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Fantasy Kaizoic: Earth Reborn

Kairo cocked his eyebrow and looked at Rufus curiously before he handed them both over to the man.
"Something caught your eye?"
The smuggler inspected the metal ball, down to the fuse’s attachment and simple welding.
“This is basic, but heavy shit.” He surmised. “Built for structural damage and demo jobs. I can tell.”
He pocketed the bomb.
“Knew that little shit was up to something. . .

Think there are any more goons out there of his?”
Structural damage and demo jobs....that just about confirmed Kairo's original suspicions. Turning to look through the window, he scanned to see if there was any movement. None....unsurprisingly, but that didn't mean they were out of the clear.

"I can't be sure." Kairo said, glancing over at the kitchen. "But he'd know....."
Rufus glanced at the kitchen in sync with Kairo’s realization.

“You two keep an eye out for anything suspicious.” He said with a frown. “I’ll go see what I can find out.”
Kairo smiled as best as he could for the situation. But it only came off as weary and if not genuine. He hoped to god Rufus would be able to get something out of the man. Anything. They’d need it.

“I’m counting on you.” Kairo encourages. “No pressure.”
Rufus had entered the kitchen and saw the two men guarding Victor, who was still in the chair.

“Hey, Stryx is wanting all you stooges upstairs.” He said convincingly. “Thinks he sees a way out of this canyon.
You head on up, I’ll watch the prick.”

They looked at one another. “Likely story, Maye.” One grumbled.

“Hey, look pal, I’m just passing on orders here. Like it or not, we’re all in this together so you can lose that attitude.” He crossed his arms.
“So what am I saying to your boss?”

The soldiers once more glanced at one other and the first one started walking out of the kitchen. The second followed, and Victor was left alone with Rufus’s blank stare upon him.

“Something on your mind, Archaic?” Victor smirked confidently.

The smuggler held out the bomb. “Come to compliment your clever little scheme. Willingly get captured so your planted goons get to watch where they put you. Can’t kill you in the demo job, right?”

Victor shrugged. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Rufus smiled and pocketed the bomb. “Want me to help you remember?”

A crash came from the kitchen, and surprised voices came from around the house. The only movement visible from Kairo and Darrek’s spot was the withdrawn arm of Rufus every time he reared his elbow back for a punch. Nearby was one of the broken legs from the chair Victor was in.
Kairo nervously tapped his finger on his leg as he waited for the inevitable to unfold. He knew Victor wasn't going to reveal such crucial information so easily. Things were going to get violent. It scared him when he realized that that part didn't seem to bother him anymore. He really was becoming unsensitized to this kind of shit.

When the hit finally came, Kairo found himself still cringing at just how loud it was. He looked inside the kitchen, Rufus's elbow rearing back giving Kairo a semblance of what was going on in the kitchen. He almost felt bad for Victor. Almost.

"Damn." He mumbled, looking back at Darrek. "He doesn't hold back does he?"
Darrek’s eyes were widened at the sudden violence of the Archaic man.

“How should I know?” He said. “I only have just met you two.”

Boots stomped above them, and Stryx was the first to appear rushing down the stairs with the two soldiers from earlier.

Rufus had repositioned a now bloodied Victor in a new chair, and was punching him in the face repeatedly.
Finally, the gang member kicked the smuggler away and drew a knife.
“I’ve never seen him get this violent before.” Kairo remarked, as he continued to watch on. Everything seemed to escalate all at once for Kairo. Watching on, he wasn’t expecting Rufus to continue the assault. The footsteps from upstairs pretty much masked by the immediate sound of the beating happening in the kitchen.

“Rufus I think that’s enough.” Kairo said, concern laced in his voice as he walked to the kitchen. “We don’t need him dea-“

Unfortunately, his words were cut off as the sight he saw upon him looked less like an interrogation, and more like a fight. Victor seemed to have managed to push Rufus off, and now held a knife in defence. That wasn’t good, it wasn’t good in the slightest. “Damnit.” He seethed, looking back at Darrek. He was surprised to see Stryx and the two men along with him. “Could we get a bit of backup? I’ll explain what’s going on soon.”
Suddenly, a gunshot thundered from the kitchen, and Victor toppled over with his hands clutching his stomach (which now poured with blood).

“The hell is going on here?!” Stryx demanded, and entered the scene.

Rufus was holstering his pistol.
“Your prisoner was planning out a scheme, and pulled a knife.”

The bandit groaned on the floor. “Bastard. You set me up.”

“Me? Maybe.” The smuggler shrugged. “But you’re also bleeding to death . . . And right now,” he pointed to Stryx. “This guy is the only one in the world who can keep you alive. So best you think about how chatty you wanna be while you can.”

Stryx frowned at Rufus. “Get the hell out of here, Maye.”

He smirked and saluted. “Roger.”
Kairo could only watch on as the scene unfolded. His hands quivering as he watched the steady stream of blood coming from Victor's stomach. This wasn't what he meant when he was talking about questioning. Nowhere near it. He silently watched as Stryx forced Rufus out of the kitchen, gaze meeting the eyes of the attacker. He knew Rufus had killed before, but witnessing something like that first hand still felt....wrong.

Reminded him of the Vindav he'd killed.

Guess when you get used to it. It really doesn't hurt as much. He was really hoping he'd never have to get used to it.

