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Fantasy Kaizoic: Earth Reborn

Kairo made his way after the older man, not wasting a second as he caught up to him. Before he left the room, he turned back to look at Darrek.

“You coming along?” He asked.
The Irokai tried to look into the kitchen where Dracon had dragged Victor.

“What’s going on? Is that Victor?” He asked curiously.

Meanwhile, Stryx followed the Feral with concern on his face.
"....Ouch" Kairo seethed as he caught a better view of the battered Victor from the upper floor. The man looked deathly hurt, and with the fact that he was *here* of all places with Dracon? That pain wasn't gonna go away anytime soon. As much as he didn't want to, Kairo couldn't help but pity him. "Yeah, I think it's him."

Kairo hastily went down the stairs, watching carefully as Dracon dragged Victor into the kitchen. No time was wasted as Kairo found himself at the kitchen doorframe in moments. "What's going on?" Kairo asked, voice raised and concerned.
“Found him in the building.” Dracon replied blankly before heaving the dust covered and bruised human onto a nearby table. The wood creaked and the bowls on the nearby shelves rattled from the impact.
“He’s one of the ones that attacked, yes?” The Feral snarled.

Victor coughed and groaned. “Where the hell am I?”

Dracon curled his lip and gripped his throat. “Should I kill him now?”

Darrek blinked, as he watched from the entryway. “Just like that? That’s cold.”

Stryx came in from behind him. “Don’t kill him.” He said.
Kairo reached out in an attempt to stop Dracon, but it seemed Stryx beat him to it as the Commander voiced the order in his authoritative tone. He couldn't help but sigh in relief to that. As much as he hated this man's guts, there was already too much death today. That vindav Kairo ruthlessly murdered popping into his head. No, there wasn't a need to kill any more people.

"Stryx is right." Kairo added. "He's on the other side, but I think he might prove useful to us."
Dracon glared at the humans.
“And if he wasn’t one of your kind you’d let the ‘animals’ kill each other, yes?” He spat.

Rufus was standing furthest away, but was wary of Dracon’s temper.
Kairo seemed slightly taken aback by that. It wasn't surprising the way that Dracon had reacted, but Kairo was barely in control of his composure at this point. He didn't even understand who that remark was directed at, most likely all of them. But Kairo still took it as a personal offense.

"Well you certainly aren't helping us change that perception." He retaliated, fist clenched involuntarily. "You realize YOU'RE the only one of them half of these men have seen before today? If you could just act a bit more civilized then maybe these people wouldn't be so wary of your kind!" That last line was almost delivered in a shout. There clearly wasn't any backing out now. "So let him go. And maybe we can actually work this shit out."
Dracon snorted at Kairo, and then tossed the man roughly to the floor.
“Do what you like with him then. I’ll keep watch.” He growled as he stomped past the group, shoving Kairo and Stryx as he went.
Kairo only glared at the Dracon as the irokai shoved him. Before his anger dissipated. An audible sigh signifying that even if he was less irritated than before, the young man clearly still wasn't ready to hold hands and sing Kumbaya with the irokai who had just threatened Victor's life.

Speaking of Victor, he wasn't entirely sure of what to do with him. He watched the man, not entirely sure if he was actually conscious or still delusional. Hopefully Stryx would know what to do with him.
The man groaned in pain, and stumbled to his feet. Once he was stable, he managed to wipe some of the dried blood and matted dirt from his eyes. Now he could see who all was in the room with him.

He looked between Rufus, Kairo, and Darrek.
“Oh you got to be joking.”
"Nice to see you two." Kairo quipped. "Though there's a third-floor window....and a transmitter that wouldn't think the same."
“You have any idea how much that bot cost me?” Victor snapped. “How in the hell did you know we were coming?” He glanced at Stryx. “Didn’t think you had backup.”
“I feel like the amount of money you lost shouldn’t be what’s on your mind right now.” Kairo said, eyes glaring bullets at Victor. Still, Kairo didn’t make any move to threaten the man. He completely ignored Victor’s other statement. “What the hell do you guys want following us all the way here.”
“Well I was under the impression that we were going to nab you two and hand you over to the Empire.” Victor replied. “But I’m thinking Bazin just wants to get even.”
Kairo thought that over for a moment. Eyes narrowing as he tried to take it in. If Victor was being serious about all that? Then the reason for this battle, all the pain and anguish that was happened on both sides, was just so Bazin could satisfy his urge for revenge?

