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Fantasy Kaizoic: Earth Reborn

The boot slammed onto a piece of wood Kairo was just under, splintering into pieces.

“Kill the little shit.” The third man growled just as Darrek’s tail whipped near him. He and the other man restraining the Irokai pulled on the chains with all their might, and the crested Archo toppled over.
Kairo proceeded to grow more and more panicked as the situation began to look more and more bleak. He quickly got off from his spot on the floor and backed up a few steps. Darrek wasn't faring well at all, and Kairo literally felt like jumping the two men who took him down. But there wasn't anything he could do. He was horribly outmatched and outskilled.

"Darrek!" Kairo shouted in concern, before looking at the third guy. He took a few steps back, pure hatred on his face. "Let him go.." He snarled, a low guttural sound that almost felt animal. He didn't have any kind of leverage to tell them to do that, but at this point it didn't matter.
The savage man before him scowled, and drew a small, flintlock pistol and aimed at Kairo.
Before the trigger could be pulled, a dark grey arm lashed out and swiped the wespon out of his hand to clatter to Kairo’s feet.
Seythe now had the hostile human lifted up by his arm and the other two watched with mixtures of confusion and surprise. Darrek too was among them even as he lay upon the ground.
When the pistol was pulled on him, Kairo was almost certain that this would've been the end. His entire body froze up as he prepared for that gunshot, but it never came. Instead, the sound of a gun going off was instead, it was replaced with the clattering of the pistol as it landed beneath Kairo's feet.

What the hell just happened? Kairo looked up from the pistol that now lied right next to his feet, and back up to the man that was supposed to have killed him. What he saw instead, was said man being hoisted by Seythe. Kairo's eyes widened in shock as he realized who that was. Seythe? Was that really her? Or was Kairo going blind?

Whatever it was, Kairo wasn't going to waste this opportunity, grabbing the gun with his functional hand, he quickly aimed it at one of the men holding Darrek down. "I won't hesitate." He threatened, finger on the trigger.
The man Kairo wasn’t aiming at drew his own weapon. Before he could even take aim, a second shape leapt from the shadows and let out a snarl as it reached over his shoulder and slashed its claws over his throat. Blood and shredded skin spat from the gash below the man’s jaw as he gurgled in a useless last breath.
When the man hit the ground, Dracon stood over him with bloodied claws and a cold stare.
Snapping his attention to the second man holding his brother captive, he pounced on his next victim serving under Bazin. The two tumbled down a crevice of rubble; which sent both of them out of view. What followed was not silence but a muffled sound of breaking bone and ripping flesh.

Dracon emerged from behind the pile with blood smeared over his bare chest and his eyes focused on the third attacker and Seythe. The female was stunned at the sudden shift in the situation and dropped the human as Dracon approached.
The Feral growled at Seythe as his footfalls crunched against pebbles and dirt.
Desperately, the man attempted to lash out at Dracon with a small blade on his belt. The attack was countered when the Irokai bit down on the bandit’s arm while simultaneously clasping his blood-drenched hand over his broken-toothed sneer.
With one bite and a swift jerk, the arm snapped broken, and whatever screams were let out were muffled underneath a clawed hand. The violence was ended shortly after when Dracon slammed down on the man’s head, bashing it into stone and knocking him unconscious . . . Or dead.

What seemed to be another moment of gory victory for the eldest Kendalt sibling was cut short as fresh blood began dripping down Dracon’s side as the wounds from earlier reopened and blood loss greeted the Irokai once more.
As this went on, Darrek was squirming and beginning to free himself from his bindings and Seythe kept her distance from the wild Irokai.
Kairo watched, dumbfounded as Dracon appeared out of no where and took the three humans out in his signature, gory manner. Kairo drew a long, heavy breathe of relief as he realized the ordeal was over. He couldn’t admit it then, but he’d been scared for his life back there. Not just his, but his friends as well. Looking over at Darrek to check on him, he seemed relatively okay. That was a good sign. But still, he chose to run over to the younger irokai to assist him out of the chains and ask a simple “Are you alright.”

