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Fantasy Kaizoic: Earth Reborn

Dracon was without his ragged cloak, leaving his upper half entirely bare. Cuts along his back and sides were bleeding, and shards of glass could faintly be seen poking out of his shoulders, upper back, and two on the back of his neck.
Not to mention the gallery of other wounds that had long healed via scar tissue that decorated his wayward brother’s body.

Cräga was quiet and still, but tears streamed down her face as she looked at him.
“Ancestors above, Dracon.” She wiped her face, smearing some of the Irokai’s blood on her skin. “Why do you do this to yourself?”

The Feral wheezed in faint consciousness, most likely delirious.

Cräga awaited no answer. She sniffled a bit, then took the cloth and water from Darrek.
“Thank you, Darrek.” She choked, and began cleaning the wounds not riddled with glass. “I need something to get the glass out. Tweezers or-“ She sobbed, her ability to hold back her fears failing. “Something.”

Boots creaked on the boards behind Darrek, and a human arm offered a pair of tweezers at Darrek’s side.
Rufus stood behind him with wet hair and a soaked undershirt.

“Take em.” He said to the young male.
Darrek was beginning to feel more and more helpless as Craga began to slowly lose her ability to hold her emotions back. Darrek had never seen her like this before, and he'd known the woman for his entire life. This Craga stood before him right now was vulnerable, almost foreign. As if the pillar of support that she previously was to Darrek had come crumbling down.

When Craga asked for tweezers, Darrek drew a blank in his mind. Maybe it was because tweezers weren't something he'd see around the tavern, or maybe it was because of the maelstrom of emotions running through his head, but either way, he had no clue where to find any. That's why he seemed so relieved when Rufus came in clutch with a pair. He looked down at the weathered archaic. Taking the tweezers with tentative hands. He wasn't going to question how Rufus knew they needed a pair. "Thanks." Darrek added with a weary smile, before heading towards Craga. "Uhhh....are you okay with doing this. Or should I?" He asked a hand placed on her back in comfort.
“I can handle this.” She sniffed again, and took the tweezers. “You don’t have to be here for this.”
She began to remove one the glass shard in Dracon’s neck. He made no sound of response as it slid out of the scabby wound.

Rufus nudged Darrek’s side, and gestured away from the room.
Darrek caught the hint, and followed Rufus out of the room. Closing the door behind him, his body pretty much instantly slumped when he was out of the view from the two.

He looked down at Rufus, he wondered if he appeared as tired as he looked. Probably did. A mix of physical and mental beatdown would do that to ya. "I've never seen her like that before." Darrek said, expressing his concern. "And for him too....."
They had reached the bottom floor, and Rufus took a seat at the bar.

“Yeah.” He sighed, and rubbed his leg. “Not what I expected either.
But way I see it, grand scheme of things y’know, everyone’s got people they care about.”

Bom was sitting across from the fireplace. “Cräga’s family, the Amantes, were dear friends to the Kendalts.” He said. “Once servants, they were kept in care no different than family. To her; you and Dracon are her kin as well.”

“Wait, Cräga was a maid?” Rufus asked, a trace of an image formed in his mind which brough a cheeky smirk.

“Maid?” Bom inquired, unfamiliar with the Archaic term.

Crina was sitting by the window again. “What’s a maid?” She asked Rufus.

“Nevermind.” He replied quickly, and wiped some dripping water from his hair.
He didn’t notice Crina openly staring at him as he did.
Darrek made his way to join Crina, slumping down on one of the tables near the window and letting his body relax as he listened to Bom's explanation. It explained why Cräga was so used to mothering him. He thought that maybe it was just because of the huge difference in age between Cräga, and him and Crina. Turns out there was more to it than he originally thought. Then again, a lot of things these past few days have been like that.

"Well, then Dracon better not die, at least for Cräga's." Dracon muttered tiredly, putting his head on the table looking as if he was about to fall asleep. Too tired right now to continue his little burst of anger with his adoptive family. Hell, he barely even noticed the lasting stare Crina was giving Rufus. He'd known the girl his whole life, and if he'd caught the little gesture, he would've been 99% sure that Crina was interested in him.

