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Fantasy Kaizoic: Earth Reborn

Darrek entered the inn right behind Rufus, just as surprised by the sudden turnout in the inn as the other man was. He casually wiped his feet at the front door, before entering the establishment. Tarlim was there as well. He had a habit of appearing at random places. So this really wasn't out of character.

Besides, there were bigger things to worry about than a sudden influx of people. At the moment, there was something else occupying his mind. He looked upstairs towards the guest suites, taking a deep breath as he realized what he'd have to do soon.

"Heh, you're right about that." He commented. "I'll be upstairs....talking with my brother. If I'm not back down in a few minutes. Probably means I'm dead."
Rufus gave him a stern look.

Meanwhile, Bom sat across from the old Vindav as the elder herbalist was speaking to the Kendian. He was very expressive with his hands as it was interpreted as signs of loud noises and shooting.
Darrek seemed a bit uncomfortable under the reprimanding glare of the older man. Even if he was so much smaller than him, his mannerism was that of authority. Rufus was right. He knew his brother had given up the world for him. He sighed, looking back upstairs. Feeling his nerves grow as the moment was about to come.

"Sorry," Darrek said. "I've known him my entire life as a feral monster. It's gonna take me some time to get used to the fact that he isn't."
The drenched man then noticed the bodies of Bazin’s gang were now gone. He assumed that maybe Bom or even the Vindav disposed of them in the nearby jungle.

“Mr. Maye?” Bom called to Rufus. “I would like to speak to you a moment.”

He snapped out of his own thoughts and looked at the old Kendian giving him a stern look.
All to well did he know what that meant about the conversation to be had.
“I’ll catch up with you, kid.” He smirked, and approached the two elders.
Darrek smiled, sending him off with a quick wave. Now with his only distraction walking away from him, he gathered himself to do the impossible. Begrudgingly, he began heading up the stairs to where his brother was asleep.

As he reached the door, he opened it quietly. The squeak of the faulty hinge only adding to the awkwardness of this situation. This was going to be one of the hardest conversations he'd had in his life, even if he was just objectively asking for help.
Inside, Dracon was not alone. Although the Tattered Feral was still bandaged and laying atop the straw stuffed bed, Cräga sat at his side with her hand gently stroking his brow.
His breathing was still heavy, but nowhere near as laborous as earlier.
After all the younger Irokai had seen his wilder sibling do in the past week and heard from the stories, he seemed so docile now; calm even.

The woman saw Darrek in the doorway and patted his brother’s arm.
“Dracon . . . You have company.”

A scarred face turned too look at him. Even though his demeanor was placid in this moment, his scarred lip still gave him an unfortunate look of a permanent sneer.

Finally, the elder Kendalt spoke.
“Hello, Darrek.” His voice was low and tired.
Darrek stood at a standstill as he heard the sound of his brother call out to him. He wasn't sure what was causing the sudden paralysis. Was it the fact that his brother was speaking to him? Or was it how weak and fragile he sounded? On the latter point, he'd never expected this specific irokai to turn out like this. His brother, the threatening, dangerous taroz gharm, now bedridden after giving everything he had to keep Darrek safe. Almost made him feel guilty as if he was the reason for all this.

"Hey. Dracon." Darrek blurted out, playing around with the name for the first time. "Are you....uh. Feeling any better?"
“I suppose you could say I feel about as well as I look.” He laid his head back down and exhaled.
“Where did you go? I heard you leave with the Archaic.

He didn’t get you in more trouble, did he?” His red eyes darted to him, a brief resurgence of a fierce protective nature.
"No no no, not at all. I'm okay." Darrek reassured, walking a little bit closer so that he wasn't awkwardly standing by the door. It made him feel a bit more comfortable knowing Craga was there with them. He didn't expect anything to go wrong, but it gave him a sense of security.

"You should've taken better care of yourself." He sighed, looking at the state of his brother. "Don't let it come to what happened earlier again. Okay"
Dracon exhaled heavily, a weary sigh.
“You don’t need to worry about me. You just do well and be well.

That’s what matters.”

