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Fantasy Kaizoic: Earth Reborn

"As ok as I can be." Darrek nodded, looping an arm around Crina's back in comfort. Having her down here grounded him.

"Is it too late for you to go and warn them?" Darrek asked Rufus. He knew the answer was likely yes, but maybe, just maybe they'd be able to do it. Hell, Rufus was archaic. Who knew what kind of techy shit he had in his arsenal.
“I . . . Don’t know where they are.” Rufus admitted. “I can’t track them.”

Footsteps came from behind Darrek and Crina was snatched away with a brief shriek.
Bom growled, and swiped at her captor, but Victor had already dashed to the window and had his pistol to her head and a hand over her mouth.

Rufus took aim.

“Ah-ah-ah.” He scolded with blood running down his brow and cheek. “Down. Or this pretty little thing is going to have some misfortune.”
He was too far away to grab for the moment.
Darrek remained focussed on Rufus, failing to notice that Victor seemed to stir until it was too late. One second he had Crina next to him, the next she was gone. And when Darrek averted his attention to finding where she was, all he could feel was his gut sinking into the ground. Darrek clenched his fist, a low, threatening growl escaping his lips.

"Get your filthy fucking hands off of her." He spat, trying to hide the panic from his voice. He wanted nothing but to charge at this man, beat the crap out of him. But that wasn't an option at this point. Instead, he stood where he was, tensely staring at Victor as if it would have some kind of effect on the guy.
“Oh what are you gonna do, Darrek? You’re a tame mutt. You don’t have any savagery.” He took steps for the door, where Seythe was moving away from. “Now I’m in need of medical attention. So one of you get what I need.”
He cocked the pistol.

Cräga was seething from the top floor at the man below; unable to do anything. She ground her teeth as a second figure lumbered in the doorway behind her.

Tears streamed down Crina’s face in response to the firing pin being pulled back.
Every single moment that Victor held Crina hostage only served to agitate Darrek more. Darrek was ready to kill the man when he caught Crina's sobs. But there was nothing he could do here besides to do what Victor wanted. There was no other way he could keep Crina safe. Slumping in defeat, he looked over at Cräga eyes pleading for her to do what Victor says. Darrek knew little about medicine and healing. So she was their only hope in this situation.
Dracon stood behind Cräga with his weight propped up by his arm on the door.

He clicked his tongue and spoke a Rithian word. In moments, three small shapes dropped onto Victor’s head and shoulders.
Frederick bit onto his knuckle and clawed at his arm. Ezekiel ripped out a chunk of hair, and Leonard had his needle-sharp teeth onto his ear.
The man howled in surprise and pain and flailed about, releasing Crina.

Rufus dashed forward and hauled Crina away toward Darrek and took aim with his pistol. A wave of grim silence fell over the man before a quiet exhale left his lips.

He fired into his back, and the critters leapt away from the bleeding man. Victor turned around and dropped his gun as blood pooled in his mouth. A second shot was fired into his chest, pushing him back toward the window.
Rufus stepped forward and picked up Victor’s pistol in his free hand.

He aimed both at Victor.

POW. He fired his own gun.

POW. Went Victor’s. Every shot pushed him further back a dying step.

POW. Rufus’s gun.

POW. Victor’s.

POW. Rufus’s once more and Victor fell back through the windowsill, and crashed through to fall back outside to the rain and blood with shards of glass to break his fall.

Thunder rumbled, and Rufus tossed the secondary pistol outside. He turned to look at Crina, who was now hugging Darrek’s torso.
“You ok?” He asked.

Crina was quiet.
The sound of gunfire reverberated throughout the in, but Darrek barely noticed. His focus was on Crina and Crina alone. He had embraced her as soon as she was in arms reach, holding her tightly as if letting go would spell her death.

