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Fantasy Kaizoic: Earth Reborn

Kairo only sighed. Trying to combat the rise of emotions that were building up inside of him. His fist clenched as Dracon forced him to recount the recent tale.
"Archo." Kairo mumbled. "He was one of Bazin's, and I shot him clean in the chest."
"I...I don't know." Kairo looked down, finding it intensely challenging to meet Dracon's gaze. The irokai really had a way of screwing up his composure. Even now, with no knife against his throat or weapon to threaten his life, he found himself trying desperately not to let all this get to him.

"He was gunning for my friends. The people I've been trying to protect. And I wish I could say that it was hard to convince myself to do it, but it wasn't." Kairo gritted his teeth, the shot that killed the Vindav came quickly. He'd barely thought of it, hell he even tried to compare it with target practice! That lack of remorse for someone's life was something he never thought he'd be capable of. Something he'd condemned almost all his life. But now.....

"It hurts....thinking about it." Kairo looked up, wiping off what appeared to be tears welling up in his eyes.
“Hmmmm.” Dracon turned away. “You confuse me.” He said harshly. “You choose to kill an Archo first probably because it was the easier choice, but then again I remember you from my time on your peoples’ ship.

Thank you for at least trying to ensure my safety.”
“It wasn’t the easier choice!” Kairo argued back. He was just shooting at the first person he could see. At least he hoped that was the case.

“And...you don’t have to thank me for that. Not like anything I did back there changed anything.” He added. “Besides, I did need to make up for what happened on the ship.”
“Hmm.” Dracon nodded. “Take this coal and put it in the fireplace over there in the corner.” He ordered, and scraped off some nearby leaves in the broth.
Kairo only gave a light nod, as he grabbed the bag of coal and carried it towards the fireplace. He was surprised how heavy the bag was, considering Dracon was able to carry it with just his tail. It really signified just how much weaker Kairo really was then this irokai. He definitely felt that way with every single encounter with the irokai.

Once the coal was placed in the fireplace, he patted his hands a few times before looking
back at Dracon. The past conversation still weighing heavily on his mind. Out of everyone he could have opened up to. Dracon definitely wasn’t one of the top choices. To be fair, he was forced into it. But that still didn’t change the fact that he did. Maybe now would be a good time to bring that other point up. He’d been wondering about it for a while.

“What happened to this place?” Kairo said, waiting at the fireplace. “I heard rumours of a wildfire. But after seeing the plasma burns. I feel like...there’s more to it.”
Dracon reached out and tore off the hind leg of the skinned and smoked deer.
“That’s not important right now.” He grumbled.
Kairo gave a curt nod in understanding. If he wasn't ready to share something like that, then he wouldn't force it out. Instead, he watched as Dracon ripped off the deers leg like it was a chicken drumstick.

Wincing a little at Dracon's sheer strength, he sought to lighten up the mood. "Ya know. I'm surprised you haven't ripped my head off yet." Kairo nonchalantly said, he found himself realizing that it was only half a joke. "You're strong enough to win those muscleman competitions back in the old world."
“You haven’t given me a reason to.” He said blankly.
“Keep that in mind as you’re around my brother.” The scarred face turned back to face Kairo.
Kairo felt as though he was talking to his girlfriends protective father. Except he was pretty sure Dracon words weren't hollow and just meant to scare. He had his right hand to prove that. But still, he met Dracons gaze. Expression genuine and serious as he replied.

"Your brother is safe with me. I'll make sure of it." Kairo said. "If not for him, then for my head." The last part was announced with a tone of humour.
Dracon started shredding meat from bone with his claws as though he were peeling away wrapping paper.
“See that you do.” He grumbled.
A grumble. That was much better then most of the reactions Dracon would give him. A victory on Kairo’s part for sure.

“Need help with anything?” He asked.
He tore away enough of the smoked flesh to reveal the white bone beneath.
“Light the fire if you can.” He barked, then dropped the strips of deer meat in the pot.

The Critters watched from above and twitched their ears curiously.
Kairo nodded, and quickly got to work. But the man quickly ran into his very first problem the moment he acquired some flint and steel from next to the fireplace.

This was gonna be really hard to do with one hand.

He crouched down, laying the flint and steel on the floor as he racked his head on how to do this simple task. There wasn't gonna be any way he could do this without looking like an absolute fool. Taking a quick glance up, Kairo saw the forms of the critters eyeing the two of them as they worked. That's great, an audience. He smiled up at the critters and gave them a quick wave. He wondered if they'd be able to realize Kairo's incompetence. Maybe they were talking to each other in their own little way. Then if that's the case, he was pretty sure they'd be making fun of him really soon.

Kairo didn't mind though as he turned his attention back to the fireplace. He needed some way to keep the steel still when he struck it. Sitting on the ground, he placed the flint in between his boots. Using the soles of his boots as clamps for the steel, he tried striking the flint that way. Instead of getting sparks to fly, it was the steel that did instead.

