Keychain 136-140

Kyeudo said:
Nova has a Megabuster. I want one!
Me (to my GM): I am of two minds that we already kicked Nova's ass yesterday in that game. On one, I'm damn glad all she had in your version was Essence-draining gear-shruiken, and not a Mega-Buster Arm Cannon that can fire at full charge without any warm-up.

GM (to me): And the other mind?

Me: Well, if we had kicked her ass after having seen this strip, that would mean I'f have a Mega-Buster Arm Cannon that can fire at full charge without any warm-up.

GM: I thought you didn't like the idea of magical prosthetics?

Me: For Megaman X's arm-cannon, I'll make an exception!
Pffft.... the Mega-Blaster is a canonical charm for Alchemicals. They even have all kinds of FUN add-ons for the mega-blaster. :twisted:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Me (to my GM): I am of two minds that we already kicked Nova's ass yesterday in that game. On one, I'm damn glad all she had in your version was Essence-draining gear-shruiken, and not a Mega-Buster Arm Cannon that can fire at full charge without any warm-up.
You used Nova in your game?

Man, you should have waited until later! :twisted:

On backgrounds: Somehow' date=' entirely abstract motion line backgrounds seem to be lacking something, at least to me. Perhaps you could superimpose the lineart for the set upon the abstract background?[/quote']
Yes, the motion lines seem to be lacking something. I'll have to come up with a better way.
Jukashi said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Me (to my GM): I am of two minds that we already kicked Nova's ass yesterday in that game. On one, I'm damn glad all she had in your version was Essence-draining gear-shruiken, and not a Mega-Buster Arm Cannon that can fire at full charge without any warm-up.
You used Nova in your game?

Man, you should have waited until later! :twisted:
She had an appropriately dangerous revelation, I assure you. I'm thankful she didn't get to use the energy shield and Mega-Buster on me. She still was deadly enough.

For one, she was under the effects of a (D&D Style) Displacement effect which meant that even mongo accurate attack rolls were failing, and she didn't actually take damage until subjected to a hailstorm of arrows that hit by virtue of simply filling all the volume she could possibly have been occupying - this also gave her a bonus on her attack rolls, since you didn't see where the projectiles (Did I mention that she was shooting Essence-draining gear-shuriken as a bonus Shaping effect?) actually were, and thus, were harder to dodge/parry.

Oh, and did I mention she was flying? Like, the whole time? Not Boba Fett style, hummingbird style.

And had rigged the castle courtyard with some kind of sonic attack that was forcing me to AST every combat tic until I legged it out of the area of effect?

So, what we wound up doing (the GM was NPC'ing Secret as who I was giving backup to) was embedding our swords in the outer walls and climbing up whilst fending off fire. That was pretty awesome. Oh, and Nova escaped, too. Granted, she now has the Shining Steel Crusade on her for being a rogue and a criminal, but she's still at large somewhere.

On backgrounds: Somehow' date=' entirely abstract motion line backgrounds seem to be lacking something, at least to me. Perhaps you could superimpose the lineart for the set upon the abstract background?[/quote']
Yes, the motion lines seem to be lacking something. I'll have to come up with a better way.
The motion lines do seem to be lacking something - they appropriately convey the highly kinetic nature of Exalted narrative and the urgency of the situation, but they seem almost a cop-out like old comic books so they don't have to draw a background.

May I suggest that, for the first one, what could have been done (and I have no idea how easy or even feasible this would be in Illustrator, been a Long Damn Time since I used it, though it should be possible with filters of some kind) would be to fade the background for the first panel in which motion lines are used to straight black and white - grain it up a bit, even - except for the diagonal line intersecting Marena's eyes and reaching the edges of the frame, pointing to where she's looking. (Obviously, Ten Winds shouldn't fade to background too, but he shouldn't get his own Line Of Significance.)

