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Fantasy Kaizoic: Earth Reborn

Kairo nodded in understanding, knowing that the commander was right. His hand was pretty busted up, and chances are he'd need more then what they had here to reconstruct the damn thing. He really couldn't believe that Dracon had done this to him. It seemed....so believable, yet out of character from the irokai. He wasn't pissed off at him. With what had happened back in Dakovis? He felt he'd deserved the injury.

But still, he'd just gotten back to camp. Now he'd be leaving again? That kind of sucked.
"Sounds good." Kairo said, sounding rather professional at that moment. It was the only way he could mask the disappointment.
Stryx looked to Helen.
“Tend to him until that storm passes.” He said. “Shouldn’t be anything too bad, but I’m advising further supports be placed around the storage sheds and the clinic. The droids will work on that tomorrow morning.

Also, if anyone on the research team is outside right now, they need to be called back right now.”

Helen blinked.
“Stryx . . . What’s wrong?”

“Until further notice, outside the wall is potentially hostile.”
Kairo seemed unsurprised by the drastic measures that Stryx was taking. After what he’d learned in Dakovis, it was only fitting that the extra security be placed around camp. They weren’t that far from Dakovis, and chances are, Bazin could still reach them here with the defences down.

That prospect worried Kairo to no end, but it was the best they were going to get.
The Commander patted Kairo’s knee.

“Take it easy, Hunjan. That’s an order.” He spoke firmly, and with his natural authority even as he left the clinic.
“You know it.” Kairo smiled, watching as the other man left the clinic. “Take it easy sir.”

Once Stryx had left the clinic, Kairo directed his attention to Helen. He knew that the scientist had more then a few questions, but wasn’t sure if it was the right time to start telling her. Hopefully she wouldn’t dig too far into it. “What have I missed while I was gone?” He asked instead, hoping to understand this new state of the camp.
“Where to begin?” She pulled out a metal device and flipped a switch. The tip began to glow and she puffed on the other end. The doctor blew out a small amount of smoke before turning the metal cigarette off.
“After you were taken, the colonists started freaking out about the confirmation of ‘lizard people’.

Which is entirely wrong since I myself found that he was warm blooded.

Anyway, Stryx had to keep them from rioting and Rufus took off after you in the craziness. After that, the search parties looked for you and turned up nothing.
They did . . .” She sighed. “Find Stryx’s squad.
Think you met em.
Red Team?

They found Hudson and Adrianna.” She cringed.

“What was left.”
Kairo listened intently to the information that the researcher provided him, most of which he found surprisingly reassuring. As bad as riots sounded, there were thousands of possibilities that had played out in his head during the weeks he'd been gone. Many of which were far worse then the actual outcome.

He had been reassured by most of the news. In fact, pretty much all of it except that last piece.

Now of course his shit luck had to mean that last piece of information was the most important.

Kairo looked over at Helen, eyes wide in disbelief as he almost gagged on thin air. Did he hear her properly? What was left? That had to be a joke right? He recalled the site that Dracon had first dropped him off at. Instead of finding the red team, he had instead found the area stained with blood. He didn't want to believe it then, the answer that was in hindsight, laying just meters away from him.

Hudson...Adrianna. He didn't know them for long, but he'd known they were good people. The wisecracking warrior and the responsible leaders respectively, they deserved so much more then what came of them. Kairo refused to believe they were gone. He outright denied it.

"You're joking...right?" Kairo questioned, hoping this was just Helen's attempt at dark humour. "They can't actually be dead."
The biologist stared at him with a deadpanned gaze.

“I don’t joke like that, Mr. Hunjan.” She said. “They were all killed.

I’m sorry.”
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Kairo didn't know what to say, Helen's confirmation hitting him like a bullet. He looked down at the floor, consumed by grief he hadn't felt in ages. Even if he didn't know the red team well. He'd seen enough of him to start feeling attached. They deserved better.

No....no. The rest of them can't be dead. Only Hudson and Adrianna were found. So there was a chance that the others were still out there! He won't give up hope yet.

He looked back up at Dr. Faolain. Giving him as much of a smile as he could have possibly mustered at that moment. "It's okay." He reassured, eyes heavy and tired. "We'll find the others." He hoped that doing so would at least justify Hudson and Adrianna's death a little bit.
Helen smiled. “Your optimism is endearing, Kairo.