"Why couldn't he have just stayed with us. Woulda saved both me n him a lot of trouble." He sighed dejectedly, circling the wooden table with his claw.
Bom sighed.
“He snuck away shortly after you were born, Darrek. Either . . . To accept the fate of his wounds or to find the ones responsible for your familys’ deaths.
To this day I do not know which. He will not talk about it.

He’s stubborn. Like his father.” Another sigh.
“Like his mother.

Like you.”
Darrek looked at Bom with dead eyes. Who talked about his parents as if he knew them his whole life, which he did. The fact that the answers that he had been searching for his whole being right in front of him reared its ugly head back to the top of his mind.

"Guess it runs in the family then." Darrek laughed dejectedly. "Were they like me....ya know. my parents?" He asked, not feeling the energy to stay angry at Bom.
“You are very much Theron’s son.” Bom smiled. “He was a troublemaker when I met him. Adventurous and optimistic.
Dracon is very much like your mother: Aileene.” He tapped his staff. “Fierce but loving.
She granted me leadership of Clan Khazid after she met Theron. I was no longer just her advisor, I was her confidant and guardian to her family.” He frowned. “I know you bear resentment at being denied the truth. Your brother may have been young when he pleaded that we hide you away, but I saw his reasoning.
Perhaps when he recovers; he will be at peace enough to join us as I tell you all you wanted to know.”
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"He better, if he leaves us behind again I swear." Darrek mumbled, taking a glance upstairs where Craga was taking care of his brother. He was mad at the smaller irokai, for ditching him, for worrying Craga. Even if he had a reason, how could it be worth this? People treated his brother like he was some kind of ghost, Craga and Bom were left worrying about Dracon for years. And for what? To protect Darrek? He didn't even think he needed protection.

He saw the reasoning behind his brother's actions, but there was no way he was going to agree with them.

"I think I'll try and get some sleep. Too tired to ask questions." Darrek said, lazily standing up from the chair as he drudged upstairs. "Goodnight."
“Goodnight, youngling.” Bom sighed heavily, and returned his gaze to the fire.
Guilt wrenched at his heart at hiding the truth from Darrek. While at the same time he knew the boy’s nature. Curious, inquisitive with a tendency to rebel. To tell him the truth at so young an age or even younger would motivate him to search openly for himself. The risk of further danger was never certain but neither was it dismissed entirely.
So many thoughts swirled in the old Kendian’s head, only for them to be distracted by Crina.

“Uh . . . Someone’s coming from the road.” She said cautiously. “Four of them . . . And I think I see guns.”

Rufus put down the bottle he was attempting to sample from behind the bar.
“Get upstairs.” He ordered and moved behind the bar to retrieve his gear. “You too, gramps. This spells trouble.”
Darrek was already halfway upstairs when he heard Crina's warning. He didn't think much of it, that is until she mentioned that the 4 men came bearing guns. He instantly stopped his trek and bent over to try and get a good glimpse out the window. From his perspective, there was little he could see, but he wasn't taking any chances. If Crina saw men with guns, then he'd trust her.

"Damnit." He cursed, looking over at Rufus. "You don't think they followed us?"
“No way. Not in this weather.” Rufus was loading his gun as Crina moved past Darrek upstairs.

Bom remained in his spot, watching the door and sat still as stone.

“Bom!” Rufus whispered loudly. “What are you doing? Get back!”

No answer, and footsteps approached the door. The silhouette of two men in armor could be seen through the mist and rain. Behind them was the tall shape of an Archo holding up a third human.
Darrek made room for Crina to get upstairs but watched anxiously as Bom didn't make a single move from the table he sat by. As big as the kendian was, Darrek knew he was out of his prime. So what was he thinking sitting by the table like that?

He was about to head back down and drag Bom upstairs himself, but before he could do so, the prominent sound of footsteps began to mix with the constant pitter-patter of the rain. Whoever was threatening them was close, probably right outside the door. Darrek froze, doing his best not to make any noise as he watched halfway up the staircase. Gearing himself up for whatever threat was prepared to come in.
The door opened, and two men in metal helmets entered with water drenched cloaks and weapons held lazily at their sides. Neither noticed Rufus behind the bar with his pistol hidden beneath.
After them entered two familiar faces. A dark grey Irokai female stepped in with a wounded man clutching his bandage wrapped side.
Victor shoved himself off of Seythe and stepped further in. He groaned and held his side once more.

