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Fantasy Kaizoic: Earth Reborn

“Using this molecular scanner Dr. Faolain gave me to collect samples for the Research Division to study.” Stryx answered. “This plasma damage is peculiar.” He glanced at Kairo. “You know why plasma was only ever equipped to the Crusaders and other mech models?”
Kairo took a quick sip off the stew, cringing at the heat as it swished in his mouth. Still too hot.

“I’ve heard of it. But it’s been a long time.” Kairo said. “Care to refresh me?”
“Because the power supply required to utilize it was too big to use on anything smaller. Plasma was relatively new and not at all portable for infantry.” Stryx explained and looked at the damage. “I’ve been knocking it around in my head for hours about what did this. Plasma, but more advanced than what the Republic had available.”
That caught Kairo’s attention. Plasma more advanced then that of the republics? How could that have been possible? As far as he knew, the republic was the most advanced civilization left back on the old days. And nothing now seemed anywhere near it. So how the hell could anything have become more advanced then what they had back then?

“I- that doesn’t make any sense.” Kairo mentioned, clearly confused. “Nothing about this place suggests that they could have made something that...advanced.”
“I can’t explain it either, but it’s not our main issue at the moment.” Stryx stood up and rested a hand on Kairo’s shoulder.
“We need to keep focused.

Are you alright?”
Kairo was very happy to continue the conversation about the plasma, but it seemed he wouldn't be afforded that luxury. Was it that obvious that Kairo was bothered by something? He swore he'd put on at least a slightly decent poker face. Guess he was wrong.

He sighed dejectedly, shoulders slumping at Stryx's touch. "To be honest with you. I'm not sure." Kairo answered in a murmur, looking out the broken window in an attempt to stabilize his thoughts. "I'm sorry, it's a stupid reason. I was trying for once to get everyone together for a nice dinner ya know. Forget about everything that happened just for a second. But clearly that didn't work out."
“Ah . . . I was talking about the firefight earlier.” Stryc admitted. “You weren’t trained for combat like my men and I.”
“Oh!” Kairo jumped slightly, before looking away in embarrassment. Well he just revealed his cards without the slightest need to do so. Sounded like something he would do.

He thought about the fight he had just a few hours ago. The images of the combat dancing around in his mind. Surprisingly, he didn’t find himself rustled by the fight itself. He’d seen enough violence in his time out here for it not to be special anymore. He was scared, of course! He’d be lying to himself to say he wasn’t afraid of pain or death. But the real issue wasn’t that. What he had the most trouble dealing with was what was happening to the people he cared about.

“I think I held my own just fine” Kairo said, looking back at the commander. “But I have to say thank you for covering me while I ran out. I’d probably be dead if it wasn’t for that.”
Stryx nodded. “Just be sure to not do that again.” He grew stern. “Heroics like that don’t normally play out that lucky.”
Kairo laughed a bit at that. “What can I say. I just wanted my moment” he teased. He considered elbowing Stryx playfully, but decided against it.

“You should go and grab something to eat, tonight’s gonna be a rough night.”
Kairo cringed hard at that. Damn...he really wasn't in the right mindset to be talking to anyone right now. Kairo racked his head for an excuse to tell the commander, someone who he knew clearly wasn't going to be satisfied with a half-assed response. The truth was out of the question. There was no way Stryx would let him and Darrek do something as daring as going out into Dakovis in the middle of the night.

"Well we're trapped in a manor with trigger happy assholes waiting for us outside. And our only way out comes in the form of someone 90% of us don't even trust." Kairo shrugged. "Sounds like a pretty rough experience to me."
“I see.” Stryx agreed. “Has our host made any mention of how he intends to escape? He seems to be the type to have a plan.”
Kairo shook his head in silence. "Nothing new." He mentioned. "Only that he'll allow us to follow him while he searches for the escape route."
“Yes . . . I was talking with Maye earlier. Seeing how long you two have been out here, I felt it necessary to get both your accounts on your experiences.

He mentioned that our former Guest knew exactly where our settlement is. and even the location of the Noah.” He glanced down at the lower levels.
“That makes him even more of a threat, you realize.”
“You’re right.” Kairo admitted, watching as Stryx glanced down the staircase. Dracon could do a lot of damage if he really felt like it.

“Another reason to try and get on his good side then.”
“It may not be that easy, Hunjan.” Stryx said.
“But that’ll be one bridge we’ll come to another time, I suppose. We’ll talk later.” He said and walked past Kairo to go downstairs.
Kairo nodded, watching as the commander left to head downstairs. The last part of their conversation still fresh in his mind. ‘It May not be that easy’ the man had said, and Kairo knew that. He honestly wished it was, but the world rarely was like that. He looked down at the bowl of stew, stirring it slightly to let out the heat. As soon as word got out to the citizens of the Noah of an intelligent race besides them, Kairo knew things would start going south. Hell, Stryx’s men would probably kill Darrek with just the tiniest bit of an incentive, let alone Dracon.

Stryx was right, as always. But Kairo didn’t want to think about that now. He was too tired of trying to bridge these damn relations. He just wanted stew. And so as the sun set on the horizon, finishing said stew was the only thing he did.
Eventually, night swept over the ruins of Dakovis. The moon was bright as it had been every night, and stars glittered the sky.
There were two soldiers on watch as everyone else attempted to catch sleep (which proved to be much easier with full stomachs).
Rufus snored quietly with his pistol in hand and his position facing the closest entry point in the kitchen.
Victor too had fallen asleep nearby.

Stryx had retreated to the living room to stand guard over those of his men attempting to rest as well.
Kairo was waiting patiently at the entrance hall. Leaning on the front door as he awaited Darrek’s arrival. His crossbow balancing on the wall adjacent to him. It was about prime time for them to enact out their plan, Stryx being the only one awake at the moment. He couldn’t help but feel like some kind of hidden agent, or a robber. But he swore that what he was doing now would benefit the group. That syndroid had some heavy tech on’em, having that could easily turn this battle in their favour.
Soon, the Irokai arrived with a large sack in hand.
“Hey.” He greeted. “Anyone see you grab that?” The crossbow drew his gaze.
“Uhhh . . . I have a lantern, but I can see decently in the dark anyway.” He whispered his boast with a gesture to his reptilian eyes.
“Found a back door so we can sneak around into town.”
Kairo rolled his eyes. He used to feel lucky having 20/20 vision. Now it almost felt like he was vision-impaired compared to Darrek. "Whatever. Lets do this." He whispered. "Lead the way."
“Alright, this way.” Darrek said, and started creeping through the house. The fact that a person as large and broad as he could move stealthily was impressive. Then again, his entire species were at their core predators.

The two maneuvered through the manor quietly, until reaching the rear section of the house.

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