She looked at the door, and heard the sounds of activity in the rest of the settlement.
“I have to get back to supervising the clinic construction. Stay here and get some rest.
Do you need a sedative?”
Kairo looked back down at his hand, not daring to move the thing. It hurt like hell, but he really didn't feel like screwing up his senses and mind with whatever pain killing medicine that Helen was probably going to inject him with. The pain in his hand also gave him something to distract his mind from the possibility of losing all of red team. He always did prefer physical pain over emotional pain. He politely declines, waving the gesture off with a smile. "Yeah, I'm guessing things haven't been too laid back here huh?" Kairo mentioned. "Don't tire yourself out, Dr. Faolain."
“No promises, Mr. Hunjan.” She kept her smile and departed from the makeshift clinic.

With a storm on the horizon, Kairo would at least be safe within the familiar walls of the Republic settlement where it all began.

Later that night . . .

Rain pelted the muddied road and poured from the leafy treetops in a slough of moonlit showers around the Traveler’s Rest.
Inside, Bom sat by the fire reading a book with a cracked cover and dusted pages. The inn’s owner; Cräga was cleaning behind the counter with the time she currently had.
The storm had driven the local travelers away to find suitable shelter for their pack animals and goods and the Vindav into the remaining buildings of the town.

Her sister; Crina, was sitting by the window enjoying the sounds of the rain. It was soothing to her. Rain meant days of rest and new life to come.
The nostalgic feelings of calm and quiet she was experiencing would be interrupted by three figures approaching from the jungle. A human wearing a helmet and two Irokai. One larger than the other.

She stood up from her seat and that’s when the familiarity of the three became visible.

“Cräga!” She called out. “Bom!
It’s Darrek!
And Rufus!
And Taroz-Gharm!” Her voice cracked at the shock of seeing her oldest friend approach in such unsuitable weather.

Bom turned from his book and took off his spectacle lenses.

His inquiry would be answered by the doors being kicked open, and Rufus stepping inside with dripping clothes and squelching boots.
“Jeez where did that come from?” He cursed as he pried off his helmet.

Behind him, Darrek would just be stepping inside and their guide would be standing just at the border of the deck’s roof, letting the runoff fall onto his back.
The Feral groaned with relief as the water rushed over his wounds.

Responding to the sudden rush of water, his pets leapt from beneath his cloak and sprinted inside. Ezekiel and Lawrence shoved at each other under Darrek as they entered and crawled up the support pillars for a dry spot to rest.
To say that Darrek was spent was a heinous understatement. As mentally and physically, he felt like he'd just reached a new low today. His body, spent and still hurting, drudged lazily as he made to sit on the closest table he could find. Too tired to care about the fact that he was tracking mud and water right into the inn.

He had good reason to as well. The trek here was less then pleasant, and even if he had the company of Rufus. He really didn't know how to feel about Taroz Gha-....his brother. He looked over at the shorter irokai, sizing him up and down. His family was confirmed to be gone, except for him. The scary feral that he was taught to fear, now blood-related to him. How was he supposed to just be okay with that?

It really didn't help that he was beginning to see the resemblance between himself and Dracon.

Glancing away awkwardly, he tiredly greeted Crina. Though Cräga and Bom were met with a lot more skepticism. Those two had some explaining to do, because he wasn't just going to be okay with the fact that they'd lied to him about this for his whole life. "Sooooooo." He started off. "I feel like there's something that you two have maybe left me out of?"
Cräga scoffed. “I was going to tell you, but then you left.”

Dracon scowled at the woman from beyond the door.

Bom stood and stepped near Darrek’s table to sit. The aging Kendian’s weight creaked the wood and shook the furniture around them.

“You know what happened then?” He asked quietly. “How much did he say?”
Darrek wanted to shout at the two of them. Especially Cräga, who acted like this was somehow his fault! He didn't know that the answers he was looking for lay right in front of him! If he did, then he wouldn't have left! But alas, he really didn't have the energy to be lashing out right now. And as annoyed and confused and overwhelmed as he was. He at least knew that getting pissed off wasn't going to accomplish anything.

"I don't know, enough?" Darrek snarled, not doing very well at hiding his disdain. "Enough to know that he." He pointed at Dracon with his clawed finger. "Is my brother, my family's dead, and you've been hiding this away from me my whole life."
Dracon stepped underneath the doorway and growled.
“Don’t talk to them like that.”