Kairo grumbled a bit at his misfortune, before attempting the same trick a few more times. Eventually getting the sparks to grow into an actual fire. Getting up, he inspected his handiwork, a smile on his face. Who knew he could be such a good cripple.

"Fire's ready." Kairo said, faking a yawn. "Give me a harder task next time, will ya?"
“Your pride is annoying.” Dracon said sharply.
“Stop it.”

The Feral plucked some berries from a nearby porcelain dish and tossed them up to his trio of pets.
Each one reached out to grasp the handful of berries, catching a few and the rest fell harmlessly to the floor as they enjoyed their treat.
“Oh.” Kairo said, sounding a bit surprised at Dracon’s words. This guy really wasn’t one for messing around. “Ummm. Okay”

He’d spend the rest of his time waiting by the fireplace, occasionally glancing over at the critters. Hoping for Darrek to come to break up the awkward silence.
Darrek finally returned with a second large pot in hand. The younger Irokai precariously descended the stairs with the iron cookware awkwardly held to his chest.

“I found one.” He said to the two. “Better be the right size, cause I’m not going back there for Victor to make another kitchen joke.”

Dracon glanced at his brother’s graceless arrival and glanced at Kairo.
“Stir this.” He ordered, and pulled out a wooden spoon from a nearby drawer. He turned away and took the pot from Darrek.
“This is exactly the right one.” He assured, albeit in a neutral tone. “Thank you.”

Darrek blinked. “Uhhh . . . You’re welcome.” He looked at Kairo. “You two getting along then, maybe?” He said with a half chuckle.

“He’s one of the more tolerable Archaic.” Dracon complimented, and carried the pot near the fireplace.
Kairo's eyes lit up. Was that? A compliment? It didn't sound like one at all, but coming from the mouth of Dracon, that was just about the nicest thing he'd ever said to Kairo. A smile now beaming, he continued the stir the pot with newfound vigour.

As he was doing that, he gave Darrek a quick nudge. "You hear that?" He said, sounding all smug and happy. "He called me tolerable."
"Familiar?" Kairo said, taking a quick whiff of the stew. Darrek was right, this did smell familiar.

"...I think Craga made this before." Kairo answered, thinking back to the first real meal he'd eaten back at the inn. "Perfect...I liked the stew Craga whipped up."
Darrek recalled the smell of Cräga’s cooking and looked to Dracon, who was shredding more of the deer to feed the other humans residing in the upper floors.

“How do you know this recipe? Cräga teach it to you?” He asked.

Dracon paused and was silent.
“No.” He finally said. “It was actually father’s that he taught to Dakheva, and we learned it from her.”


“Our sister.” The eldest Kendalt son cut him off. “My twin sister, actually.” He sighed. “Her name was Dakheva.”
Kairo listened in but decided that speaking wasn't a good idea at the moment. This seemed rather private, and Kairo really had no right to budge in on something like that. So he continued to stir the pot, fading into the background as that happened. Though as much as he consciously tried not to listen in to the conversation, Kairo was just to curious to keep his focus away.
“Twin sister?” Darrek remembered the appearance of the Kendalt daughter from the family portrait. “You two don’t look too alike.” He joked.

“I was the runt, obviously.” Dracon replied. “She was always protective of me.” A smile crept over his mauled lip. “Mother too. Between the two, I had a sheltered early life.”

Darrek’s own smile grew. “You had to be protected? You?” He laughed.

“Yes.” He nodded. “You don’t know this, but Irokai runts have a reputation for not living long past hatching.”

The younger brother fell silent. “Oh . . . I uh . . .”

“Don’t feel bad for asking questions.” Dracon assured. “Answering them is something you’ve been owed far too long.”
He returned to preparing the humans’ portion of the deer.

Darrek glanced at Kairo, and then back to Dracon.
“Where are they now?”

The Feral stopped and leaned forward as a heavy sigh swept past his teeth.
“They’re not here . . . So that should say enough on its own.”
Kairo had to say. The thought of Dracon being was almost impossible to imagine. To imagine Dracon, this brutish, battle-hardened irokai, as someone that needed protecting? He would have rather eaten dirt then believed something like that. Though alas, it was the case, and Kairo couldn’t help but smile a bit at the peculiarity of it all. He hid it well, with his back turned from Dracon.

As Kairo intermittently stirred the pot, he realized that this was the first time he’d felt at least slightly relaxed during this whole ordeal. Here he was, attempting to be a good cook, while his friend was having a conversation with his brother. Albeit said conversation was pretty deep, knowing that Darrek was finally getting the closure he needed gave Kairo an innate sense of happiness for the irokai. This was something he must have worried about his whole life, and he was finally getting those answers. Something he could definitely be glad about.

That was until, Kairo heard the grim news of what happened to the rest of Darreks family.

Kairo stopped stirring for a second, before placing the spoon down as if he’d finished to make things a bit more natural. Though in reality, he was surprised by the sudden shift in mood. He expected them to be dead. But to have it confirmed was something else. He stayed put, not a word spoken as he continued to listen in on the conversation. Only giving Darrek the occasional concerned glance.
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