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Fantasy Kaizoic: Earth Reborn

“I don’t know how to feel about that. Maybe once all this is over, I don’t know.” He turned to look at Kairo, but instead looked behind him.

Dracon stood in the doorway with Frederick perched on his arm. His usal fierce expression was mired with weariness.
“You’re all leaving soon.” He said in a choked whisper, his tone wounded.
“You will be safe outside the canyon, the humans and I discussed a plan.”

The Feral turned and walked along the walkway, holding himself up with one hsnd along the rails and his tail dragging on the floor.

Darrek winced. “Wow he’s in bad shape . . .
Aaaaaaaaaand I think he heard what I said.”
Kairo almost jumped as he heard the sound of Dracon’s voice coming form the staircase. He quickly turned around, seeing the figure of the irokai. Bruised, bloodied, and now emotionally screwed over. Immediately guilt welled up inside of him as he realized that the man had heard every single word they said. His eyes darted elsewhere, honestly anywhere but at the irokai in question, until Dracon had returned back upstairs.

Kairo sighed, rubbing his temples as he slouched over in defeat? Guilt? He wasn’t quite sure. “Yeah, ya think?” Kairo groaned. “Man, the timing of it all.”

“Once this is all over. Please talk to him. I know it’ll be hard. But I think your all he’s got left.” He pleaded sincerely.
“Talk to him? About what? I have no idea where to start!” He blurted out, but still remained somewhat quiet as he stood up.
The floor creaked slightly under his weight.
“I don’t know. Hobbies? Interests? You two got years worth of stuff to catch up on and talk about. Just please don’t leave him alone.” Kairo persisted, a shocking amount of emotion running through him. He didn’t know how tough Darreks situation is. But he was wrong about losing his family. He still had Dracon, and Kairo was going to make sure that he would recognize it.

“Ever since my parents died. I had to fend for myself. I was alone for nine whole years and I’ll tell you right now saying it sucked is sugarcoating it.”

Kairo then proceeded to point in the direction that Dracon had left. “He’s been alone for even longer. With probably nothing to keep him occupied but your safety. And I know you’ve been longing to know about your past. I know it won’t be easy talking to someone so...different. But trust me, anything is better then shutting away family.”
Darrek was quiet. He took a few steps toward the door and peeked out.
A sigh swept out from his bruised lip.
“Yeah . . .”
The young Irokai left Kairo in the ruined room and sought out one to relay this so-called plan of escaping Bazin’s forces.
Kairo only watched as the younger Irokai left the room. The confirmation that he had given Kairo not really quelling his previous concerns in the slightest. There wasn’t much he could do now except hope for the best.

He sat back down, leaning against the wall. He really needed a break. Away from all the stress that this new life had given him. If only he could just head back to the Noah, be another cog in the machine away from all this madness. Then at least he wouldn’t have to worry so much for these people.

There was much he needed to do, get himself familiarized with the plan, co-ordinate with the others with what to do. But Kairo did none of that. Instead. He spent the next little while sat against the wall.
A few minutes passed, and sounds of activity came from downstairs. They were of someone going out the front door with another accompanying them who had been gagged due to the muffled complaints that reached Kairo’s ears.

A new figure entered the doorway once the front door was shut. Rufus peeked his head inside.
“Oh.” He blinked. “There you are.”
Rufus's sudden appearance forced Kairo out of his thinking. He stood up from the floor, stretching out the tension of sitting next to that hard wooden wall. "Mmmm, are we heading out?"
“Just as soon as Smiley finishes placing the distraction.” Rufus looked at one of the windows, where distant smoke plumes of campfires could be seen.
“He’s giving Victor some bullshit story we cooked up how he’s going to take care of us for Bazin to collect in the morning so long as they all leave him alone.”
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"Heh, long as it means we get out of here unscathed, I'm not gonna question what happens." Kairo said, walking out of the decrepit room. "But you really think Victor would believe all that?"
“I think he can be persuasive enough.” Rufus crossed his arms.

Dracon walked behind a bound Victor and had his shortsword ready. He felt exhausted from the earlier battle and the steady bloodloss.

He was following the scent of the female Irokai from before. Once this human was passed onto her to return to their leader, the city should be mostly clear from prying eyes. The dark skies of night shrouded their movement, so stealth was still viable for the delivery.
It did not take long to track the female to the ruins of Dakovis’s former blacksmith.

She saw the Feral leading the human and was unsure how to react. Dracon stepped up to Victor and tore out his cloth gag.

“Here’s the deal.” He curled his lip and stared into the man’s eyes. “I’ll bleed every last one of those apes and leave the corpses on the road for you by morning.
The youngling will be chased off into the jungle for the predators.”
He grabbed Victor and threw him to the ground before Seythe.
“In return, all I want is peace and quiet. From now on, this town is out of bounds.”

The human groaned and Seythe reached to help him.

Dracon’s blade smacked on her hand and he growled. “Repeat back what I said.” He hissed.

“You’re leaving the Archaic for us in the morning.” Seythe said, thoroughly frightened by the scarred male. “And you want peace and quiet.”

Dracon took a step on Victor’s back and leaned close to Seythe.
“And who am I?”

The female shrank down to where she could only look up at the smaller Irokai. “I don’t know.” She squeaked.

“That’s correct.” Dracon rumbled. “You don’t know.”
He spun the blade in his hand to where the shorter half was present. “You let that piece of the unknown remind you not to cross me.”

“And what’s stopping me from bringing Bazin in here to finish burning this shithole?” Victor spat.

Dracon snarled at the human’s voice. It boiled his blood to hear the filth speak after learning what he had done from the Archaic: Rufus prior.

Fifteen minutes earlier . . .