For the second, she's obviously unleashing a Massive Blast Of Energy, so use the same background, but darken it up, especially around the beam and VERY especially around her cannon's Charge Ball, but let it lighten up the further out you get, and lens flare the crap out of it, as well as putting some Lines Of Even More Potent Energy within the beam itself.

Also: Did she destroy some of Ten's hair? That... That evil evil whore!
ShadowDragon8685 said:
For one, she was under the effects of a (D&D Style) Displacement effect which meant that even mongo accurate attack rolls were failing, and she didn't actually take damage until subjected to a hailstorm of arrows that hit by virtue of simply filling all the volume she could possibly have been occupying - this also gave her a bonus on her attack rolls, since you didn't see where the projectiles (Did I mention that she was shooting Essence-draining gear-shuriken as a bonus Shaping effect?) actually were, and thus, were harder to dodge/parry.
Are you telling me that Nova learned to cook Heissenburgers?
Brickwall said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
For one, she was under the effects of a (D&D Style) Displacement effect which meant that even mongo accurate attack rolls were failing, and she didn't actually take damage until subjected to a hailstorm of arrows that hit by virtue of simply filling all the volume she could possibly have been occupying - this also gave her a bonus on her attack rolls, since you didn't see where the projectiles (Did I mention that she was shooting Essence-draining gear-shuriken as a bonus Shaping effect?) actually were, and thus, were harder to dodge/parry.
Are you telling me that Nova learned to cook Heissenburgers?
More or less, though it was more that she was invisible and there was a fully-visible copy of her a meter or so elsewhere.
Brickwall said:
Are you telling me that Nova learned to cook Heissenburgers?
Hello there! :mrgreen:

No, not Heissenburgers... But IMHO it's true, if Misho know Magic Science, Nova know MAD SCIENCE!



Did I get it, Jukashi?
So I just realized something. Ten Winds holds his pipe in ih right hand. His right hand is then blocked from our view by the shield. It is then stretched just barely off-panel.

Anyone else think that his pipe is a weapon of some sort?
Well...we don't know that Air Dragon Style is his only martial art. He might practice Orgiastic Fugitive Style, too...what with his drinking and smoking...perhaps it's an opium pipe...
Kyeudo said:
Well...we don't know that Air Dragon Style is his only martial art. He might practice Orgiastic Fugitive Style' date=' too...what with his drinking and smoking...perhaps it's an opium pipe...[/quote']
We've seen Ten dabble a little in Fire Dragon Style, so we know he at least knows the basics of that style. I doubt he's an Immaculate Grandmaster though.

Or it's a Sidereal Charm aligned with Battles in some way. *shrug*
Or the Fire version of Dragon Claw Elemental Strike...if we actually consider the posibility he might really be exactly what he says, an Air aspected Master of Air Dragon Style.
Or the Fire version of Dragon Claw Elemental Strike...if we actually consider the posibility he might really be exactly what he says' date=' an Air aspected Master of Air Dragon Style.[/quote']
That's been considered. I'm offering alternate possibilities.
Or the Fire version of Dragon Claw Elemental Strike...if we actually consider the posibility he might really be exactly what he says' date=' an Air aspected Master of Air Dragon Style.[/quote']
I forgot about that. That is a definate possibility.

Question: Has it really been confirmed that Ten Winds is really using Air Dragon Style? We haven't really seen him use any Charms that are indicitive of the school.
I think he REALLY might be a dragonblooded.

He just used Elemental Bolt (air). 8)

Also, jetpack. mega-bluster, energy shield. This isn't mega-man. This is Iron-man. :D
I take inspiration from anywhere I like!

To be frank, I did take the bulky robot arms/legs from the megaman style. But it was the only really decent way to convey robotness in the comic's form.
Loved the action, very animate. I would have thrown in some sound effects though. Nothing large or fancy, but enough to get an idea of the sound of the fighting.

EDIT: Also, when are you going to put back up more of the old news posts?
Jetpacks for the win! Altought I think silent comics work, but this battle scene could use some sound effects (HADOKEN!!! for example :lol: ).

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