell if they have pants on (stick legs and all), so this sidereal is either drawn in slightly different style (perhaps to show the proximity the Sids have with the gods using that "different styles for different beings" thing?) or those are reeeaally large pants...a hakama, perhaps?

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