Victor had just been gagged by Dracon and the empty suits of armor had been placed in the living room to fool the man into thinking Dracon had killed their owners. The Irokai opened the front door and threw the human outside when Rufus approached from the side.

“By the way . . .” He whispered. “That’s the guy that put the bullet in Darrek a few days ago. Remember? The one you pulled out?
That was his handiwork.” He dared to pat Dracon’s shoulder.
“Do what you will with that tidbit.”

Recalling the bandits attempt on his brother’s life he bared his teeth and stabbed Victor in the lower back twice, then kicked him toward Seythe as blood gushed from his wounds.
“Because you’re bleeding to death, and even if she takes you back to survive . . . I’ll pay both of you a visit if you try anything.”

Seythe helped the man to his feet and made a steady pace to the other side of the mountainous rubble.

Dracon sheathed his blade. “Remember this: according to the locals, I’m already dead.
Which means I’ll be waiting for you in the afterlife.”
The Feral turned and began returning to the manor, letting out a great sigh of exhaustion.
Persuasive enough huh. Kairo was definitely right about the part where he didn’t feel like asking more. As long as things were okay, he didn’t dare to worry about what events led them to here.

“Alright I trust you then.” Kairo nodded. “Let’s get back to camp.”
"Wow.....whats with your timing today." Kairo commented, surprised by how Dracon seemed to know exactly when the come back...or in the past case, peek into a conversation not meant to be heard.
“Get ready.” Rufus advised. “He’s leading us all out.” He patted Kairo on the shoulder and turned for the staircase.

Dracon’s footfalls could be heard from below, but they dragged a bit.
Kairo smiles, giving Rufus a thumbs up with his functioning hand. There really wasn’t much he needed to do to get ready, besides grabs his crossbow and supplies. Which he found with ease.

In less then a few minutes he would join Rufus downstairs.
Rufus had readied his gear and gathered supplies in his satchel. Darrek was nearby packing a few scraps of dried meat into his pack while Stryx relayed instructions to his remaining soldiers.
Dracon lingered near a back door with the three critters huddled beneath him. His arms were crossed as he awaited everyone to be prepared.
Kairo tightened his pack as best as he could, crossbow hastily loaded in case anything bad were to occur on the trek back. He hoped that one shot would suffice, since currently he really wasn't in the state to be loading anymore. Looking at the group, he began feeling just a bit more confident. Prepped and ready to go, he almost felt like they'd have a chance at getting out of here alive.

He waited alongside the rest of the crew, prepared and ready to go.
“Are you sure this going to work?” Stryx said to Rufus. “We’re relying on your idea here.”

Rufus shrugged. “I figure if I rough up the shitstain that he’ll go along with any offer if it means we die. Plus Smiley here is a wildcard as far as they’re concerned.

It’s our best shot.”

Dracon snorted.
“Stop calling me Smiley.”
Kairo nodded in agreement, backing Rufus up. “This’ll work.” He added with as much of a smile as he could muster. Half just to convince himself.
Darrek let out an anxious sigh.
“Well I’m as ready as I’m going to be.”

Dracon clicked his tongue twice, and the critters crawled up his tail to rest on his shoulders. “Stay close and don’t trip on any rocks.”
He opened the back door with a key that was kept in his pocket. Behind the house was the lifeless remains of what was once a garden. The small stone pond that was probably lush with clear water was dry and cracked. Beyond the shadow of the manor was a rear gate that guarded a path upward. Carven stairs lead up the mountainface and over the valley’s walls.
Kairo took a deep breathe, calming his nerves as much as he could as Dracon opened the door, the uncertainty of the escapes success crawling to the forefront of his mind. He saw the abandoned garden, that must have one day housed something beautiful. Now though, the place fit their situation well. He gulped down the last of his fear, and followed Dracon out the door.
The Feral of Dakovis lead them further up the mountain. Higher and higher the carven path lead until the town was far below them. Luckily there was a natural rail along the sides made of rock to prevent any unfortunate slips.
After being caged by stone and grey for so long, the tropical canopy of the Kaveran Jungle could be seen beneath the moon.

After a few more minutes, the party reached a courtyard of stone. A statue occupied the middle of a familiar Irokai, with the jagged tendrils of vines coating the majority of Dakovis Kendalt’s visage.
Given the layout, this was probably a grave.

Beyond Darrek and Dracon’s grandfather’s resting place, a clearing provided a view of the jungle and a great river that cut through. A bench of stone faced the serene spot and the view itself was breathtaking even at night.

While the others caught up, Dracon stopped to peel away the vines on the statue and that’s when droplets of red dripped down his side and down his leg once more.
The journey upwards turned out more tiring then Kairo would have liked. Turns out things got harder when the adrenaline wears out. Occasionally, he'd look back down at the wrecked Dakovis that they were abandoning. The town below hard to see with the lack of light, but he could faintly make out the shapes of the buildings below. Broken walls, fallen bricks, plumes of old smoke signalling the damage that had been caused.

Reaching the courtyard, Kairo watched as Dracon approached the statue of his grandfather. The scene causing him to ache, he couldn't help but feel remorse. Dakovis's hard work down below, which he watched over even in death, was now completely gone.

With a sigh, he continued moving forward, letting Dracon pay his respects in peace.
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Darrek followed close behind, pausing to look at Dracon’s brief moment of maintenance. He saw Dracon lay a hand upon the stone surface and lower his head. Curiousity got the better of him as he listened closely to the whispers that left his lip.

“Mayui Aht-scyios pumhal, Gahmtep.” Dracon spoke softly.

Meanwhile, one of Stryx’s men was inspecting his helmet’s transmitter and stopped abruptly.
“I got a signal.” He said, his voice a mix of relieved and surprised.

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