Keychain #221 - #225

dayriff said:
I realize this might be a silly question, but we're pretty sure that this Sidereal is Faen Luif, right?

Hair color is kind of different, but still pretty close.
Doubtful. All that stuff happened right after the Primordial war, and from what I know of the Exalted timeline, I don't think she could have lived that long, (unless she managed to get her hands on a hearthstone of Immortality, which is also pretty unlikely, as then she would be essence 10 and way overpowered.) More likely, it's one of her later incarnations.
And Hearthstones of Immortality don't work for Sidereals.

They still kick off on schedule.
And Hearthstones of Immortality don't work for Sidereals.
They still kick off on schedule.
Not true; Ketchup Carjack was offered one by Bronze Faction higher-ups recently and he turned it down. Evidently, he's made the decision to die, though no one knows why.
Thanqol said:
Not true; Ketchup Carjack was offered one by Bronze Faction higher-ups recently and he turned it down. Evidently, he's made the decision to die, though no one knows why.
The reason he turned it down is because it wouldn't work for a Sidereal. Most kick off long before the theoretical maximum. Chejop Kejack is one of a rare few Sidereals about to die of actual old age.

Aasharu said:
Chejop Kejak. Who is nicknamed by players as Ketchup Carjack.
Much like the First and Forsaken Lion is nicknamed Falafel.
And Autochthon is commonly referred to as Autobot.

I believe I have seen passages in several books that contradict your assertion. Firstly, a logical one. If a bunch of Sidereals went to all the trouble of getting a Stone of Immortality, you think they'd have researched if it doesn't work on Sidereals first. Secondly, I believe the passage suggested several alternatives about why he turned it down - he was tired, he foresaw a future where he damned the world centuries after he was supposed to be dead, etc. Plot hook stuff, rather than "It doesn't work because it doesn't work on Sidereals."

On that note, where does it say that Stones of Immortality don't work on Sidereals? I haven't seen that rule anywhere, least of all in the item's description, nor the Sidereals book. And if so, why not? "Because the Maidens said so" is a dodgy argument especially where the Exalted are concerned.
In Lands of Creation, from the Dreams of the First Age box set, (on Page 36, for those interested,) there is a box describing Exalted life span. It discusses how through the use of anagathic treatments and custom charms, the various Exalted can live longer. It contains the sentence:

Sidereals live from 3' date='000 to 5,000 years and can't extend their lives by any artificial means.[/quote']
However, I take that to mean instead that anagathic treatment doesn't work, and that they cannot develop life extending charms. However, I don't think that carries over to more powerful forms of life extension. If a Sidereal wore the Verdigris Circlet, for example, I'm pretty sure it would make him immortal. It's just that anything less then Exalted-level charms can't extend their life, and they can't develop such charms.
Just for that, I'm making the next incarnation of Chejop in my game get the name wrong and believe he is Ketchup Carjack born anew.
Kyeudo said:
Just for that, I'm making the next incarnation of Chejop in my game get the name wrong and believe he is Ketchup Carjack born anew.
No one will have the heart to tell him.
Aasharu said:
If a Sidereal wore the Verdigris Circlet, for example, I'm pretty sure it would make him immortal.
A circlet you say? Isn't our intervening Sidereal friend wearing a circlet? I, also, am unfamiliar with this artifact. Would you mind enlightening me?
From Lands of Creation, it's a N/A Artifact, requires a hearthstone of at least level 3 to activate it, (you gain no benefit from the hearthstone.) When worn, the wearer cannot die. They regenerate 1 of either lethal or bashing health level per action, even if reduced to ash. They heal 1 aggravated every five minutes. They are immune to all diseases, and they do not age. They can't drown, suffocate, starve, or dehydrate, and they recover from the worst poison or deadliest injury in less than an hour. Only way to stop it is to remove the circlet, and even then, they retain these abilities for 1 minute per dot of essence. In addition to the hearthstone and five motes to attune, the owner or others acting in his stead must perform a day long ritual once a century that requires a Wits + Occult roll at difficulty 4.

