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Fantasy Kaizoic: Earth Reborn

Kairo nodded, slightly reassured that Darrek at least wasn’t holding it against him. Still though, the air around them still felt tense and shrouded in emotion. He couldn’t tell how Darrek was feeling, his face almost unreadable to him at the moment. That was more then a little odd. Kairo wasn’t the best at reading the air, but he knew enough that something so major like that should’ve caused a reaction out of Darrek.

“Does it feel any better?” Kairo asked, hoping to understand the irokai. “Now that you know the truth.”
“It’s . . . Hard to explain, Kairo.” He sighed. “I mean . . . I know who my family is.

But they’re dead. Mostly.
And the one that’s been alive this whole time kept it all a secret.

But . . .
Apparently it was all for me. Don’t understand how though.”
Kairo paused for a second as he tried to think that through. Darrek was right, why did Dracon hide all of that from him. That, and the fact that Dracon had always stayed distant from his brother. It just didn’t make any sense. If he really was keep his brothers whereabouts unknown, then why watch him from afar. If the people who destroyed dakovis were looking for them, then why wasn’t there a single move made for so long?

Questions without answers. Again, that looked like all he’d be left with. It was becoming increasingly frustrating for him alone, let alone Darrek. The situation just didn’t make sense to Kairo. But then again, Bom and Cräga were in on it too. That must have meant that Dracon’s reason must have at least been logical.

Whatever it was, Kairo didn’t doubt Dracon’s intentions one bit.

“There must be a reason that he did it.” Kairo replies, certainty unwavering. “I don’t see another explanation as too why he’d put off from telling you.”
“Maybe . . . Maybe when this is all over I’ll have time to ask him in detail about it.” He said quietly.
“So . . .” He looked around the house. “Any ideas on how we get out?”
Kairo smiled reassuringly in response, his good hand placed on the irokai’s back to signify his support.

“I’m not sure. Honestly, I’m putting all my hopes on Dracon to be able to get us out.” Kairo answered as he looked out a window towards the walls of the town. “Kind of feel like checking out if there’s any parts of that syndroid we can salvage, far as I remember he’s had some pretty serious weaponry on him. But I don’t think I’ll be getting the clearance to head out when things are this screwed up.”
“Well I’m not actually with you guys, am I?” Darrek winked. “And that’s not a bad idea . . .” He looked out the window.
“Wanna go for it when it gets dark?”
Kairo’s eyebrows perked at the prospect that he’d originally brushed aside. Before a shit-eating smile began forming on his face. Having Darrek’s support in his plan really did do glorious things to his confidence.

“Well if you put it that way, then I guess we have to do it.” Kairo nodded. “As soon as the sun sets we’ll go out to where we last saw the droid. Shouldn’t take me too long to figure out what’s useful and what’s not....might need some kind of light though.”
“Perfect!” Kairo exclaimed, sounding more then a bit too excited to be searching through a machines dead body. “Then I guess we’ve got ourselves a deal.”
“And I take it we keep this little venture to ourselves?” Darrek grinned toothily, a childlike spark of mischief in his reptilian eyes.
It was a reminder on how the similarities between Archo and humankind could be seen through the subtlest detail.
Kairo expression was almost matching of Darrek’s. The two so different, yet still able to share so many of the common experiences and emotions the other had. It brought a bit of hope to Kairo.

Besides that, it would be nice to get out of this house just for a second, have a bit of fun. Even if that fun was accompanied with a high chance of dying, letting loose a little was the only thing that would keep his sanity in check. Besides, he’s almost died hundreds of times already, what’s one more to add to that list.

“Pfft of course! Unless we find anything valuable, no one needs to know anything.” He said. “It’ll be our secret.”
The young Irokai chuckled, and gestured away from them.
“I’m going to look around some more until then.
After we eat, let’s meet around the back to see if there’s a door we can sneak out through.”
A few hours passed until the smells of cooked meat and broth began to seep into the lower levels of the manor.
Even Rufus awoke from his brief rest by the window to smell the aroma growing around them.

“The hell is that coming from?” He asked, mostly to himself.
Kairo had been lazing near the window. Waiting to eat so that he and Darrek could go out on their mission. The natural light from the sun began to fade, bathing the town in auburn and golden shadows. A view that almost made Kairo feel peaceful. He had to admit. He'd only be able to see things like this in this new world. If only he could share views like these with the people from his past life. His parents, his friends. Maybe that would make this moment worth the constant cycle of danger and death.