Cräga was scowling at that. Her eyes were red, and her cheeks stained.
She had been crying recently.
Darrek knew that what Dracon was saying worried Cräga. Darrek knew that all Dracon wanted was the best for his family. The irokai laying before him was going to protect him with all his strength, and Darrek was pretty sure that wasn't going to change anytime soon. But for some reason, the effect that it had on his Craga irked him to no extent. Dracon didn't need to leave to protect everyone. And besides, did he really even need the protection? He was old enough to take care of things himself!

He sighed to himself, keeping his frustration at bay. They wouldn't need that right now.

"Well your health matters to at least a couple people in this inn," Darrek stated, looking up at Cräga. It wasn't direct, but Dracon would get his message. "So....you've been keeping an eye out for me this whole time. Huh?"
“As often as I could once I returned.” He answered. “For the first few years . . . I was North.
I thought it would be best to stay away.” He spoke with dark weight to those words.
“But after a while,” another sigh. “I had to see you. How you’d grown and who you had become. You were . . . Ten by then.” He looked to his brother gently. Then his eyes turned to Cräga, who rested a hand on his shoulder with a smile.

“It’s ok.” She said. “Just tell him. It’s time.”

“I was already absent from your lives for so long, I thought it would do more harm than good to intrude.
That’s why I told Bom and Cräga to hide the whole truth from you. Because I believed you were well enough without me.” He shut his eyes.
”This hurts you. I know.

And I’m . . . I’m sorry.”
Darrek listened intently to every word the other irokai said, soaking it in as if his life depended on it. He'd been waiting his whole life for an explanation, something. It felt oddly satisfying to finally get one.

He found his frustration dissipating. As much as he still didn't agree with his brothers tactics, he understood his reasoning. It wasn't easy for him, and Darrek was too tired to hold this grudge against him. He smiled. Albeit weary, it was genuine.

"It's okay." Darrek reassured. "I'm okay. It's just a lot to take in for me, learning that my brothers been here the whole time. But I'll get used to it."

There was a pause as he figured out what next to say. Just because he was willing to let go of his grudge, didn't mean the awkwardness would go away in an instant. "I never got to thank you for saving me back at Dakovis....and I'm sorry about what happened back there too."
"A fucking jackass, that's who." Darrek scoffed, thinking back at Bazin. "His name's Bazin. I used to work under him. God knows why I chose to. He was pissed off that I betrayed'em and warmed the others about the attack."
Cräga and Dracon both looked at him fiercely.

“You worked for a gang?” Dracon growled.

“It was that Seythe? Wasn’t it?” Cräga added in. “I knew that little bitch was trouble from the start.”

The memory of Darrek’s first meeting of Seythe when he was 13 was not a pleasant one when Cräga caught wind of the two’s delinquency in the Rithian colony on the southern coast.
Darrek's eyes raised in alarm as he realized what he'd just said. Shit, he'd gotten so caught up in the moment that he'd forgotten Craga didn't even know about it.

He raised his hands in defense. "It was only to find my parents. I needed the money so that I could start somewhere!" He said, in an attempt to explain himself. "It was a mistake."
Cräga’s glare remained cold, but Dracon fell limp.

“It’s my fault.” He said in little more than a whisper. A switch went off in Cräga’s mind it seemed as her anger vanished into worry for the Irokai at the sound of his voice.

She stroked his head. “Dracon, no.”

“It is, Cräga. You were right all along.” He said. “He wouldn’t have gone if I had let you show him.
But I-“ he looked up at her. “He . . .” Whatever reason he had stopped there.
His bottom jaw quivered, and his head fell limp.
“It’s my fault. I did this.”

“Shhh . . .” Cräga soothed. “It wasn’t.”
Darrek huffed. Half in frustration and half in confusion. Weren't they supposed to be angry at him? Or was this some kind of plan on guilt-tripping him further for joining a gang. This was in no way Dracon's fault at all, and yet he insisted on believing that it was.

He looked at his brother, gaze stern and frustrated. "Did what?" He questioned. "Joining the gang was my idea, and it was my mistake. Alone. Don't think that you can project my problems onto yourself because you didn't have anything to do with that decision." The words came out just as quickly as they had stopped, but Darrek meant every single one of them.
Dracon was silent at first.
“You shouldn’t have had to resort to such choices.”

