Keychain #221 - #225

And yet I'm only on TV Tropes for an average of five minutes at a time. :mrgreen:
I do that too sometimes. It just depends. It's like wikipedia. Sometimes you just look up something and then go on your way. Then sometimes one article links to several others and then all of a sudden you have three and a half dozen tabs and your baby is screaming because it has been three hours and you were supposed to feed it(I don't have a baby, hence the it).

Back on topic (because not only is TVtropes a time sink, it is a thread sink), less than an hour until the next comic unless Juk is a little behind, which is understandable.
magnificentmomo said:
I do that too sometimes. It just depends. It's like wikipedia. Sometimes you just look up something and then go on your way. Then sometimes one article links to several others and then all of a sudden you have three and a half dozen tabs and your baby is screaming because it has been three hours and you were supposed to feed it(I don't have a baby, hence the it).
You mean you don't have a baby any more.
Oh dear, it looks as if Misho's in a spot of bother with his Artifact 4 having been stolen... The question remains, will he get 12 XP back for it? Or will he somehow snap out of this Heart of Tears to take it back, or maybe Marena will use Larceny charms to steal it back for him?
Wait... did she... jump through the panels?

If so, then that's the most awesome way to display Sidereal fate twisting ever.
Also, is it just me, or does dodging by dropping through the panels of the comic seem a bit more in keeping with the Fae than the Siddies? I mean, I could see it from both, but...

Actually, that gives me an idea for a Charm upgrade of Leaping Dodge Defense; instead of leaping a physical distance and remaining a target, you leap Elsewhere and reappear five or six ticks later within Essence * 10 yards.
Actually, it does, even if your game's not explicitly a comic... Call it "skipping a few Frames of Fate."

Also, give me an idea for a funny Shaping effect that fritzes someone's FFPS so they start to see the world in laggy jerks.
See what I mean? Needlessly complicated!

And as for how she did it; "Dodge charms."

Say, having one key means you can open any lock, right? I wonder what you can unlock with two.
Best visual effect I've seen in a comic in a long time paired with the best way to showcase Sidereal reality twisting.

I give this page a million billion points. Collect eight more and you can redeem them for magnificentmomo's baby.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Also, is it just me, or does dodging by dropping through the panels of the comic seem a bit more in keeping with the Fae than the Siddies? I mean, I could see it from both, but...
The Fey could do that kind of nonsense in the Wyld. According to Graceful Wicked Masques, once they're in creation that can do none of that stuff unless they've got Style 5. Essentially, they're forced to become shaped when they enter Creation, and lose all their awesome shaping combat hooplah. Most of their cool stuff comes from who they decide to be when they enter Creation.

Also, bear in mind that nothing the Fey do with their charms is real. They're just faking it, really well. If you have the stats high enough to see through their illusions, then you'd see that Joe McFeyninja didn't jump through the panels but just took a little puny baby jump to the side and looked at you funny.

Sidereals, well. Reality itself must conform to their bullshit.
What if the "favour" she's doing is on request from Ten Winds?

Also, a question about Starmetal. Is it so awesomely strong that a wire-frame sword would even work? It looks really cool, but wouldn't it be better to have an ordinary sword plated with starmetal, or even a staff with starmetal inlay?
Ribusprissin said:
What if the "favour" she's doing is on request from Ten Winds?
Also, a question about Starmetal. Is it so awesomely strong that a wire-frame sword would even work? It looks really cool, but wouldn't it be better to have an ordinary sword plated with starmetal, or even a staff with starmetal inlay?
All magical materials are Super Indestructible so there's nothing stopping it being an applicable sword. Especially when you account for Rule of Awesome.

Thing is that Sidereals get so little Starmetal to work with, ever, that they have to be absolutely minimalistic with any designs they make. And we've already seen in the comic that MM alloys are weaker than pure MM, so the staff/plating ideas would probably fail.

Plus a staff wouldn't look like a key.
*Reads past post*

It's official. The keys of creation are definitely one of the most awesome artifacts ever devised.

Just think! With five, one could open a soul.
krrackknut said:
*Reads past post*
It's official. The keys of creation are definitely one of the most awesome artifacts ever devised.

Just think! With five, one could open a soul.
I'm curious as to what one contains. We know they can be forged into one of the MMs.

If you crack it open, is it like nuclear fission?
I would think opening the soul would be more metaphorical, like how Jukashi described opening the mind. By opening the soul, you could probably do crazy things like rearrange the person's virtues directly, or altering their motivation. Basically, reshaping them into an entirely different person.
Ribusprissin said:
What if the "favour" she's doing is on request from Ten Winds?
In her short story, she basically stated that everyone else was either too weak to properly protect the keys, or so strong that they would be able to hide a hidden agenda from her. Therefore, in her reasoning, she is the ONLY ONE IN CREATION who can properly guard them. Or, she simply thinks that guarding them is damn annoying, and she thinks that someone else would thank her for taking that burden.

Ribusprissin said:
Also, a question about Starmetal. Is it so awesomely strong that a wire-frame sword would even work? It looks really cool, but wouldn't it be better to have an ordinary sword plated with starmetal, or even a staff with starmetal inlay?
No idea here, but it DOES look cool. ...and all the other talk reminds me of the filigree of Esper from M:tG.
krrackknut said:
See what I mean? Needlessly complicated!
And as for how she did it; "Dodge charms."

Say, having one key means you can open any lock, right? I wonder what you can unlock with two.
No, Sidereal Dodge charms are used for moving cities around and removing yourself from the area completely. Dodging is done using Performance.
(Yeah, yeah, they have Duck Fate.)
Ophion said:
Ehm... what is she gonna do with a not-attuned orichalcum sword?
According to the topic where Jukashi lays out the stats, you don't need to be attuned to both keys, as long as the keys are attuned to someone. In other words, she can use its key abilities just fine, she just isn't attuned to it.
Have the Sidereals been named yet? I'm thinking of maybe updating the character poll some time in the future.

Which reminds me, does anybody have any ideas/suggestions for the poll?

Yeah, the "jump through panels" trick was fun :D

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