Keychain 131-135


Elder Member
Misho seems to have wasted a lot of jade on that scalpel. If you want to know the approximate value of an obol, consider how much your average minimum-wage worker makes in a day. Multiply it by 1028. That's an obol. So, basically, if a laborer never spent a penny in his life, he might have the amount of money Misho just basically threw away.

Which makes this comic rather hilarious. Silly Misho.
All the economies seem weighted rather heavily towards large amounts. A bit of jade, a fourth of an obol, is still a massive quantity.

In script, a quarter yen can buy food for a day, and the smallest denomination is an eighth.

In silver, 25 dinars = 3.25 obols

1 dinar = 0.13 obol = 133.12 yen

The rare 1/8 dinar = 16.64 yen which is a little more than a quian. That's a week's wages for a peasant.

I think the guys that made the system didn't think too hard about it considering that everything is turned into resource dots. Dang I miss games with actual numbers. Some of us like that bookkeeping!

Oh. Um, back on topic, what was he thinking using white Jade for a scalpel? That should have been made of green jade. Silly, silly Misho.
He used white jade for a simple reason. Despite the picture in the book, the currency of the Realm is primarily white jade. Why? Because that is the most common type in the Blessed Isle, and they recieve regular tribute in white jade from the Mountain Folk. Still, the green jade in the picture just looks cooler, in part because the majority of jade in our world is green.
Oh, I wasn't criticizing his material, simply his finished product. I would think he would make white jade into something more suited to white jade.
Oh' date=' I wasn't criticizing his material, simply his finished product. I would think he would make white jade into something more suited to white jade.[/quote']
Like what, a magic paperweight?


I now need to think of what one of those would do.
Brickwall said:
Oh' date=' I wasn't criticizing his material, simply his finished product. I would think he would make white jade into something more suited to white jade.[/quote']
Like what, a magic paperweight?


I now need to think of what one of those would do.
Collate the papers placed under it.
Or fling itself at anyone that tries to take it's papers away.

Or multiply it's weight by, say, a factor of ten to really keep stuff held down.
Most Excellent Brick(Artifact 1)

Constructed in the early days of the First Age by bored Solars, the Most Excellent Brick is solid white jade. A one-pound brick weighs ten thousand pounds.
Brickwall said:
Like what, a magic paperweight?

I now need to think of what one of those would do.
Pasiap's Study-Aide (Artifact 4)

An Exalt's life is bound to be interesting. One way or another, no matter how scholastic and peaceful the Exalt may be, it is inevitable that she will be often put in violent situations. It is natural that an Exalted scholar puts down her thesis and answers the violence brought on by the foreign enemies of Creation, but sometimes, things inherent to Creation itself would challenge the Exalt's attention. More often than not, those trivialities are not worth the Exalt's focus--which is why this Artifact was invented.

The Exalted scholar commits five motes of Essence in this White Jade paperweight when she starts her study. Once the Exalt's attention is devoted to the material, the magic of Pasiap's Study-Aide activates; as long as the Exalt does not divert her attention from the study material, no natural part of the Loom of Fate, excepting those with enlightened Essence, may disturb or harm her. For example, a fire consuming the Exalt's residence will deliberately move away from her private study; an angry mob rising against the government, once seeing the Exalt's meditative appearance, will be discouraged from intervening her effort; or even under a torrential rain, the Exalt's study materials and own person will remain completely dry. No matter the intensity, such lowly things are incapable of breaking the Exalt's attention--but this magic breaks once she ceases to focus by herself.

Being with enlightened Essence--such as other Exalts, gods, elementals and certain mortals--are capable of working their way around Pasiap's Study-Aide. The Exalt using the Artifact paperweight, however, gains 4 dice in her roll to remain focused. Beings outside fate--such as the Fair Folk, demons and ghosts--are immune to the magic of Pasiap's Study-Aide. Even, the Artifact actively disrupts the Exalted scholar's focus as to warn her and ready her to face an enemy to Creation.