Cräga patted his arm.
“Stop taking blame for others. You both live different lives, Dracon.” She looked at Darrek. “Even if some gang whore drags you into her clique.”
There was an initial spark of anger that surfaced at Cräga's insensitive comment, and for just a moment, Darrek was ready to defend Seythe. His first reaction though was completely contrary to his logical mind. A part of him agreed with Craga, what had Seythe done for him anyway? Besides betraying him when he needed her the most. Yeah. Craga was right.

He sighed, looking genuinely apologetic at Craga. "It was a mistake Craga, I shouldn't have joined up with them." He said. "But...we're getting off-topic here. Craga's right. You can't blame yourself for any of this when you weren't the one who screwed up."
“You don’t understand.” Dracon sighed. “But it’s not important now . . . You’re all still here, and safe for now.”

A brief piece of muted conversation between Rufus and Bom came from below.

“What is the Archaic going to do?” He asked.

“Why is that important?” Cräga frowned.

Dracon huffed. “If he’s thinking about picking a fight, then he’ll lead that gang back here just like how he and that other one did back in Dakovis.”

Cräga was taken aback by the mention of the town. “Why were you there?”

Now Dracon was silent.
“I’ve . . . Been living there.”

Cräga stared at him.
“Dracon . . . Why? That’s not a good thing.”

“It’s better I stay there.
Away.” He closed his eyes.

“Look at me.”

No response.

“Dracon Kendalt.” Cräga’s tone grew harsh. “Look at me.”

The wounded Feral sighed and lifted up his head to face her and the woman’s hand swept around and slapped him over his lip and snout.
No snarl came as response. No glare or sign of any aggression came from the Irokai.

“I have been patient with you and your pity party for longer than I should have. I have offered you time and again to stay here and have a real home again. I tried so many times to get you and him together so you can talk.” She hovered over him. “And you do this every time. You crawl into your shell and refuse to listen.
So listen right. Now.
You have never been alone, Dracon. You ran away first so you can’t be surprised that he followed your footsteps.
You have gone through a lot of pain, I know.
But so did I. So did Bom. Crina too, even if she doesn’t remember.
Darrek, YOUR brother that I helped raise which makes him as much my family as you, had to go years thinking he was alone in the world because you wouldn’t come home.

But now you are. So stop acting like you’re all alone.”
She stood up and stroked his head gently.
“I’m going downstairs. You two talk.”
Her eyes turned to Darrek. “That means both of you.”

The woman left the two brothers alone.
Craga had berated Darrek a number of times when he was growing up. Each with varying effects. But this, Darrek had never seen her like this in his life. With the conviction in her voice as she spoke her mind, he could only hope that it would reach Dracon.

He remained speechless throughout, at least until Craga left the room. Now alone with no one but his older brother, he figured it'd be a good idea to at least start some kind of conversation. He racked his brain for a conversation topic, but for some reason, it just wouldn't come up. It didn't make sense to him. He's normally such a talkative guy, so why was talking to his brother so hard?

"Craga's something else." He mumbled in an awkward attempt to start some kind of conversation. "But you kinda deserved that."
Dracon nodded. “I did.” He rubbed his snout.
The bed creaked as he sat up, the blanket draped around his shoulders. Beneath the bed, hidden behind the loose blanket, Frederick, Ezekiel, and Leonard were slumbering. Leonard’s ears twitched at the noise, but none stirred.

“Well . . . I suppose we should talk. Least we should do for her sake.
I know you probably would rather not . . .”
Darrek didn't want to grace that last comment with a response. He wanted to say that Dracon was wrong, but that would've been a bit of a lie. Talking to his brother right now wasn't exactly an easy task for him to accomplish. The spark was there, and Darrek couldn't say he gave zero shits for the person who laid in bed

He sat down at the chair Craga was previously in, getting comfortable as he was pretty sure he'd be here for a while.

"Sooooooo. I'm really not sure what we're supposed to talk about. There's just, so much that we gotta catch up on." He stammered, his tone clearly stating the fact that he was anxious. What the fuck was he supposed to talk about? Ah BINGO the critters! ".....When did you meet them." He asked. "They're cute."

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