Keychain #221 - #225


New Member
Hey, it's that chick from before! At least, I assume it's a chick. -looks closer- Yeah, boobies. ...unless there are more than two genders in Creation. Which is something I probably shouldn't think about. ANYWAY, I wonder if Misho is going to break out of this in time to prevent someone from swiping his key. How long is a 'scene', anyway? Is there an upper limit? CAN he be broken out earlier?

Edit: Just occured to me, after looking it up to make sure I got it right... so we have a list of the character's NAMES anywhere? It's very hard for me to remember what everyone is called when their actual name is something like "Forgotten Flame of Endless Unmarked Years" or even "Thrice Radiant Misho".
Kalatash said:
Hey, it's that chick from before! At least, I assume it's a chick. -looks closer- Yeah, boobies. ...unless there are more than two genders in Creation. Which is something I probably shouldn't think about. ANYWAY, I wonder if Misho is going to break out of this in time to prevent someone from swiping his key. How long is a 'scene', anyway? Is there an upper limit? CAN he be broken out earlier?
Generally speaking: No, you can't break out of a limit break early. He could possibly try for partial control but that wouldn't help much. Of course, that is assuming Jukashi doesn't make up some more custom charms =p

Here's the general guideline I use for scene length: Scenes last exactly long enough to be inconvenient for the main characters.

Flame is oddly honorable, but I guess he's just human. And Misho is so very pitiable.
Whenever the heroes of the stars are involved, things will be unnecessarily complicated. At least, I think she's a Sidereal. That caste-mark looks a little strange, really. And I still want to hug Misho.

Huh. Pants. That's new.
Toloran said:
Here's the general guideline I use for scene length: Scenes last exactly long enough to be inconvenient for the main characters.
My ST told me "Your Limit Break will last twenty four hours, or until you've completely wrecked your life, whichever comes first."

So... yay.
She's holding the Starmetal Key to Flame's neck. It's safe to say, yes, she's the same one.

And we really need Karen to walk in, say nothing, but point a GDK at this heinous bitch.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
She's holding the Starmetal Key to Flame's neck. It's safe to say, yes, she's the same one.
And we really need Karen to walk in, say nothing, but point a GDK at this heinous bitch.
I suspect that, regardless of what the crimson sid is planning or who intervenes, things will end disastrously for her.

My money is on Ten showing up and -- halfway through her prebattle-rant -- kicking her through several buildings. And completely ignoring the Abyssals and the rest of the fight in the process, of course. Man has priorities.
You know, the more we see Flame, the more it seems as if he's not nearly as bad as he could be. I mean, he's still a villain, but he's not really a monster.

Second, I doubt the Sidereal here really deserves to be on the end of a Ten Winds beating, but she does really need a slap upside the head.

Edit: Of course, as a Sidereal, whether she deserves a beating or not, Ten Winds, (Terrestrial... probably,) would not really be able to apply one.
Aasharu said:
You know, the more we see Flame, the more it seems as if he's not nearly as bad as he could be. I mean, he's still a villain, but he's not really a monster.
Second, I doubt the Sidereal here really deserves to be on the end of a Ten Winds beating, but she does really need a slap upside the head.

Edit: Of course, as a Sidereal, whether she deserves a beating or not, Ten Winds, (Terrestrial... probably,) would not really be able to apply one.
We've seen him apply a smack-down to some seriously large things before.

I think he's probably an Essence 7 Terrestrial who's somehow avoided any manifestation of draconic heritage. He's an experienced member of the Wyld Hunt, and is a seriously unholy shit-wrecker. Remember, Flame and Ben said that he couldn't beat both of them; implying that he could put a hurting on one one them individually.

If this girl is Melee-focused and not SMA, she might well be fair game for a Ten Winds Face Melting.
Also, the text filler comic, number 123, implies that she is well over a thousand years old. Thus, she probably has a pretty damn high essence herself.
Which, scarily enough, means that Ten Winds might be a Master of VBoS as well!

As for her having a pretty damn high essence score, it's possible for someone to have a high essence and be poorly focused for combat. Granted it's highly unlikely, since she's a Chosen of Battles, but the Sidereal Melee Tree sucks like truck-sized shop-vac.
Aaaand I no longer have any idea what you guys are talking about. Of course, if we were talking about, say, a DnD comic of a MtG based one, that would probably be reversed. Heck, maybe even Shadowrun, but I don't know a WHOLE lot about that one.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Which, scarily enough, means that Ten Winds might be a Master of VBoS as well!
As for her having a pretty damn high essence score, it's possible for someone to have a high essence and be poorly focused for combat. Granted it's highly unlikely, since she's a Chosen of Battles, but the Sidereal Melee Tree sucks like truck-sized shop-vac.
Eh? It's not bad, really. I'll admit Harmony of Blows is...rather expensive for its effect, however, it can be used with Archery, Martial Arts, Melee or Thrown, which is...interesting for a Melee extra action charm, at the base of the tree. Orchestration of Mirrored Fate is a reasonable counter attack, at 1 deep. Impeding the Flow is a semi-perfect defense at the base of the tree, 3 motes, and with only a 2 Melee, 1 Essence requirement. Serenity in Blood is more expensive than Solar perfect defenses, but it can also work against attacks the Sidereal is unaware of without a combo, which they cannot do. Meditation on only useful really if you are suffering a lot of penalties...and then pretty much needs to be comboed to be any use, so I'll support it being...less than useful. Smiling at the Damned can cause aggravated damage to any opponent, but is going to need to go into a combo to be much use...and the halving damage bit makes it even less useful. On the other hand, it's at the base of the tree, and causes Agg. Perfection of the Visionary Warrior is quite solid. A scene long DV increase that also grant an extra action each action can greatly conserve motes, and is far from useless.
I know VBoS is CMA, not SMA. I was merely establishing she could still be a martial artist even though she is using a sword and wasn't trying to invalidate what you said in any way.
Flame is, of course, an antihero.

Edit: Wait, no, that word doesn't mean what I thought it meant. Flame is, of course, an antagonist with some hero qualities, sort of like an antipaladin.

Apparently there's no easy-vocab buzzword for that.
Ribusprissin said:
Flame is, of course, an antihero.
Edit: Wait, no, that word doesn't mean what I thought it meant. Flame is, of course, an antagonist with some hero qualities, sort of like an antipaladin.

Apparently there's no easy-vocab buzzword for that.
Yes, there is. It's called Antivillain
ShadowDragon8685 said:
magnificentmomo said:
Well there goes 7 hours...
Don't feel bad. TV Tropes is an Exalted-level Mental Attack against which Dodge MDV is inapplicable.
This man speaks truth. It took a power out to get me out of that particular loop.


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