That was way to close to comfort. He didn't know how it felt to almost love a loved one until now. The weight of the moment sapped him, leaving him trembling as he embraced his sister. He only looked up when the gunfire ended. He looked for Victor, but instead found the mans dead, mangled body lying outside the inn. He felt no remorse for the man, he got what he deserved.

"You're fine Crina. We're okay." He answered for Crina. Though it sounded more like he was trying to convince himself of that.
Rufus sheathed his pistol and walked back to the bar, which quickly turned into a small limp.
As he went to sit down, he looked up to see both Dracon and Cräga watching him silently. He sat down and rubbed his leg where the earlier wound had begun to ache once more.

Seythe stood in Bom’s shadow, frozen at the uncertainty of her fate.
Darrek's gaze fell on Seythe. Victor holding Crina hostage still fresh in his mind, Darrek could feel the diminishing, yet still, prominent anger now directed at her. As much as she probably didn't mean for this to happen, he couldn't look past the fact that she was the one who brought her here. He didn't care about her intentions, he just wanted her gone.

"Get out." Darrek threatened, teeth bared as he glared straight into her eyes.
The Irokai turned and burst out the door and sprinted down the road through the rain. Her shape was gone in moments.

Rufus still sat at the bar putting pieces together. Something still wasn’t adding up. Seythe said that they were here to help resupply the rest of their gang. Drafisl had no military force, no guards or even any weapons.
Unless . . .

A piece fell into place.

Rufus frowned and stood back up.
“That little motherf-“ He stopped himself and went to the back to retrieve his jacket. Shortly after, he emerged back in his helmet and coat on.
“I’ll be right back.” He grumbled, maintaining a tolerable limp out the door.
As Seythe darted out of the inn, Darrek attempted to calm himself down. The rain outside, which a few hours ago was nothing but a nuisance, now acted as ambience. Slowly his breathing would begin to calm, just as everything around him.

That lasted only for a few moments, as Rufus’s loud curse broke threw the silence. Darrek watched as Rufus promptly made his way out of the Inn. Not really understanding what could have gotten him to exit the comfort of the place for the raging storm outside. He must have realized something.

Easing off of Crina, Darrek took a few to the doorframe, leaning just his head out of the inn as he called out for Rufus.

“Ya know I don’t like how your sounding. What’s wrong?”
“Rat problem.” Rufus said as he stomped down the steps onto the mud, and continued in the direction of Drafisl, opposite the way Seythe fled.
Rat problem? What did he mean by tha-...ooooh.

Darrek looked back at the others still in the inn. Then back at Rufus. It didn’t take long for him to decide what to do.

“Yeah I’ll make sure his leg doesn’t give out.” He waved a quick goodbye before running after Rufus.
On his way out, Dracon would weakly raise an arm in protest before Cräga began leading him back to rest.

Outside was a loud orchestra of rainfall upon the inn’s ceiling, the road, and the nearby trees. Rufus had his helmet on, which seemed to provide enhanced vision in the dark. Darrek’s own predatory eyes assisted him in a small amount of nocturnal vision so he could see the human approaching Drafisl.

One detail the human ignored was the spot Victor’s body landed. Only a few shards of glass remained there, but no body.
Being too focussed on catching up with Rufus, Darrek wouldn’t take notice of the missing body either. Rufus form approached him closer and closer, until he was side by side with the rogue.

“Can’t shake me off that easily.” Darrek commented. “She’s my problem too. Plus I can back you up.”
“Won’t be needin’ backup for this, kid.” Rufus spoke loudly over the rain. “But thanks anyway.”

The two would enter the town, devoid of activity in the rain. The only lights seen were those of lit fires inside the homes of the Vindav residents, and in the General Store.
Rufus continued his dedicated space for the store and was soon stomping up the steps to the door.
Darrek followed along. Not very sure of what Rufus had in mind. Deductions had never been his forté, and that certainly wasn’t going to change now.