Cräga stepped out from behind the counter and crossed her arms. “I don’t blame him. I knew this was going to happen.” She finally noticed Rufus hanging his jacket near the staircase.
“You mind?” She spat.

The man sighed. “Yeah, yeah, I’m going.” He retreated to the back with mumblings of wet clothes on his lips.

Crina glanced between the four of them.
“Should I go to?”

“No.” Cräga rubbed her eyes. “You need to hear this too.
Long time coming.” She said with daggers glared at Dracon.

“Yes. It was my idea.” He responded to her staring. “Darrek . . .” His own gaze was aimed at his brother for a moment before turning away.
“It wasn’t right, I know, but you had to be kept safe.

I told you before that we were attacked. They didn’t know you existed then and I felt it needed to stay that way.”

Bom frowned. “I hid you in Drafisl in the hope that it would be enough.
Dracon thought otherwise.” He said the last statement with disappointment.

“They were still alive.” Dracon curled a lip. “They would keep looking until they found the last Kendalt.”

“And so you made us promise to hide the truth so you could sneak off to die?” Cräga blurted, her voice breaking. “He was a baby, Dracon. You should’ve been here!”

“The further I was, the safer you ALL were!” Dracon shouted. “It would have ended with me and it never did! I wasn’t of any use to anyone.” He stepped back a step, as though ashamed to be inside.
“I was weak. I couldn’t help mother or father or Dakheva, but I’d help SOMEONE before I died.”

Bom pounded on the table. “Utterly shameful!” His voice rose. “No one, especially the young, should yearn for death.
You would have been safe here, Youngling. I swore to take care of you all.”

“I swore too, Bom.” Dracon exhaled through his nose. “I am sorry. I left . . . And you had to keep secrets from Darrek.
But I stand by that it was to keep you safe.” He looked at Darrek. “As long as you were able to grow and live, I was content even if I was away.”

“That wasn’t your decision, Dracon.” Cräga hissed, her body shaking from either anger or pain, it was difficult to tell. “We all lost family.”

“Mine was the target. I know it was.” The Feral blinked. “It was the only way.
If I stayed . . . You would’ve died too.” He was swaying again, his balance was off. “I had to go.
Had to.

It was for the best.” Another step was taken back and he was shaking his head from dizziness.
“I wasn’t needed . . .

Couldn’t stay.

Couldn’t . . .” In a disorented growl, Dracon collapsed off the deck and tumbled down the steps to crash into the rain and mud outside.

Cräga immediately ran for the door as Bom began to get to his feet with his walking stick.
Darrek didn't know if he'd paid more attention to anything in his life as he listened to Dracon's explanation. As Bom and Cräga got involved, he couldn't help but feel more and more alienated from the rest of his family. On one hand, he finally knew the motivation behind all this. Why he'd been left in the dark for so long. And he couldn't help but appreciate how much his brother cared for him. But on the other hand, every time the shorter irokai looked over at him, Darrek could feel a twinge of guilt tug at his heartstrings. He couldn't tell what was on his brother's face. Was it regret? Concern? Or maybe something else entirely. This irokai had sacrificed everything for him, his life, his happiness, just so Darrek could get a shot. But Dracon barely felt anything as he watched his brother pour his heart out. Dracon did everything for him, and now he couldn't even feel a little worried for the smaller irokai like a real family should? Like what Bom and Craga were doing right now? It ate him up to say it, but that would take a lot more time than he ever imagined.
The shock of watching his brother collapse might help out a little though.
Along with Craga, Darrek shot up out of his chair and briskly made his way to Dracon. Ugh how the hell did he forget that Dracon was injured? He'd taken a rough beating back at Dakovis, something he could have avoided if he just left Darrek to die. Yet another example of the love that he couldn't reciprocate.
"Shit!" Darrek said, alarmed. "I'm sorry, I forgot that he was hurt."
He skipped the stairs, opting to jump down all of them to get to Dracon faster. His wounds screamed in protest, but the adrenaline effectively blocked their voices. He knew helping out wouldn't help him feel more attached to his brother, but at least it'd quell the guilt.
Dracon lay on his stomach on the soaked ground with rain splattering over his head and back. His face was coated in splashed mud and his breathing was heavy.

Cräga dropped to her knees, ruining the stitched tunic she was wearing and began trying to pry the Irokai out of the mud. She was whispering pleas to herself, and her hair stuck to her shoulders and back as she held back fearful tears.