"Sir....there was a reason for all of this though." Kairo interjected, putting his original thoughts in the back of his mind. "Me and Darrek found men close to the manor, they had explosives. And we've got reason to believe those men were his." He pointed at Victor. "And though I don't...particularly agree with how Rufus went on getting that info. I thought you should at least know why."
Stryx eyed Victor.
“You two go somewhere and rest. I’ll speak to you later.”

Victor groaned, and tried to get up with fruitless result.
Kairo glanced over at Victor. His feeble state making it too easy for Kairo to pity him. Seeming that looking at the man would make him just a bit too uncomfortable, he looked back up at Stryx and nodded.

“Yes sir.” Kairo nodded, “Good luck with him.” He turned around, urging Darrek to follow him to wherever Rufus had gone.
Hours passed, and after a while Kairo and Darrek could hear three voices talking in another part of the house. Muffled through the walls, the three could still be identified as Rufus, Stryx, and Dracon.
Even with the tenseness of the atmosphere, Kairo had made conversation with Darrek while they waited for Stryx to talk to them. But as the hours passed, that conversation had instead degraded into a mutual silence. With only the tapping of Kairo’s foot and his ever wondering thoughts keeping him occupied. He wasn’t liking this situation at all, and for every moment that he was left out of the loop, he could feel his anxiousness growing stronger.

“Wonder what they’re talking about” Kairo said, slumping deeper into the wall he sat against. “And why we’re not apart of the conversation.”
Darrek had been combing through the blackened furniture for anything intact or even remotely salvageable of his family.
“Dunno.” He shrugged. “But I hope it’s good news. Or good something.

Because this situation is all kinds of screwed.”
"Whatever happens, we'll get out of here. I'm sure of that." Kairo reassured, trying his best to think positively. To be completely honest with himself, he wasn't even close to sure if the words he said would hold up. But the possibility that they'd all end up dying here, or worse? He didn't even want to think about it.

He watched carefully as Darrek continued his search, there wasn't much of the house that seemed to be intact. "Found anything important?" Kairo asked, pushing himself off the wall and walking over to Darrek.
“Burnt.” He sighed. “Everything is burnt.”

Near the doorway, tiny feet scampered on the railing as Frederick perched outside to watch the two with his large ears lowered passively.
Kairo sighed, the news that Darrek gave him only making him that much more concerned. Without much thought, Kairo raised his hand and patted the Irokai's back in support. Hoping that the fact that he was there at least provided some relief from the frustration.

Well, him and Fredrick, who'd oh so unceremoniously scrambled into his eyesight. Kairo focussed on the little guy, his face relaxing into a smile. "Least you still got Fredrick....and obviously the rest of us." Kairo said, walking towards the little creature slowly. He held out his hand in an attempt to see if Fredrick would clamber onto him like how he did with Dracon. It was high hopes for sure, but worth a shot. "You're wondering what they would have been like....right?"
Frederick began sniffing Kairo’s hand, but did not move.

“Yeah . . . What things could’ve been like if I grew up here. If I had a real home.” Darrek looked at Kairo.
“Did you have family?”
Kairo opened his mouth, but nothing came out as he tried to speak. The magnitude of the question beginning to hit him. The answer was simple, he did have a family. But, it'd been such a long time since he had brought it up that he didn't even know what to tell Darrek anymore. In many senses, he was in the same situation as many. Hell pretty much everyone on the Noah was in a similar situation as him. But that didn't make the pain any easier to deal with.

"I had parents." Kairo said, tone more woeful then it was moments before. "My mom, she was real carefree, always let me do whatever the hell I wanted. But my dad oho!" Kairo laughed a bit as he thought of his dad. "He was just about the most controlling person you'd ever meet...I owe a lot of who I am to both of them."

His smile faded as his recollection grew more dark. "I lost them both to an apex when I was 12. Dad first, then my mom got sloppy from the loss and got herself killed as well. Wasn't the best experience of my life that's for sure." He added with a small, bitter laugh.
Darrek cocked his head.
“What’s an Apex?

Oh.” He paused. “Sorry, that is probably the last question I should be asking.” He returned to searching his lost sister’s dresser, even though he had already done so.
Kairo seemed a bit surprised by the question, but there was little offence in his expression. "There the giant beasts that I heard you Saurians worship." Kairo explained. "But...that's not the point, either way, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I moved on." He added, patting Fredricks head absentmindedly before heading back over to Darrek crouching to help him search the dresser. "You've got other people that care about you Darrek. Family can be more than blood."
“You’re talking about Bom.” He blinked. “And Cräga.

Crina.” He fell still. “Talom.
They are my family, I guess. That’s a good feeling to think about.” A smile began to form on his lips, but it was gone just as quickly.
“But at the same time, I’m sad because I’ll never know THEM. I was born here but I’ll never look back on any of it.
Only thing left is a crazy feral who I don’t . . .” Darrek tensed and looked at Kairo.
“I don’t want to think about him as my brother.”
"Yeaaaah. You really lucked out there." Kairo laughed nervously, thoughts tracing back to Dracon. Man, if he had that guy as a brother, he wouldn't know what to think about it either. But instead of telling Darrek that, Kairo instead decided to tell him the truth. Darrek wasn't a bad person....far from it, and he was pretty sure Dracon knows that as well. "But as much as he might be....literally the worst candidate as family. At least he cares about you. From what I can tell, he probably cares about you more than anything else in his life." Kairo added.

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