He didn’t like the fact that they entered Drafisl though. This was his home, and the idea of something malicious happening here made him a bit anxious. But Rufus mentioning how he didn’t need backup did quell his nerves. Hell, even if Seythe tried something. Darrek was sure he could take her on.

“Vincent’s shop. Hate that guy.” Darrek commented as he stood by the door. “Got a reason ya think Seythe is here?”
“Nah. She’s long gone if she’s smart.” Rufus said, and pushed open the door.

Vincent was smoking a pipe by a stove heater when the two entered.
“Gentlemen.” He greeted. “How can I help you? Bit late for shoppin, innit?”

Rufus drew his pistol and aimed at the stunted man’s face.
The little man froze.

“You’ve been working a bit of gun running on the side haven’t you, you knee-high rat?” He growled.

“I have no idea what you’re-“

“Don’t bullshit with me, buddy. I can’t stand bullshit.
I want to see your stock.” He cocked the pistol, and the lights of the charging coil lit up. “Very quickly.”
Darrek took a bit of time to catch on. But when he did, he glared daggers into the little man. Vincent was a greedy, corporate man, but Darrek didn't think he'd stoop this low.

"I'd do what he says," Darrek affirmed. "He doesn't bluff."
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Vincent threw his hands up.

“Bandit types came in here recently? Maybe you saw a big burned one of him with em?” He pointed to Darrek.

Vincent was silent.

“Nothin to say about that bit, hm?”

“What do you want me to say? That I’d rather strike a deal instead of be some Irokai’s target practice?”

Rufus scowled. “I want to know what you sold them.”

“Some bits I had shipped from up North from my contact.” He pointed an accusing finger. “You dropped off his payment so it’s all business.
Some mortars, black powder bombs, ammunition . . . Oh and he stole your buddy’s old suit.” He pointed to an empty display case.

Rufus recalled the Noah suit, and pieced it all together. How they found Drafisl, and how they attacked in Dakovis, and how they’ll attack the settlement soon.

“He’s tracking Kairo.”
The moment Rufus stated his claim, Darrek came to the same conclusion Rufus had. Everything they had gone through the last few days. This was all because of some lousy suit Vincent sold? He looked over at the small man, temper sky-high as he looked at the one who had caused them all this hardship. It was hard to believe someone so small could cause all this damage, but looks could be deceiving with Vincent. That was more than true at this moment.

"You scum!" Darrek yelled, walking up to the counter, and swiftly grabbed Vincent by the shirt. He didn't care about his actions at that moment. After all that's happened, he was at his last straw. "Listen to me okay? If anything happens to him or anyone else at the camp. You're dead." He threatened, pulling the smaller man right up to his face. He'd rarely felt this angry before, nonetheless this violent. It was a few tense moments later before he dropped him back onto the floor.

"Rufus, there has to be a way we can go and warm them." He said, turning back to Rufus. "It hasn't been too long, we could make it."
“Shrimp!” He looked at Vicent. “You got a wagon?”

The man groaned. “Ugh . . . Take it. Just . . . Take it and leave me alone.”

“Good. Cause you’re not getting it back.
Oh.” He knelt beside the merchant. “I’ll be needing a peek at this private selection of yours.”

“Back room.”

“One more thing . . . Why so helpful now?”

“Because if I don’t help now you’ll spill to Cräga and she’s buddy-buddy with that crazy Feral that hangs around.”

Rufus glanced at Darrek. “Oh yeah, Smiley.
Yeah he’s just raring for something to kill ain’t he, kid?”
Darrek nodded in agreement, anger quelled slightly by the fact that Vincent was actually being helpful. Obviously, there was something in it for him, that being not being on the wrong end of his brother. But help was help. He was even surprised that Vincent would be doing this for them in the first place.

"Guess I won't be your only problem then." He quipped at Vincent before heading to the back room.
Darrek gave Rufus a thumbs up and a smile, before heading into the back room to check for the wagon Vincent was talking about.

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