Frederick, Lawrence, and Ezekiel were on the front windowsill with their ears drooped as they watched their weakened master. Bom had just now stood from the table and Crina stood nearby watching with uncertainty.
As soon as Cräga attempted to lift the small irokai, Darrek wasted little time in helping. He crouched down and reached under Dracon's arms, using his bigger frame as an advantage in this situation. At that moment, he couldn't bear to look over at Cräga. She rarely lost her cool. At least Darrek couldn't remember the last time she did. Seeing her down in the dumps like that was something he never wanted to see again.

"You're heavy." He commented, making it sound like a tease. In all honesty, he was just making sure Dracon hadn't passed out...or worse. As little as he knew about his brother, he wasn't ready to lose him yet. With little effort, Darrek managed to pick up the smaller irokai and drag him into the tavern. He figured getting him out of the rain and mud would be a good starter. Anything after that, he hadn't thought of yet.
Cräga’s breathing was heavy and swift as she tried to hold back tears. Her eyes were already moist even as she got on Dracon’s other side to hold him up with his arm around her neck.
She had no fear of his claws, or his scarred flesh.

Dracon himself was quiet, but alive. Despite being held up to motivate walking, his feet dragged through the mud and over the wooden floors of the porch and inn. Drops of blood still bled out of him and mixed with the water and mud as they slid down his body.
His head was limp, as his energy was sapped from pushing himself to lead Darrek back to the safety of home.
He was too weak to say so, but so long as Darrek were safe with the others, he didn’t care about what happened to himself.

“Help me get him upstairs.” Cräga said to Darrek once they were inside completely. Someone woukd have to clean the trail of mood and spots of red, but right now? She could give no care about that.
Darrek only nodded. He didn't know what to say, and being quiet was probably better than saying something stupid, so he just stuck with that. Giving Dracon as much support as he could, he took the other irokai towards and up the stairs.

He was at least glad that Dracon was alive. Made him feel a little less guilty about how he didn't notice Dracon's wounds. But he could always apologize for that later....if Dracon asked about it. For now, he just needed to focus on making sure Dracon stays alive. "You know how to fix him up. Right?" He asked Cräga.
“Wouldn’t be the first time.” She spoke, and a small chuckle swept past her lips. It was a fleeting laugh.

Bom watched from below next to Crina as the three ascended. Dracon began to stir.

“I’m . . .” He whispered. “Sorry . . .”

Craga shushed him.
It’s ok. We’re ok.”
Darrek stayed relatively quiet as he walked his brother into one of the inn rooms. Setting him down on the nearest bed he could find before stepping away to let Cräga take over. He stood there, not entirely sure if he should stay or leave. On one hand, he could provide some help. But on the other, there was an innate feeling that told him he shouldn't even be here. Almost as if he was a child walking in on a conversation he wasn't supposed to be in.

In the end, he settled for a spot in the room a bit away from Dracon's bed. Eyes examining the room he'd seen a thousand times, instead of his tired brother.
Dracon’s breathing remained as soft wheezes even when relaxed upon the bed. Cräga immediately noticed the blood running down his arms and tore off a chunk of her dress to begin cleaning it.

“Darrek . . .” She said. “Bring me a bucket of water and some rags.”
Dracon stirred, and he tried to get up.
“No.” Cräga scolded softly. “No. No.
You’re staying right there.”

“I can’t stay.” Dracon groaned, and collapsed from exhaustion again. “I can’t.”

“Shhhh.” She soothed and began stroking along his scarred brow and the crest along it. “We’re ok, Dracon. We’re ok.” She whispered to him warmly.
"Yeah. For sure." Darrek agreed, nodding at Craga before heading downstairs to find the items that she required. There was a sense of urgency as he walked downstairs and towards the back. But that didn't mean he didn't catch a glimpse of the others. It was hard to miss them. Especially since everyone seemed so off today. Bom seemed ever disappointed and worried, and Crina looked just as confused as he did. It was always so much easier to notice when there was something wrong with them than when they were okay.

Retrieving the supplies from the back, he quickly made haste back to the upper floor. He opened the door to Dracon's room with little restraint, the sound of the door hitting the wall being just a bit too loud to be acceptable. He handed the cloth and the water to Craga. "Do you see anything that's bad?" He asked half in curiosity half in worry.

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