He sighed. Resting his chin against the windowsill as he let his mind wander. He'd almost fallen asleep when the sound of Rufus's voice startled him. "Ack fuck what?" He said, clearly caught off guard. He untensed once he realized it was only Rufus. "Oh....its you." He said. "Dracon's been cooking something up in the basement. Me and Darrek managed to convince him to share it with us" A hint of a smile began forming on his face "Can I get a thank you?"
Rufus smirked. “If he doesn’t poison us for barging in the house . . . then sure thing, kid.” He stood up and watched the remaining seven soldiers make glances toward the kitchen doorway, where Dracon’s clawed feet thumped on the stone floor.
Kairo could only smile at that as he looked back outside at the falling sun. "I'll get you to try it first then." Kairo teased, head resting on his arm.
The Tattered Feral soon was passing through the house with bowls of steaming stew on a large platter, and set them on the living room table.
Without any utterance, Dracon turned and walked back into the kitchen.

Two Republic soldiers were nearby, and glanced between each other and the recent offer with confusion.
Rufus too eyed the soup with weary temptation.
Kairo glanced over at the Republic soldiers, watching their conflict between hunger and weariness. He rolled his eyes at the scene, getting off from his spot near the window and heading towards the dining room. He made sure to cross through the kitchen, just so he could thank Dracon and maybe show these guys that he wasn't as big of a threat as they thought he was.

Once he was within the dining room, he pulled back the chair that was just slightly too big, sat down, and began eating promptly without much hesitation. He looked at the two soldiers, then at Rufus, as if inviting them over. "Mmm, its been such a long time since I've had anything this good." He commented. "There's enough for everyone ya know?"
Dracon was sitting on the opposite end of the same table with a larger bowl of his own when Kairo entered.
When the human sat down in the dust caked chair, the Irokai immediately tensed and his eyes widened as they narrowed on Kairo.

He was still as stone when he spoke.
“Get. Out. Of. That chair.” He growled through gritted fangs.
Kairo tensed equally as much at Dracon's sudden change of expression. As soon as he collected his composure, the first thing he did was to adhere with what the irokai ordered him to do. Quickly getting off the chair, he didn't even dare to slide it back in.

As much as he tried to appear calm, Kairo was internally screaming. He was attempting to support the irokai. Hopefully show the others around him that Dracon wasn't as sketchy of a person as they once deemed. But that quickly went down the drain. Kairo looked around at the faces of the soldiers who saw the whole ordeal. They seemed just as taken aback as he was. Couldn't they just have one day where everything wouldn't constantly go to shit.

"I....I guess I'll take this to the stairs then." Kairo muttered, clearly still surprised by Dracon's reaction. There was no reason for him to stay next to the irokai right now, especially when nothing he did ever seemed to help anyway. He grabbed the bowl of stew gently off the table before leaving the dining room. Where he stormed off up to the third floor in hopes of having some privacy.
Dracon eyed Kairo’s departure, and then looked at the soldiers. With his sudden flare of temper subsiding, he sighed and politely sipped a gulp of the brew and looked at the two.

“Eat.” He said before lowering his gaze to focus on his meal.

On the third floor, among the scorched wood and splingered rails, Stryx was knelt down and taking samples of the residual ash. A board creaked under Kairo’s weight and the Commander glanced his way.

“Hunjan.” He greeted.
"Commander." Kairo greeted back, slightly disappointed to find the man here. Well there went his plans of having a bit of privacy. He sat down right next to the staircase, bowl of soup awkwardly perched on his knee since he only had one hand to support it.

"There's stew in the living room if you're feeling hungry."
“I can smell it.” Stryx said. “I’ll get some when I’m done here.”
He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small device with an open port. He pinched some of the wetted ash into the opening and slipped the cover over the tiny hole.
Then the device began to hum, and Stryx awaited the result of whatever the tool was doing.
Kairo idolly watched as Stryx did whatever he was doing. The stew was still admittedly way to hot for him to eat at the moment.

"What are you doing." He asked in an attempt to forget the standoff he had with Dracon.

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