Keychain #221 - #225

ShadowDragon8685 said:
Used Clinching to take the circlet from his head, or else immobilized him and took it. Or even just immobilized him, sealed him in liquid Oricalcum or something; when he failed to perform the ritual, his time ran out and he died instantly?
Or possibly survived to the present day and is working as the Emissary of Nexus.
That... Could work, actually.

If you have an artifact that can make it so that interminable times pass in the blink of an eye (IE, they don't effect you,) you could very easily affect an emergency escape by pulling a "Two THOUSAND years of Elsehwere!" vanishing act.
Aasharu said:
dayriff said:
I realize this might be a silly question, but we're pretty sure that this Sidereal is Faen Luif, right?
Doubtful. All that stuff happened right after the Primordial war, and from what I know of the Exalted timeline, I don't think she could have lived that long, (unless she managed to get her hands on a hearthstone of Immortality, which is also pretty unlikely, as then she would be essence 10 and way overpowered.) More likely, it's one of her later incarnations.
I don't know about "more likely". Considering that Misho is walking around as his First Age self (more or less) and we still don't know how that happened, it seems very possible that this character is at least as much Faen Luif as Misho can be considered the Misho of the First Age.
Perhaps she has the same memories, but again, even if she is in a similar situation to Misho, she is not the same person, just a new incarnation. If she was the same person, she would almost certainly be essence 10 by now, and would be too overpowered by this point in the story.
Jukashi: you are evil, baiting your fujoshi like that.

Edit: *sigh* once again, the word does not mean what I thought it meant.

Anyone want to supply the proper term here?
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Quchu said:
Oh my God. Secret. Too cute. Want to marry her. Can I? Please?
She's so CUTE when she's got a look of abject horror on her face!
The only solution is to think of ever more creative and diabolical ways to psychically scar her.

To the lab!
'And I'll form the head?'

Isn't there a spell that allows you to combine your Circle into a single gestalt entity?

Oh, you can have Secret, but leave me Nova...
Aasharu said:
Perhaps she has the same memories, but again, even if she is in a similar situation to Misho, she is not the same person, just a new incarnation. If she was the same person, she would almost certainly be essence 10 by now, and would be too overpowered by this point in the story.
Since when have mere game rules ever constrained this comic?

I'll stick my neck out and say, I highly doubt that her deal is anything as simple as being Faen's newest incarnation. It may not be as simple as her having simply lived through all the years since, but I bet it's not a matter of shard inheritance either.

And isn't there still considerable question about whether Misho is actually a new incaranation or not or what his deal is?
Blayze said:
Only two words can possibly suffice.
Wait, that means Karen knows either Solar circle Sorcery or God Machine Protocols.

While the first is not impossible, she hasn't got the head jewelry for the second and neither is usual for a Dawn.

Or Marena is being hentai.
While their absurd little "Cerebrus Posture" may look utterly stupid, and it may not have any specifics written up in the rulebooks, it does have actual precident in real history.

Where? The chariot.

Chariots had a horse team and driver (covered by Marena), an archer (covered by Secret), and a shield-bearer to protect them (covered by Karen). And considering that the team doesn't have to worry about throwing a wheel or not being able to cover overly-rocky territory or any of the other things that plagued chariots, and that they're Exalts who can use Charms and / or stunt all sorts of crazy stuff that would never work in real life, this could actually work out very well.
Honestly, with a bit of glow, a flame-piece, and some armor, it could be pretty cool.

Yes, they look ridiculous. But who am I to argue with the mind-bending tactics of the Exalted? Nay, not I.
Marena! Demonstrating that, even with an Excellency, you really should get at least a dot of War before you try to plan tactics for the group. :roll:

It's a decent formation -- Marena can move quickly, and the other two can attack and shoot from her back, but...still...

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