Yeah, I'm not really sure how they managed to kill the Solar who owned it.
Easy, you get a thousand forged dragon to nom nom his manse that powers it (or just flat out steal/eat the hearthstone.. .. though I think they might have taken out that heinous power.. I hope so anyway)
Aasharu said:
From Lands of Creation, it's a N/A Artifact, requires a hearthstone of at least level 3 to activate it, (you gain no benefit from the hearthstone.) When worn, the wearer cannot die. They regenerate 1 of either lethal or bashing health level per action, even if reduced to ash. They heal 1 aggravated every five minutes. They are immune to all diseases, and they do not age. They can't drown, suffocate, starve, or dehydrate, and they recover from the worst poison or deadliest injury in less than an hour. Only way to stop it is to remove the circlet, and even then, they retain these abilities for 1 minute per dot of essence. In addition to the hearthstone and five motes to attune, the owner or others acting in his stead must perform a day long ritual once a century that requires a Wits + Occult roll at difficulty 4.
Yeah, I'm not really sure how they managed to kill the Solar who owned it.
Used Clinching to take the circlet from his head, or else immobilized him and took it. Or even just immobilized him, sealed him in liquid Oricalcum or something; when he failed to perform the ritual, his time ran out and he died instantly?
Nope. If it's removed or the ritual is not performed, then the circlet looses attunement and they begin to age normally, again, after the (essence) minutes grace period.

At least, that's what I assume. It doesn't go into details about it, but that's what happens when you lose a Gem of Immortality, so I think it's probably safe to assume that the same happens with the Verdigris Circlet.

Further trouble comes about from the fact that the Circlet was a gift from a group of pureblood Lintha to convince the Solar to keep their existence secret, so nobody else knows the true extent of its power. Obviously, he was taken down, but the battle to do so, (Essence 8 or 9 Solar with an immortality artifact, and who knows what else,) must have been epic, and a lot of Dragon Blooded, and probably a few Sidereals, likely died in it.
Well, seems to me that if he was buried in liquid... whatever, so he can't preform the ritual, so once his grace period is up... wouldn't he rather quickly die via asphyxiation? It would take having him successfully trapped/immobile for a year, but wouldn't that work?
Kalatash said:
Well, seems to me that if he was buried in liquid... whatever, so he can't preform the ritual, so once his grace period is up... wouldn't he rather quickly die via asphyxiation? It would take having him successfully trapped/immobile for a year, but wouldn't that work?
You're evidently not familiar with Solar charms.

Element Resisting Prana is: Ha ha elemental damage ha ha ha.

Which probably means, short of old age death, he could still be down there. WAITING.
Couldn't they break the circlet? Would that work?

Or shooting him in the head? With a really heavy and magical arrow?
My guess would be that, after the initial nasty shock of killing him only to have him regenerate, the Dragon Blooded just beat on him until he was out of essence, then took the circlet and killed him. Battle of attrition, in other words. I don't care how tough of a Solar you are, if you're up alone against an army of dragon blooded, eventually, you won't have any essence left to fight them with, and without essence, you don't have much of a chance. A hell of a lot of Terrestrials probably died, though. As for what happened with the circlet... who knows?

Edit: I doubt they could break the circlet. It's a N/A Artifact crafted by Kimbery herself and gifted to the pure blood Lintha, who then gave it to this Solar in exchange for him hiding and protecting him.
Thanqol said:
Kalatash said:
Well, seems to me that if he was buried in liquid... whatever, so he can't preform the ritual, so once his grace period is up... wouldn't he rather quickly die via asphyxiation? It would take having him successfully trapped/immobile for a year, but wouldn't that work?
You're evidently not familiar with Solar charms.
Maybe I need to get a signature... that says "I have not played Exalted before. Don't assume I know what you are talking about." Or something.

Also, your avatar reminds me...
Kalatash said:
Maybe I need to get a signature... that says "I have not played Exalted before. Don't assume I know what you are talking about." Or something.
Also, your avatar reminds me...
A good rule of thumb is to assume that nothing so blase as suffocation is going to kill a high Essence Solar. Kicking one into a vat of molten orichalcum probably wouldn't kill him. It'd just make him really really angry about being stuck down there for a few thousand years.

My avatar is from Dragon Tails, if that's what you're wondering.

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