He really couldn’t understand the irokai. In fact, he didn’t think he’d ever be able to understand flawed logic like that. They’d lost lives today, over a dumb little quarrel Bazin had. He thought back to what happened in the inn. Back to when the irokai was burning in the alcoholic trap he got himself in. If only he died then and there. For the first time in his life, Kairo wished death upon another person.

He sighed, rubbing his eyebrows. “And your just okay with that?” Kairo asked, hoping that he’d receive the answer he was looking for. If Bazin wasn’t sane, there had to be someone in that group that was. “He used you all, for nothing but his own personal gain.”
“I work with him. Not for him.” Victor replied. “I just provide the guns, right Darrek?”

The Irokai scowled. “Screw you, Victor.”

“Love you too.” The human smirked. “So, what? You going to start questioning me on a peaceful solution or something? I’m willing to listen, but there’s a price if you want to walk out of here.”

Stryx sneered.
Kairo didn’t want to hear what that was, but if they were going to get anywhere with this. It would probably be a good idea to hear him out anyway.

“What’s your price.” Kairo asked with as much resolve as he could muster
“You tell us where the rest of you all are holed up, and I may convince Bazin to let you walk free.” He crossed his arms with a grin.
Kairo looked at Victor as if he’d gone crazy. Clearly he wasn’t going to agree to something like that.

“What? No!” Kairo said, sounding completing uninterested in that whatsoever. “There’s no give and take with that, it’s just a terrible idea!” He added on. “You should be careful. We’re the ones with the leverage here.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure.” Victor smirked. “The odds aren’t in your favor here.”

Rufus pulled his pistol and switched the safety off.
“Wanna see how well those odds fare with a bullet to the brain?”
Upon seeing the sight, Kairos first instinct was to tell Rufus to stop. But he stopped himself from doing that. They needed to take a new approach with this anyway. Kairo just hoped that Rufus was bluffing. He definitely didn’t want to see someone’s face blown to pieces in high quality. He stood back, watching the tense exchange intensely.
“You don’t scare me, fossil.” Victor chuckled. “I seen scarier than you.”

Darrek began to growl, a sound he had not made often in the time Kairo or Rufus had known him.
Stryx stepped forward and put a hand on Rufus’s shoulder.
“Does your boss know you’re still here?”

“Probably. He’ll send some guys to come get me soon.” Victor answered. “So it doesn’t matter what you do, it’ll end the same.”
Darrek's growl did not go unnoticed to Kairo. He looked over at the irritated Irokai, surprise written on his face. He'd never seen the guy this angry before, even if it was with good reason. This, coupled with Darrek's previous revelation must have really been getting to him.

He didn't know if he should've felt saddened or pissed off by how this was affecting his friend. But one thing was for sure, his disdain for Victor was definitely growing. Disdain being a fair bit of sugarcoating.

"Don't get worked up over him," Kairo spoke softly, nudging Darrek to get his attention. "He doesn't deserve it."
He then looked back at Stryx. "Sir. What are we going to do about that?"
The Commander frowned, and reached for his commlink.
“Sergeant? Bring one of your men in here.

I want eyes on the walls, and a man guarding the one just brought in here.”

Victor only kept his smirk. “Taking me prisoner? How original.”

Rufus holstered his pistol and looked at Kairo.
“Let’s go.” He said, and the concern on his face told he probably knew more than what Kairo did on the situation
Kairo wasn’t entirely sure why Rufus wanted him to leave with him, but with how the man seemed to be reacting, it prompted him to follow.

“Tell is if anything else goes on okay?” He said to Darrek, before following Rufus out.

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