His relief wouldn’t last long though. Swivelling to meet Dracon. Kairo was forced to pause as he noticed the extent of the damage. The wounds that were barely healed reopened and continued to bleed heavily. Not to mention Kairo had just broken his promise of keeping Darrek safe. That last point came with a striking realization. He definitely shouldn’t have come out here.

“You’re.” Kairo mumbled. “You’re bleeding.”
Dracon turned and glared at Kairo with a growl before snapping his attention to Seythe.
Not a single word was spoken between them before the Feral pounced once more. Seythe slashed her claws, but caught only air as Dracon slid underneath her and sunk his teeth into the back of her leg. She was pulled to the ground with a great heave from the deadly runt, and her tail whipped at his face to catch him on his scarred brow.
His lips twitched like a snarling dog, and Seythe kicked him away only for his recovery to occur before she herself could stand back up.
In moments, he was upon her with his hands pinning her head, and his jaws opened and aimed at her exposed throat.

Darrek’s eyes widened.
“Wait! wait!” He called out and almost had all of his chains unwrapped from his body.
“She’s harmless.” Kairo added as a follow up statement to what Darrek said. He mentally thanked the younger irokai for speaking out, otherwise he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to find his voice. “We’d both be dead if she hadn’t saved us earlier.”
Dracon ignored the human, and fought against Seythe’s attempts to escape. He had her arms pinned under the weight of his own body.
His head lunged downward and his teeth just began to pierce the softer skin of her neck when Darrek’s own armored head knocked him away from the female.
She let out a gasping breath and Dracon leapt back to his feet with a gleam of animalistic madness in his eyes.

“Back. Off.” Darrek stood his ground and had his head hung low, showing off his armored crest in a threat display.

Dracon growled, but then blinked and suddenly realized who stood before him.
At first, he was silent.
“I . . .” He began, but then averted his gaze from his brother. “I am sorry.

But what are you two doing?” His scowl returned once more.
The fight that ensued after his comments had failed were hard to watch. For a second Kairo was absolutely sure that Seythe wouldn't survive. When Dracon was angry, there was no stopping the irokai. He understood that first hand from his brawl with him in the manor. He clenched his one good fist in anxiousness, powerless to stop what was happening. He couldn't kill her, not after all she did to help.

So when Darrek intervened, he felt as if a weight was lifted from his shoulder.

He'd never seen the younger irokai this aggressive before. As Darrek's head hung low threatening Dracon, he made a mental note to never get on the man's badside.

"I wanted to see if we could find something off the syndroid that could help us get us out of here." Kairo answered, head hung low as he replied to Dracon's question. "It was my idea, so don't blame Darrek."
Dracon, again, fell silent.
“You two go back to the house.” He growled.

Darrek huffed. “No thanks.” He snorted and knelt to help the female Irokai to her feet. Seythe ignored Darrek’s hand, and stood on her own.

“Before any of you ask,” she rubbed the small prick marks on her throat. “No, I didn’t know about those three. They were Victor’s guys, and don’t take orders from me.”

Darrek cocked a brow. “Victor’s?

Hey Kairo . . . See what they got on them.”
Kairo raised his eyebrow in curiosity. If these were Victor's men, he was sure that they'd have something on them. Kairo approached the nearest body, and without looking at the gory wounds that they sustained, searched around and on it for anything that may have been useful.
There was a satchel full of bottles of liquid that stank like something flammable. In another pocket was a metal ball with a fuze poking from the top. Most likely a primitive bomb.
"Hmmm.." Kairo hummed, picking up the two items to show the others. "It's a bomb....but why would he need this?" Kairo said, not to anyone in particular as his head began to turn. This didn't seem good.

What could they be doing....

Kairo looked back at Darrek, concern in his eyes as he began to realize what could be happening. If Victor had more men, then this would be a much bigger problem. "Victor's trying something...I don't know what but it doesn't look like fun. Maybe we should ask him a few questions?"
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Seythe crossed her arms. “Well I’m keeping a low profile about this. Anyone sees me helping you, and it’ll get back to Bazin.” She turned around to leave, but Dracon was in her path. She looked down at him, but it was clear who was intimidating who.