Some claim that there is a similar artifact as the Pasiap's Study-Aide, named Autochthon's Meditation. Instead of being made of pure White Jade, it incorporates Adamant in its design. Its magic is similarly activated, but instead of protecting the Exalt from mundane threats, Autochthon's Meditation renders the Exalt untouchable and inviolate by any means. A sword that attempts to cut him will break and destinies bound to his thread will lose their way in the Loom. Those in Creation will still perceive that the Exalt still exists, yet, it is unable to interact with him, as if he was in a separate universe.
Most Excellent Brick(Artifact 1)
Constructed in the early days of the First Age by bored Solars, the Most Excellent Brick is solid white jade. A one-pound brick weighs ten thousand pounds.
The Most Excellent Brick (Artifact 1)
Appearing as a rounded cube, this artifact is considered to be the most basic and effective paperweight devised in the second age. The Exalt must commit a single mote to the Most Excellent Brick as an attunement, activating the potential for them to magnify the weight of this one pound block considerably.

For the cost of 1 mote (uncommitted), the brick may be made to weigh ten pounds and for two motes, the weight increases another ten-fold, allowing it to weigh 100 pounds. The weight alteration lasts for only a single scene.

Though this may have the potential of being used as a weapon, it's creators foresaw the problem and added a few simple restrictions into it's basic design: First, the weight magnification does not activate until the brick has been released, keeping it from being used as a melee object. Secondly, the brick has a distance restriction, maintaining it's weight alteration only if it is within 10 yards of it's owner. Finally, if it is released, the properties of the Most Excellent Brick maintain an automatic attraction to Creation, pulling it downward immediately if it's properties have been activated (this keeps it from being used as a ranged attack).

A resourceful owner can still use this object as a deterent simply by activating it and dropping it on someone's foot.

Grand Senator's Paperweight (Artifact 2)

This version of the Most Excellent Brick appears to be a perfectly smooth sphere with a flattened area to keep it from rolling away. Committing 4 motes and raising the activation costs to 1, 3 and 6 motes to alter the weight to 1000 pounds, this greater version of the Brick allows it's owner to activate the weight alteration while still holding the paperweight. This alteration still only lasts for a scene.

The Scale Of The Earth Dragon (Artifact 3)

For a commitment of 6 motes and double all of the activation costs of the Most Excellent Brick, this version may be used without having to deal with any of the restrictions placed on either of the lesser versions of the Brick. As an added bonus, instead of just the 2 motes for 10 pounds, 4 motes for 100 pounds and 8 motes for 1000 pounds, the Scale Of The Earth Dragon may be augmented further to a weight of six tons (12,000 pounds) for a cost of 20 motes.

The Scale Of The Earth Dragon literally appears to be the scale off of some heavily armored reptile or dragon.

You know...

This post and the previous eight posts should probably be moved into a different thread, possibly in the mechanics forums.
I, um, I really was going for something utterly ludicrus that no one would take seriously and therefor would not devolve into artifact creation attempts.

You are all very weird.

I think I like it.
Well, there are worse things than being hit on by an attractive, slightly-demented robot girl...or is it cyborg girl? I know Alchemicals are constructed, but does that involve any squishy bits (like the standard soul-y parts)?

Also, I just noticed now that her 'hair' suggests wire and plugs. Very nice touch. :D
merle said:
Well, there are worse things than being hit on by an attractive, slightly-demented robot girl...or is it cyborg girl? I know Alchemicals are constructed, but does that involve any squishy bits (like the standard soul-y parts)?
While Alchemicals are 'constructed', it is in vats. They are, more or less, squishy. Both sexes are capable of rutting, but they're not fertile.

If I were Misho, I think I would have tapped that ore vein.
Looks like Nova sees something she likes in Ten Winds. Perhaps she prefers older men over glasses?
AbuDhabi said:
My understanding was that Nova and Ten know each other.
My assumption is that Nova is not a part of Fate, and thus can see through the "Ten Winds" facade.

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