“Somethin strong and make it fa-“ He saw the man behind the counter and the Irokai on the stair.
“You got to be kidding.”
Darrek felt simultaneously relieved and alerted at the sight of Seythe and Victor. He didn't even know feeling that way was possible. Just there luck that the people who stumble their way into the inn end up being those two. His ex and the guy who shot him.

"I think I should be one the saying that." Darrek rolled his eyes, his tiredness now swept away by a wave of adrenaline. "Welcome! Now get out."
Victor stepped back and pointed at the two men.
“Don’t just stand there you idiots. Shoot them.”

Rufus pulled his pistol and took aim. Victor drew his own pistol as his bodyguards readied their rifles.
Victor fired first, and Rufus ducked down as a bottle shattered behind where he stood.

One of the men took aim at Darrek and a staff swung into his gut, knocking him back several feet and crashing through the wall by the door. Bom stomped to the second man and growled in a guttural rumble. The bandit swung his rifle for a shot, but Bom grabbed the barrel and bent it downward before snatching it out of his grasp.

Victor spun around to see the huge Kendian and cocked his pistol with a shot on Bom’s side.
Darrek cursed under his breath at Victors sudden order. The man had almost been ripped to pieces and he still didn't give up. That fucking idiot.

To be frank, Darrek had rarely seen Bom fight before. And he had to give him credit, he was a lot stronger then Darrek originally thought. He couldn't help but smile a little bit at that, his mom knew how to choose a good successor.

But that still didn't mean that Bom was infallible, it was a three vs one situation, and Bom couldn't keep up with everything. Darrek's eyes went wide as he noticed Victor, pistol lined at almost point blank towards Bom. There was little thinking then as the young irokai charged straight at the injured man at full speed, body-slamming him as hard as he could away from the bar.
Victor went flying behind Bom and crashed into a table.
Bom looked at Darrek, and Rufus stood back up with his pistol in hand to fire off at the remaining human mercenary.
The bullet punctured through the helmet with a hollow thunk before the man fell to the ground.
Silence filled the inn.
A door upstairs opened and Crina stepped out to investigate.

“Is it all ok?” She asked.

Rufus aimed the gun at Seythe, and Bom glared at her as well.

“We’re about to see.” Rufus squinted.
Darrek breathed heavily, looking over at Victor to make sure that he was unresponsive. He didn't seem to move...good. That almost made up for the shot that the human took at him, almost.

As soon as he was sure the immediate threat was gone, he looked over at Seythe as well. And although he wasn't in pure rage, his expression was only one level below that. "Didn't wanna see me dead huh?" He seethed in anger. "Definitely looks like it doesn't it?"
“Why are you still here, Darrek?” She asked him. “I thought you would’ve made a run for it.”

“Your boss not happy he got played?” Rufus smirked.

“He sent us here to get Victor patched up and to resupply a wagon. Guns and such.” She explained. “I’m scared of him, ok? I don’t care about this bounty on Archaic.”

Crina started descending the stairs and Cräga emerged from Dracon’s room with a stern glare.
Darrek only huffed, expression deadpan as he looked straight at Seythe. He wasn't surprised she went with the whole 'unwilling soldier' shtick. The look was really starting to befit her, and man did he find it annoying.

But still, for some reason, he couldn't bear the thought of hurting her as he did with Victor.

"Scared? Is that why you're stuck to him like a damn toddler all the time?" Darrek added, clearly frustrated. "You could've left at any time if you really meant what you were saying. But that's not the point. Does Bazin know we're here?"
“No he’s waiting for the storm to die down so he can track that Archaic friend of yours.” She answered quickly.
Archaic friend? She meant Kairo right? Darrek looked back at Rufus, looking more then just a bit alarmed at the sudden news. He had a gut feeling that this wouldn't be good.
Rufus’s thoughts swirled in his head as pieces were out together.
“Oh fuck.” He said. “He’s going for the settlement.”

Crina descended further down the stairs and rushed to Darrek.
“Ancestors above!” She gasped at the body on the floor. “Darrek are you ok?” She rested a hand on his shoulder.

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