“You are staying.” His tone was dark. “Right here. If I come back and you’re gone, I’ll have to come looking for you.” Was his last statement to the female before brushing past her.
“Let’s question the human then.” He said to Kairo quietly.

With every step he took, he left drops of his own blood behind him.
Kairo gave a curt nod to the irokai, who even though was apparently a runt, still towered over him. He didn't envy Seythe at all, he'd been on the recieving end of Dracon's hatred before. It wasn't a good experience at all.

He started walking along with Dracon, glancing over at Darrek a few times to make sure he was following behind. He wasn't entirely sure what Seythe would plan to do, but either way, Kairo didn't mind. He hoped she could stay, that'd be one less enemy he'd have to deal with. And Kairo didn't know if he'd even be able to fight her after all she'd done for them today. But in the end, if she chose to go back, Kairo couldn't treat her any differently.

He also noted that Dracon seemed rather....uhh, compromised at this point. He didn't bother asking him if he needed help though, knowing that it'd probably just leave the irokai more pissed off. Instead, he just followed him silently back to the manor, nerves growing as he got closer and closer to the building.
The three began the walk back to the Kendalt manor, leaving Seythe to remain at the scene.
Dracon took the lead with Kairo and Darrek behind him. The Feral still bled consistently as they walked, and even swayed as he missed a step now and again.
After the third sign of dizziness, he shook his head and growled to himself as the mansion’s gated perimeter came into view.
As Kairo walked, he would repeatedly look over at Dracon, concern growing stronger as evident signs of fatigue and bloodloss began plaguing his body. Kairo sighed, he knew Dracon wouldn't accept his help. He never did. But Kairo would beat himself up if anything bad happened that he could have prevented.

"You're hurt." Kairo stated the obvious. "At least let me help you get to the manor."
Darrek even stepped forward to offer assistance to his brother.

“Don’t worry about me.” Dracon huffed and quickened his pace. “Worry about yourself. You may be leaving soon.”
Kairo stopped in his path for a second as he watched the injured irokai trudge forward. As stubborn as always. He sighed to himself, knowing there wasn't much he'd be able to do to convince him. Hopefully he'd use the med pack that Kairo gave him earlier.

As they walked closer to the manor, Kairo would occasionally glance over at Dracon just to make sure he didn't die of bloodloss.
The three entered the property with only confused glances from the window guards on watch. Dracon’s pace slowed as the stepped through the door, and he turned to look at them.

“Stay.” He said. “In this house.

Please.” The ‘please’ was in a softer tone. With another shake of his head, the eldest Kendalt son went further inside. Light droplets of red trailed behind him.

Darrek sighed heavily.
“Maybe that was a bad idea.”
Kairo looked over at Darrek, the regret on his face clearly signalling that he also agreed with Darrek.
"I didn't think we'd run into all these complications." Kairo admitted, rubbing the arch of his brow. He really didn't think that they would, but they had. And all they had to show for it was Dracons bloodied wounds. Catching wind of Victor's plan meant something at least, though Kairo honestly didn't know if it would have been better to have stayed ignorant.
"I hope he's alright." He said, eyes darting to meet Dracon's back as he left deeper into the house.
As Dracon ascended the stairs to the house, another familiar face approached from the living room. Rufus’s hair had been ruffled from his recent nap and he seemed to have been rudely awakened.

“The hell happened?” He demanded quietly. “Stryx woke me up saying you two were gone and then I hear noise in the town.”
Stryx...knew? Fuck.

Looked like they'd have to deal with the repercussions of that soon as well. Kairo seethed at the thought of that. He remembered just promising the commander that he wouldn't go out of line again, and yet here he was doing exactly just that. He didn't even know how pissed off the commander must have been at this point.

But he couldn't worry about that now, there were more pressing matters that needed to be attended too, especially with the new info he'd gained on the trip.
"I'll catch you up soon. Right now I think it'd be a good idea if we ask Victor a few questions." Kairo mumbled as he procured the primitive bombs. "These were on his men, he's trying to start something."

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